Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Lil Ledger arrived today! I am absolutley blown away. It looks just like Heath's Joker now and right out of the mob boss scene! You nailed it, you absolutley nailed it. And the details! At this scale! The little extra lipstick dot on his left cheek! That alone is such an attention to detail. It is so amazing! In your pics he look awesome, but those pics honestly didn't give this justice. I just can't describe how much better you just made that figure. I still have an extra un-repainted one of these lying around and it looks laughable compaired to yours and Josh's. Now thanks to you two I have the two best Jokers in his too destinctive looks.

Thanks a million Les! I completley love it and can't wait to see your progress on all of those 1:6 Joker heads. But until then, keep up the great work on all of those Hicks, Supermen, and whatever else!

Thanks again. You and your folks are always in my prayers. You guys take care.

I'll try to take some pics tonight of both yours and Josh's Lil' Ledger repaints. They are both :drool worthy.
PICSSSSSS NOW PLEASE!!!! Even just one! I need a hit and your 'tonight' could be about 3am for me!! PLEASE! Just one! :monkey1 :D
(By the way, no probs if not - just that I am getting SO excited for mine!)
Snakesucker, between paints (and my sister's whole family coming by today to see Ma and eat with us tonight) I am gathering up all the remaining 1/6 Joker headss in my set. So, at least know I have handled your's today at some point. Got a TON of them there with all the Bales and some others. No painteds yet of course. That starts in a few weeks, but soon! :rock

And get this. My little nephew Joe, about 9 years old, HATES the Joker! Scared silly of him. So, what am I to do!??? I have Joker stuff everywhere! Posters, screensavers, all your heads...figures....Joker is all over the place. I hate that I can't hide them all, and the little guy loves to come and see Uncle Les' room. So, ya wanna say, motivated to get these out of here!!! Soon.

Anyway, back to paints. Then hang with the kids.
Getting a long way on many things though. Dam's about to burst. Lots coming.
Hickses will be in next week's lot though. Too many loose ones to tackle first.
Hang in there Hicks guys!
PICSSSSSS NOW PLEASE!!!! Even just one! I need a hit and your 'tonight' could be about 3am for me!! PLEASE! Just one! :monkey1 :D
(By the way, no probs if not - just that I am getting SO excited for mine!)

OK, Ok! I'm heading out to lunch now, but when I get back. Just give me an hour or two.

An Les, that is funny about your nephew :lol Poor kid!
you know we can wait Les :D lookgin forward to having a les repaint in my collection......or should o say a number of les repaints :naughty your doing great work all round man....
Snakesucker, between paints (and my sister's whole family coming by today to see Ma and eat with us tonight) I am gathering up all the remaining 1/6 Joker headss in my set. So, at least know I have handled your's today at some point. Got a TON of them there with all the Bales and some others. No painteds yet of course. That starts in a few weeks, but soon! :rock

No problems Les! My post was in no way meant to come across that I am getting impatient. NO RUSH WHATSOEVER!

I am just craving any new pics of this masterpiece is all!
man i can't wait to see what you're going to post. it's great to hear that things seem to be a little better now for your mom. hopefully the family time does all of you good.

again you got me waiting at the edge of my seat to see what you show us next.
Quick, crappy pic that doesn't do this justice, but as requested:


I'll try to get some better ones tonight (sorry Snake Sucker). Can't really get the creative juices flowing or dramatic lighting in the day time. Must wait for darkness. :D
Quick, crappy pic that doesn't do this justice, but as requested:


I'll try to get some better ones tonight (sorry Snake Sucker). Can't really get the creative juices flowing or dramatic lighting in the day time. Must wait for darkness. :D

Don't apologise! That's a great, clear shot and really shows off the top notch job!

Silly me though! I thought you meant the 1/6 FML Ledger/Joker! THAT'S one I have 'on order'.

Much appreciated though Buttmunch! That paint screams the party gatecrash scene to me. Looks fab.
Don't apologise! That's a great, clear shot and really shows off the top notch job!

Silly me though! I thought you meant the 1/6 FML Ledger/Joker! THAT'S one I have 'on order'.

Much appreciated though Buttmunch! That paint screams the party gatecrash scene to me. Looks fab.

Sorry for the confusion. Les and I have been calling him "Lil' Ledger" because he is so much smaller than the 12" heads/figures. But that pic really doesn't do it justice.

I would be bugged to no end if I already had a 1/6 Les Joker head. :lol
Sorry for the confusion. Les and I have been calling him "Lil' Ledger" because he is so much smaller than the 12" heads/figures. But that pic really doesn't do it justice.

I would be bugged to no end if I already had a 1/6 Les Joker head. :lol

My fault for not keeping up on the forum!

Did find it weird he had completed one ALREADY! That's why I was all OMG! OMG!

Still, seriously nice MM Joker there.
Snake, you crack me up bro! Thanks for the zeal. :D
I'll try to remember you when paint time is upon me.

Enjoy your lil Ledger Munch! He was fun. Honored to help you with him.

To the Les Walker's HEATH LEDGER JOKER Tribute Custom Thread


Let's put a smile on that faceeee....hahaha

To the Les Walker's HEATH LEDGER JOKER Tribute Custom Thread


Let's put a smile on that faceeee....hahaha

:drool Is that real hair I see or has Les just gotten that freaking realistic? I cannont wait to see the rest. Meanest teaser of all time!
Whoa! Is there any way someone (me) could still get a Les Joker head? Please God can it be so?

I have one coming and have peacemealed out an Interrogation Room Joker out of HT pieces but if another run occurs I'm seriously considering getting another. :lol

Love that Joker.
:drool Is that real hair I see or has Les just gotten that freaking realistic? I cannont wait to see the rest. Meanest teaser of all time!

Yes it is real hair. I tried something on my own custom one, a one shot deal, an EXPERIMENT, and it kinda sorta worked. It was scary as hell though, 'cause if I had blown it, I would have ruined that head. But I had some green wavy doll hair on hand, a small amount, almost the exact right color, and I tried it in bits, here and there, to see if it would make him look more real. I think it did. I am not one of those that is duty bound to sculpted hair or die. Doll hair can be used in certain occasions to me, so I did on my own figure. Not bothered by it at all myself.
But I am not at this time offering it for any of the upcoming Joker heads because it is VERY unpredictable. Adding it can go crazy, and you have to do it AFTER a paintup. One missed glue spot....DANGER WILL ROBINSON! Messed up spot.
And no two would ever be alike.

If later on, some of you guys getting the Jokers I make want that added, I might can, but on a VERY LIMITED EDITION basis and for extra. (I don't even have any more of the hair I used...)
No way I do all 30+ heads. No way. It's just too unpredictable. I did mine a couple of weeks back, maybe a month, and decided to let Maulfan's photos be the reveal of the look. That way, if you like, cool, and if not, cool. At least I like it, so that is why I tried it.

Anyway, work Still painting. :rock

Had to see about ma today, She is not happy at present, so I am having to see to her about the new home. Not taking well to it. She just won't relax. Wish me/us luck. No way we can look after her at home like she gets at these places. I hope we can work this out. This is take two. SOmething tells me there is no take three.

Anyway, update soon. Irritated it wasn't today.
Ok, so just to give you guys a bit more information on what's going on here's the scoop.

Les has entrusted me with his Ledger Joker and ANH Darth Vader custom figures, shipped them off to me and they are at the moment in my posession for a hefty photo session. I am currently still shooting these breathtaking figures, and once the time comes to share my photo work, I'll get more in depth with my thoughts on them, but I will leave you with this. The quality and craftsmanship put into both figures is remarkable, the level of detail and quality put into them exceeds whatever pictures you've seen so far have left you to imagine. My hope is that my pictures will be able to make the quality of Les' work more clear for those who'll never see them beyond here. Vader is beyond words cool, and bothe figures' wardrobe is exemplary in both tailoring and fabrication, he's got a material for his Vader cape that is stupendous, I wish some of the Batman figures on the market as well as SSC's upcoming Vader would have it, it's the heaviest light fabric I've encountered, if that makes any sense. It's a good thickness for maintaining scale with the figure, but yet it somehow manages to have a weight that let's it hang very nicely, a real highlight of the figure.

Another tease.

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