Hi guys. Just dropping in to let you all know it's been a very long, rough week. Ma is in a new nursing home, the third place for her in the last four months (fifth if you count two hospital stays), not the best one by any means, and about 45 miles from me, so no easy every day access like I had before, which adds some to the frustrations, but she is kinda sorta ok. To be honest, she is going downhill fast. I HOPE she sees this Christmas where she knows what's up. It would be nice. I am not sure if she will make next. If she does, she may not know it.
L O N G, tiring, emotionally trying week.
Thanks to all of you for your support and the phone calls and emails. I AM getting back to work. Needless to say, I haven't had
any energy these last few days. I had to move all her stuff out of where she was living by myself and then my sister and her husband came down this last weekend and we finished up that with the big stuff (including the chair...). We are still sorting out details of her new place. I go back to see her Wednesday and will sort more out then.
In the meantime, I have finally been to the doctor myself due to the stresses of all this, (continuous months of it you know...) and my blood pressure is really elevated. I expect to go on some BP meds soon, till this period settles down at long last. I hope it does.
I have been taking the last day or two easy with my Dad, who broke a tooth out Friday, and has been sick since. I wonder if you can swallow something bad from a tooth gap?? Anyway, he's better today and I am trying to catch up some again.
I sat down at my desk again today and restarted up some work. Cleaned up mostly, and am reorganizing, so I can get all this back on track. It isn't that daunting really, just still the same sets, still behind, waiting patiently for my return to them. So, let me get back and if I am not in again for a few days, know that I am painting again. Trying to get back on that bucking horse again.
And for what it's worth, Devil666, no worries mate. In my book you are A-OK. Thanks for the Mr Freeze pic post also. I think you can light him up and macro him pretty well at least, for those that care about such details.
And major thanks to all of you that posted my
better works. I am honored to have served all you guys.
I'll be back in form soon. No fears. You'll see.
New works to come.