(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I just spent 2 hours in my garage going through stuff I need to sell and got so overwhelmed that I just put it all away and walked back in the house. Ugh... I seriously need someone to just buy it all in one shot.

I'll give you $15 shipped! :D
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Spacetrooper is now eligible for $20 AVENGE2015 coupon. I don't think that's been mentioned before... There is a $22 NRD though. My initial order that I just canceled had no NRD. The limit was $225 then. Apparently it's lower now...

Yeah, not sure what the new threshold is, but seems most 1/6 figures now come with an NRD. It stinks as it means you can either secure an exclusive day one, or take your chances and possibly miss out on a figure if it goes to waitlist in less than 2 months.

It will be interesting to see if the Exclusives stay available until the $20 coupon becomes useable or not. I think Marty "sold out" quickly due to con hype, but now people are hoping on the waitlist and getting him easily. But again, since he's not "in stock" that means you still have to pay full retail.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It's available. I called Ebay and they told me to relist. Haven't relisted yet if you want to make an offer.


It'd be lowball. But I was thinking, couldn't you just send a second chance to the next highest bidder? I had noticed multiple bids on that card…
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I got a new job. 279 rooms in the most metropolitan area of the state.


I also found a picture of the theater where I saw Star Wars in 1979, four years old, first movie ever.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I just spent 2 hours in my garage going through stuff I need to sell and got so overwhelmed that I just put it all away and walked back in the house. Ugh... I seriously need someone to just buy it all in one shot.

I'm going through the same thing getting ready for the toy show... my living room is filled with bins of stuff and I had to laugh that it's all extras and doubles of stuff mostly, and just how much I have to sell... and then it hit me that there is still a closet that I needed to unload with more sale stuff in it! D'oH! :lol
I'm hoping to put a big dent in this stuff at the show and get rid of a lot of it if I can. Not even taking my comics.

Seeing as i just started a few years ago i dont have that issue you guys are having haha! I've mainly bought 1/6th and statues anyways and not toys or comics. Dark days ahead though. A new movie lol

I feel another purge coming on with my collection... it's gotten a bit unweildy again and with all the new HT SW figures I need to move around some of the Sideshow pieces. I think some of the 1/6 figures I'm less excited about will get the boot as well as my Toynami Futurama figures. In the end I think I want to get back to only a collection of 1/6 figures I feel like I can't live without, vintage toys and a few statues and 1:1 pieces.

I'm starting to feel that lately. Ever since HT announced all these SW releases, I've been questioning my HT T-800 and Robocop figures. Maybe I should just go back to SW only. :lol

I just eventually need to quit completely. I would love to retire somewhere like Colorado, but that's going to cost more money. Hell, I just want to be able to retire. :slap

Man the way life and the economy is... I don't know if or when I will be able to do that.

I have been thinking of that, too. No way can I relocate with all the crap I own. It must be purged within 23 years. I wonder if any of it will be worth a damn in 20 years...

That's what I'm afraid of.

Talk like this just makes me hate that I ever started collecting. I get a ton of enjoyment out of it all, but when I think about the time and money I have wasted over the years and I look at all the stuff I have I wouldn't be to sad at all if I just woke up and it was all gone. I'd love to sell off at least 75% of my collection, but its a logistics nightmare. Like Titus said, I start one day and about two to three hours in I just throw up my hands and give up. Just so much **** thats not worth much and the stuff that is worth $$$ I fear selling and then somehow getting ****ed on ebay.

We are talking about moving in the next few years, so I know before then I am gonna HAVE to do something.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I got a new job. 279 rooms in the most metropolitan area of the state.

I also found a picture of the theater where I saw Star Wars in 1979, four years old, first movie ever.

Congratulations on the new job. How are you liking it so far.

That's a cool looking old theater. I wish I could have seen Star Wars when it was originally in theaters, but it was before my birth. My first movie was Roger Rabbit.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

**** yeah! Congrats dev :rock :rock :rock

Thanks. Not gonna be po' no mo'! :woo

Congratulations on the new job. How are you liking it so far.

Haven't started yet. I worked in this hotel 10 years ago. It's 15 stories and was built in 1927. Full restaurant, bar on the roof, spa on premises. The company that owns it now put $50 million worth of renovations into it.

That's a cool looking old theater. I wish I could have seen Star Wars when it was originally in theaters, but it was before my birth. My first movie was Roger Rabbit.

I got lucky with how long it was around. I was 2 when it debuted.

That theater was a vaudeville house originally. Had a big balcony and a velvet curtain in front of the screen. It was awesome.

They tore it down completely a few years ago. It's now a parking lot (and strangely enough, the lot belongs to the property management company I pay rent to).
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

And that...

is how you multiquote! :lecture

Darth Waller :thwak furystorm

It's available. I called Ebay and they told me to relist. Haven't relisted yet if you want to make an offer.

I'll offer $1 more than fury.

I got a new job. 279 rooms in the most metropolitan area of the state.


Congrats! That's a nice looking place. That means nice looking guests. :naughty

Talk like this just makes me hate that I ever started collecting. I get a ton of enjoyment out of it all, but when I think about the time and money I have wasted over the years and I look at all the stuff I have I wouldn't be to sad at all if I just woke up and it was all gone. I'd love to sell off at least 75% of my collection, but its a logistics nightmare. Like Titus said, I start one day and about two to three hours in I just throw up my hands and give up. Just so much **** thats not worth much and the stuff that is worth $$$ I fear selling and then somehow getting ****ed on ebay.

There are times I regret getting into collecting, but I met some amazing friends in this hobby, so it's not all bad. :yess:

That theater was a vaudeville house originally. Had a big balcony and a velvet curtain in front of the screen. It was awesome.

They tore it down completely a few years ago. It's now a parking lot (and strangely enough, the lot belongs to the property management company I pay rent to).

The theater I saw a lot of movies in the 80s is gone, too. :(
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Talk like this just makes me hate that I ever started collecting. I get a ton of enjoyment out of it all, but when I think about the time and money I have wasted over the years and I look at all the stuff I have I wouldn't be to sad at all if I just woke up and it was all gone. I'd love to sell off at least 75% of my collection, but its a logistics nightmare. Like Titus said, I start one day and about two to three hours in I just throw up my hands and give up. Just so much **** thats not worth much and the stuff that is worth $$$ I fear selling and then somehow getting ****ed on ebay.

We are talking about moving in the next few years, so I know before then I am gonna HAVE to do something.


re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That theater was a vaudeville house originally. Had a big balcony and a velvet curtain in front of the screen. It was awesome.
We still have our theater like that here, I think it was built in 1920, saw many many movies from my youth there. Its still running, but haven't seen a movie there in years.
There are times I regret getting into collecting, but I met some amazing friends in this hobby, so it's not all bad. :yess:
Very true :1-1: