The Craw
Super Freak
now Flipper's on this board:

I'm not saying reselling is bad or even selling over retail. I've done it myself. But if someone is offering something for market price (whether that's retail or 10x retail) and then someone uses intimidation to try and get him to sell for less, so he can then turn around and sell at market price - that's wrong and antithetical to the collector community spirit we're trying to engender here.
oh hi! new member here. i have lot of hot toy and sidshow item for sale. i asking $8000 + fresh humin kidknee for hot toy predature old one. he very in high demand. my price is fair. please contact me with pm if interesting.
p.s i cant post in the for sell section!?
When you say a dollar , they say 50 cents . i know what you mean.
Everything i have ever sold on here , i got PM'ed with a lower price than what i was asking for.
WTF everything i ever sold , i was lowballed a bit
If my asking price is $190.00 - don't ask me if i will sell it for $150.00 shipped
if i wante dto sell it for that low of a price , i would have listed it at a lower price - i love when they include Free shipping to Antartica
l have had that dumb low ball offer before on here.
l remember last year l sold my Hot Toys Jack Sparrow. my price was $200 shipped. some member emailed me and said can you do $140 shipped. that's just a rediculous offer. anyway l sold him for my asking price and before the buyer paid an other member offered me more, but l had to say sorry already made a deal with another member.
This thread is pure irony and hypocrisy.
I guarantee most of you complaining about people making low ball offers to you have done the exact same thing when buying something. If they act like an entitled douche though, i agree, just tell them to ____ off.As for flipping...every day i see all of you self proclaimed innocent 'true collectors' selling your hot toys figures or sideshow marvel statues for double retail and calling it market value.
The day any of you sell a highly sought after item for exact retail that you originally purchased it for is when hell freezes over.
PS: You're a FLIPPER too!