Fear The Walking Dead

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Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Does make you wonder WTFs the point.

Exactly... :slap I was hoping to see a remote location, maybe India I dunno... I expected this to take place in another continent at least

You've got that wrong man. How can they kill Sean Bean if he's the main character?

They will find a way, Sean Bean always dies. I don't think I've ever seen this guy live through an entire movie
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

I knew they wouldn't really go to another continent (locations, the language etc) but why LA?...... that's just lazy. Not only are they trying to cash in on the fanbase for WD but seems like they are trying to make it as easy as possible.

I wouldn't be surprised if they use the exact same molds for the zombie make up or the same costumes.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

This should do double Mad Men's ratings. At least the first season.

Best part of the show will be the inevitable zombie herd trudging after the survivors through the LA River.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

what are the surrounding areas in LA like? what does it look like? you know they will get out of la after 4 episodes
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

what are the surrounding areas in LA like? what does it look like? you know they will get out of la after 4 episodes

LA is little more than suburbs as far as the eye can see, crisscrossed by several major highways, with a few skyscrapers thrown in for effect. Then there are the hills, the beaches, etc.

Beach Zombies! :rock

Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

that's interesting, how will they pull the show off in that setting without spending too much for locations?
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

if the zombies don't kill them in LA, the pollution will :monkey3. They just wanted to put zombies in Disneyland......boring
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

I hope we get Sean Bean to play the part of LAPD Sgt. **** Rimes. He'll lead the group, naturally....

I know I said I probably won't watch this one but if Boromir or any other Lord of the Rings characters are in it, I change my mind. Although I never did watch Lost even though Merry was in it.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Well, I believe there are mountains within 2 hours of L.A., so we could eventually get a snowy climate if the group ventures far enough. I know I'd pick refuge in the mountains over the desert, the desert would just be too difficult to survive in long term.

Could eventually lead to Las Vegas, but if they are calling the show Walking Dead:Los Angeles, do they have no intention of leaving the city? Perhaps they should have gone with Walking Dead : West.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

The name is dumb. Like the first thing people made fun of when they announced spin offs was "is it going to be like Law and Order"? So just throwing out cities at random just like Law and Order : L.A. is a bad start imo.

And as others have pointed out, it won't make sense if they need to leave the city. Why would you only stay in one single place and not look for other survivors?
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

It would be hilarious if the second shows timeline caught up with the other, and through migration they end up meeting and annihilate eachother.
Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

Well, I believe there are mountains within 2 hours of L.A., so we could eventually get a snowy climate if the group ventures far enough. I know I'd pick refuge in the mountains over the desert, the desert would just be too difficult to survive in long term.

Could eventually lead to Las Vegas, but if they are calling the show Walking Dead:Los Angeles, do they have no intention of leaving the city? Perhaps they should have gone with Walking Dead : West.

Sounds familiar...

Re: The Walking Dead: Los Angeles

I'm all for bashing dumb stuff, but all this negative speculation based solely on the location, and not even having a real title yet, is a bit much. Maybe wait for, oh, I don't know, a confirmed detail or two. :lol