There are tons of things driving me nuts, here's some:
Are they even trying to hide? Massive invasion, hiding from the enemy and they have the lights on everywhere. Alien planes come out of nowhere to blow up flares, but not campfires apparently. And they narrowly escape a death squad attack, hide out in a hospital close by- then kick the generator on, lighting up the entire building at night. Wow.
Also love how they let the harnessed kids wander all around their camp with no supervision. Even let them mess around alone in the communications room! Its not like these kids just had aliens attached to their brains or anything! Guards up and down the hallways but when somebody's robbing the medical supply or harnessed kid is running away to warn the skitters- none to be found. dumb
Oooo the part where stupid teacher surrenders to the dudes that made the child-deal with the skitters bout drove me nuts. The kids were pinned down in the house (and I LOVE how they just escaped but they stop to hide in an abandoned house and play piano). The baduys magically show up on the front lawn, then Pope shows up with a scoped m14 flanking the badguys. They turn and shoot Pope with CQC eotechs equiped- they wouldn't have even SEEN Pope with that rifle! But the wise and all knowing history teacher comes and takes Pope's bullets and gets everyone to surrender to these flanked killers with no cover. The way it should have happened: Pope and Hal kill 4 or 5 of the badguys, the remaining 1 or 2 surrender or run. What should have happened after the surrender: School teacher and his son would have been shot in the head, no reason to keep either of the troublemakers.
latest aggrivation. Red Eye Skitter kicks everyone out of the room to tell School Teacher he wants an alliance and that theyre about to be attacked by a death squad. School teacher doesn't seem in a hurry about the news and finally they're attacked and all the people kicked out of the room come running in wanting to kill Red Eye for causing the attack. This is STUPID. They've known FOREVER that the skitters are harnessed just like they're kids are and they treat Red Eye like he had a choice! AND they've never even acknowledged the "overlords" even though they've known about them for how long? grrrrr
best part ever was when stupid school teacher was scolding his son for allowing himself to be bait... "It wasn't smart" he said, and his kid replies "neither was getting on an alien space ship dad"