Family Guy: McCain/Palin =Nazi's

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This thread has got me wanting to re-read Mother Night by Vonnegut. Great novel about how one can find one's self suddenly complicent with the side of evil they thought they were opposing the entire time.
Honestly, I still stick by my statement that it was just a funny jab. One meant to say that a Nazi would vote McCain/Palin... It in no way came off as saying that the GOP is the same as the Nazi party, and would not make people believe that to be so.

It was just a stupid off color joke made by a silly cartoon.... It's really crazy to try and take such a thing seriously.
Oh, I agree with you. I wasn't talking about Bush, I was talking about conservatives in general. Comparing us, on any conceivable level, with the nazi party in WWII Germany is terrifying. It makes me wonder how many of the people who feel that way would want to take away my rights, and maybe even (in some extreme cases) remove me from society.

Trust me, I feel for you guys. I was a Republican, and know what it is like to be ridiculed by friends. That said, I have gotten older since then, and have done a 180 on politics. I feel I am still independent, but lean Democratic. I do not condone any attacks by any party, and am sorry for those who feel the brunt of it. Politics is like sports, everyone should be able to get along, no matter who won the World Series.

That said though, we are talking about FAMILY GUY.
Trust me, I feel for you guys. I was a Republican, and know what it is like to be ridiculed by friends. That said, I have gotten older since then, and have done a 180 on politics. I feel I am still independent, but lean Democratic. I do not condone any attacks by any party, and am sorry for those who feel the brunt of it. Politics is like sports, everyone should be able to get along, no matter who won the World Series.

That said though, we are talking about FAMILY GUY.

This is why I'm begging people to be civil on BOTH sides. We have got to inject some civility back into the political process, or this country is headed someplace very ugly. I know it's cliched, but we have to disagree without being disagreeable.
Cat's Cradle is my favorite book!

Sweet! I think Breakfast of Champions might be mine. It changes, they're all so good. I miss Kurt and Hunter Thompson. Two of my favourites who would've enjoyed this bizarre mess we find ourselves in.
This thread has got me wanting to re-read Mother Night by Vonnegut. Great novel about how one can find one's self suddenly complicent with the side of evil they thought they were opposing the entire time.

Kind of like Anakin Skywalker and Republicans! You're subtle Chicken.....
Yeah, you do have a point there. :lol

An overview of Family Guy in one Picture:


Kind of like Anakin Skywalker and Republicans! You're subtle Chicken.....

Maybe. :D Lay down with dogs and stand up with fleas they say.


Seriously, for both sides, if there is a lesson to be learned from the Nazis, and evil in general, it is to be very careful who you throw your support in with, Hitler was elected after all by a group of people who were scared, desperate and loved their country. Very few mustache twirling, dressed all in black villains out there. Most come to you with a smile and sweet, hollow words couched in feelings of national pride and a hidden, seething hatred for those different than themselves. Pay attention to not only the leader, but listen to the rhetoric of those fellow supporters around you, that will clue you in even more than the standard playbook of fear mongering and nationalism that every politician uses. If your group is preaching violence, hate and cynicism, plans of controlling, restricting or punishing other groups, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate your allegiance to that party, or at the very least denounce the violence and aggression when you hear them.
OMG, LIBERAL BIAS!!! Everyone run, or at least complain and act all outraged!

Seriously, who cares. At least this was a pretty good Family Guy episode for a change.
Actually, the widespread anti-conservative hate and propaganda rampant in the country (and even in this forum) right now are far more terrifying to me than anything said by a few malcontents.

There is extreme hate on both sides. Depending on which side we stand depends on which hate we (choose) to notice.
There is extreme hate on both sides. Depending on which side we stand depends on which hate we (choose) to notice.

Hitler's power rose from the fact that he was able to unify the hatred. He brought the nihilist, socialist Left together with the militarist, nationalist Right.

Calling Bush a Nazi is hyperbole. It's childish, for one, but it also belies a total ignorance of what happened in Germany in 1925 (not to mention an egregious disrespect for the victims of the Reich). Bush and his administration have too great a polarizing influence to be even remotely in the same class as Hitler.

The same could be said of Obama. As fascist as his political vision is, it's heavily slanted to the pole opposite Bush, and he could never synthesize the disparate fascist tendencies of the American public in the way the Hitler was able to do with Germany. He has the power to make a colossal mess, but I don't think he has the power to unite the worst within us.

With any luck, such a man won't be waiting on the other side of his Presidency. Maybe by that time, someone worth a damn will have appeared.

Someone like Beatrix Kiddo. :lecture
Ah, but does he have the power to unite the best within us? Let us hope. :chew

I doubt it. In spades. The best within us is not our ability to excrete huge mounds of 'social capital' or the like.

If he wants our best, he should be talking about abolishing the income tax, capital gains tax, phasing out the Federal Reserve, ending threats of universal healthcare and carbon credits, and in general, promoting liberty instead of a creeping governmental conquest of the entire private sector.
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