Fear The Walking Dead

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Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Yea...I'm not feeling this one. I'll give it a shot and hope they can produce something that isn't just a shadow of the original show, but I'm hard pressed to see just how they'll pull that off. The one thing they could do that some fans - not me - have been interested in is go to more of an explanation of the situation. More of what we saw in season 1 with the CDC - with a big city like LA, they could go with more stories around here's what created the walkers, here's how we stop the walkers, etc. I'm not for it, since I prefer the more realistic "we're just survivors, how the hell would we know what's going on" approach, but at least that would be different and would answer some of the complaints of some viewers.

If they just give us more people trying to survivor in America, it seems like they'll be rehashing story lines pretty quick. First episode already mentions a school and a hospital...how soon before we get a prison?
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

LA is such a cliche locale. I would rather see it in a completely different country. I think TWD: Russia would be awesome. You get a eastern prospective on it... AND snow.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

LA is such a cliche locale. I would rather see it in a completely different country. I think TWD: Russia would be awesome. You get a eastern prospective on it... AND snow.

I would have settled for WD: Canada or even WD: Mexico :lol

even WD Hawaii or WD Alaska just to break out the monotony lol :rotfl
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

even if they just filmed the new show where they made Breaking Bad it would have been different enough. even if they use the same streets and everything

I agree that the desert would be a nice change.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

I agree with Crawford. Should deal with a group trying to stop the zombie outbreak or else it's just a rehash.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Good for them, but I have no interest in another show at the moment.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

I was hoping for something a bit more inspired than Los Angeles. Again.

Would've been nicer to watch zombies eat a bunch of hippies in Seattle or something. Maybe Minneapolis. Something completely different from Atlanta, but not so mundane as L.A. Something with a more distinctive regional culture than L.A. -- where the setting can become part of what makes the show unique (like Kentucky in Justified, Atlanta in the original TWD, or North Dakota in Fargo).

Actually, Walking Dead: Fargo would've been ideal.

Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Would love snow but I'm guessing it just completely plays too much havok on shooting. But LA is lame. New Orleans with the swamps, Miami with the tropical background, Detroit would be decay on top of decay. Could have gone a lot of ways. But LA suggests easy shooting and nice weather.

And I thought the twd video game would just be another rehash but it's actually fantastic. I watch it like a regular show.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Would love snow but I'm guessing it just completely plays too much havok on shooting. But LA is lame. New Orleans with the swamps, Miami with the tropical background, Detroit would be decay on top of decay. Could have gone a lot of ways. But LA suggests easy shooting and nice weather.

And I thought the twd video game would just be another rehash but it's actually fantastic. I watch it like a regular show.

Snow isn't too complicated for Fargo, and I doubt it's budget is anywhere near The Walking Dead's.

I think New Orleans would've been too similar to Atlanta ... not much difference between Georgia forests and Louisiana swampland. Maybe Miami, I guess. Still, Florida swampland. Vegas would've been interesting. The upside of L.A. is that it's all urban and suburban, which is pretty different from the dense forests of the deep south. And, if they keep going a while, they'll get to the desert.

Still, there are plenty of urban/suburban locales that would've made this distinctive rather than just another cliched L.A. show.

Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Yeah I was hoping for a scene where the survivors were walking through a frozen-stiff group of walkers. Then one of the walkers starts to move slightly. Such tension!