Fallout 3

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Damn it to hell and back 9 times.
I spent to many points on add ons for Gears 2 and Fable 2. I thought this wasn't coming out until March so i only got 425 left. Think they will reduce the price once the DLC in Feb comes out?

Oh nevermind, I just checked the prices on MS points and I can get 500 for 6.25. I thought the smallest amount I could get was 2000 for $25.

They should let us gamble with our MS points.
I wont read it because I dont want to be spoiled. Good or bad I will deal with it.

No real spoilers in the review. Just says that it's very short, linear and guts some of the features that makes the regular Fallout game fun.
I'm gonna have to wait a bit till I can get it also, but I have so much to do in the game as is anyway it's not too big a deal. So is this one an actual side quest all by itself or does it deal with the main story?
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Looks pretty cool. So is it an actual side quest? I haven't even finished the main quest yet, so I don't want it to spoil anything for me.
Can't wait to get this one, but I want to search around more before I add this into the mix.

Was up until early hours of this morning playing this bloody game, kill em all! hehehe

I like the power armour, it doesn't seem to slow me down that much to make it frustrating. It certainly takes alot of punishment. Now I just want to find that damn alien pistol!
Yeah I have plenty more to explore myself. I seem to be doing pretty good with that ranger combat armor I have, so far nothing lives long enough to give me much punishment anyway! :rock2 :D
lol well said. I survived on the combat armour for ages, but i'm a woman and I wanted the bad ass looking armour! :rock
Man....I talked
Eden into destroying the enclave and now the enemies seem to be twice as strong!
Can't wait to get this one, but I want to search around more before I add this into the mix.

Was up until early hours of this morning playing this bloody game, kill em all! hehehe

I like the power armour, it doesn't seem to slow me down that much to make it frustrating. It certainly takes alot of punishment. Now I just want to find that damn alien pistol!

Find the crashed ufo. I also came across a raider that had one haha.
The new Chinese Stealth Armor in the DLC is glitched. When you wear it it lets you wear two helmets. I'm looking for the best combinations now. This is an awesome glitch. I hope it doesn't get patched.
The new Chinese Stealth Armor in the DLC is glitched. When you wear it it lets you wear two helmets. I'm looking for the best combinations now. This is an awesome glitch. I hope it doesn't get patched.

If Oblivion is any indication, all the best glitches will eventually be corrected. :(
The new Chinese Stealth Armor in the DLC is glitched. When you wear it it lets you wear two helmets. I'm looking for the best combinations now. This is an awesome glitch. I hope it doesn't get patched.

What two helmets?

Im kinda upset you dont get the armor you wear during the DLC with the ski mask and goggles
When this game first came out, I bought it, opened it up, played a few hours, and thought to myself that I hated it. This was during the time where every 2 weeks good games were coming out. (during the holidays)

During this lul of new releases, I went back to play this game again to give another chance. Now that I got used to the mechanics and got few more quests under my blet, I LOVE it and am hooked. Just like the Oblivion Days again.
ARGH! These bobbleheads are driving me nuts, been to over 110 locations and only found 7! Going to have to go back on myself as I must have missed some.