?? Wtf ?
Still SM2 for me.
Anyone tell me what was so good about Spiderman 2?
Anyone tell me what was so good about Spiderman 2?
Trying to think of some Amazing Spiderman aspects that wowed me......................nope. Nothing.
Pretty much just Doc Ock
The battle in the school, crawling on the ceiling and all over the lizard.
The FPS scenes
Captain Stacy showing up to help
- Amazing Spider-Man
- Spider-Man 2
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man 3
ASM captuares everything a superhero movie should be and everything a perfect spider-man movie should have... pain, loss, heroism, love, courage, romance, suffering, comedy, action, a kick ass costume, friendship, a badass villain.
i still like the previous films, and am a huge spidey fan, but this film does everthing those films did right and does everything right that those films did wrong. from webshooters, to the way Spidey moves, to his pain and loss, it handles all the elements in perfect balance.
I originally voted ASM, but I rewatched SM 2 a couple nights ago.
I have to weigh a much improved Peter Parker and a hotter female co star in ASM against a perfect Doc Ock, awesome Spidey costume, and of course a god like rendition of J Jonah in SM2.
Its close, but I'm starting to think I should have voted 2 as being the best. They should have had Jonah in this and they should have executed the villain better.
My thoughts almost exactly.