(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I was almost tempted to buy some of those fugly bendy figures that came out a few years before the POTF2 stuff :lol
I bought them ALL! Even repeats due to the box sets! Yes, I have issues. I still have them somewhere... My collection is just ridiculous. You name it, I have it. I could probably rival Gus Lopez if I actually went through my boxes and cataloged everything...

As for the whinyness of Luke and Anakin. Luke was definitely whiny, but he quickly nutted-up and after that was solid. Anakin was not only whiny, but also came off as a douche. And even though he was less angsty in Ep3; he was still whiny and a douche. Lucas never really make him a likable character; so when he turned to the darkside it didn't really seem like a stretch. Whereas if Luke had turned at the end of ROTJ my head would have exploded :lol
Well said!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I guess in my mind, anything important from A New Hope is more iconic than anything important from the sequels. But there isn't much out there more subjective than this.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I guess in my mind, anything important from A New Hope is more iconic than anything important from the sequels. But there isn't much out there more subjective than this.
Going by that philosophy, I would go with the following top 3:
1) Darth Vader
2) Luke Skywalker
3) Chewbacca

Why Chewbacca? Cuz he was DIFFERENT and awesome in his own way! I don't see the human characters being as much iconic, since SW was a sci-fi spectacle. Luke is the exception, because he is the hero who saves the day. R2-D2 and C-3PO would probably be 4 and 5 for me, but not necessarily in that order... But to me, the aliens and droids stand out more. Obviously, it's all just a matter of opinion. I would suspect most people would make Vader #1 though.
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I guess in my mind, anything important from A New Hope is more iconic than anything important from the sequels. But there isn't much out there more subjective than this.

I'd agree with this.... when in doubt go with the OT.

To be honest with you the only scene that really and truly stands out to me as iconic from the PT is the Duel of the Fates. It's a great scene that hows what the PT could have been... awesome music, great battles and characters you actually care about/have interest in.

I know a lot of people seem to like Ep3 in particular the battle between Kenobi and Anakin; but aside from the last lines of Kenobi to Anakin about loving him and being brothers it's just too much and too long :lol And even that bit of dialog is kind of messed up by Anakins whining about hating Kenobi :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm reading Scoundrels...

I'm kinda digging it. This is the start of my new SW HC FP obsession and collection.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Tell me about it. :lol

The troubling part about this one is I was on a paperback SW kick about twelve years ago!

Chewbacca, that is all...

Speaking of, I still have to PO the PF. :doh
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm a Star Wars-aholic thanks to Flosi's Cantina :yess:

I took it as a popularity contest. I guess I just figured Vader was a slam dunk? Still, Yoda is, IMO, one of the top three most iconic SW characters, along with Vader and R2, so it's not shocking (hope I didn't make it sound that way). I'm just a little amazed that he beat out Vader.

I agree. Vader is probably the most iconic character from Star Wars. I would have liked to see it being him against Luke or Han, personally.

I liked Hayden in Ep 3 but thought he was annoying in Ep 2. Though to be fair I think Luke is pretty close to the same in Ep 1 as Anakin was in Ep 2.

I thought Hayden was pretty bad in both. After Episode 1 and 2, I didn't care about Anakin's turn to the dark side in Episode 3. However, I've seen Hayden in some other movies and he isn't a bad actor. Maybe he just wasn't the right fit for Anakin.

Yeah, the PT does add quite a bit to SW and have their moments so I'm glad they exist. Not to mention it really helped to return SW to the top of the merchandising heap. I remember clearly the complete absense of cool Star Wars toys after the kenner figures dried up in the 80's... so much so that I was almost tempted to buy some of those fugly bendy figures that came out a few years before the POTF2 stuff :lol

However, with the PT I really just wish it had been better. Just the fanedits show how a bit of editing can improve the watchability (especially to Ep2) imagine if the source material had been better.

As for the whinyness of Luke and Anakin. Luke was definitely whiny, but he quickly nutted-up and after that was solid. Anakin was not only whiny, but also came off as a douche. And even though he was less angsty in Ep3; he was still whiny and a douche. Lucas never really make him a likable character; so when he turned to the darkside it didn't really seem like a stretch. Whereas if Luke had turned at the end of ROTJ my head would have exploded :lol

When I was a little kid and interested in getting Star Wars figures, those bendies were all they had. I had to wait until POTF2 to have my first Star Wars figures. I remember the Christmas when I got Han, Chewie, Luke, Stormtrooper, and Vader very fondly. Great memories, those are.

I agree about Luke and Anakin. Luke felt like he was being held back and stuck in a life that he wasn't meant to live. I understand his frustration in the first Star Wars. Anakin was a creepy weirdo just for the sake of being a creepy weirdo. It would have been nice if he was a like-able character with flaws that ultimately led to his downfall. I never liked him, so his turn to the dark side wasn't tragic for me.

**** the man! :mad:

And also, R2 is número uno. :D


UT is in Vegas!!! :panic:

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Anyone ever collect the Star Wars Micro Machine stuff? I used to have a few of the Head Playsets and they were awesome. Now I kinda want to get back into them.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Where the hell you been, Boba Ben! In the Star Wars section I guess :(

I've been around, but lurking mostly. I prefer not to post too much in the Marvel and Alien/Robots sections. I'm getting bored with Iron Man and the metal ones that cost over $300 kind of turned me off of those as well. I read the news, but there's a lot of b.s. in those sections these days. This thread is one of the last places where people are cool with each other.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I've been around, but lurking mostly. I prefer not to post too much in the Marvel and Alien/Robots sections. I'm getting bored with Iron Man and the metal ones that cost over $300 kind of turned me off of those as well. I read the news, but there's a lot of b.s. in those sections these days. This thread is one of the last places where people are cool with each other.

Mmm yeah. This board has completely changed over the last few years, such a shame. I just stick to a handful of threads that that's it.