Thanks, I talked to them, they ship internationally. Followed their page to stay updatedI personally recommend this store - ToyMarks (but not sure do they sell to overseas) May check with them.
I just talked to the ACG boss, he said their Tifa earrings are removable, and since it's all removable, they are still thinking whether to release a full "1/6 Regular version of Tifa", or just selling the "headsculpt + combat outfit with accessories only", and maybe.. (just maybe) this method will be applied on Tifa's other outfits too.
(Remarks: It's still on "planning" stage, subject to change.)

My only concern with this Tifa is the hair material. I hope they use the soft material like Gametoys uses. Based on the prototype pics, it looks like almost resin-like and it freaks me out lol, I feel like the little ends of the hair will snap

Honestly, facts. And did you see those hands?! Almost as good as InArtThat’s most beautiful Tifa face in 1/6 form. Nobody can change my mind.