(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I've bought way more from mfoga than from you, but that's all off the eBay radar. :lecture
Wait a second, you bought from mfoga through eBay?!?!?!?! That seems silly...

And that...

is how you multiquote! :lecture
Kenbenobi :thwak Furystorm

think Marty "sold out" quickly due to con hype, but now people are hoping on the waitlist and getting him easily. But again, since he's not "in stock" that means you still have to pay full retail.
And that is why I sold mine very quickly, before people caught on. I should have canceled it like I was going to, and then I forgot. I made a very small profit on it ($19) but was just happy to get rid of it... I will never order without a coupon again, unless I'm using points. I'm not paying full price anymore, since their prices are too high. If it's something very limited which could sell out quickly, I will use points next time. I wish I had used points on Marty.

fury's all about the lowball.
Only one? So he likes them lopsided?

I got a new job. 279 rooms in the most metropolitan area of the state.

I also found a picture of the theater where I saw Star Wars in 1979, four years old, first movie ever.

What's your position at the hotel? I worked in hotels for many years. Front Desk Clerk, Night Auditor, Accounting, Front Office Manager, Manager on Duty, and Security. If I went back into the industry, I'd try for Director of Revenue or something like that. I have the experience, since I've trained many Directors of Revenue due to my hotel software experience... I could also be a corporate trainer or something like that... I'm actually thinking of going back into it, since I'm bored with my current job...

Talk like this just makes me hate that I ever started collecting. I get a ton of enjoyment out of it all, but when I think about the time and money I have wasted over the years and I look at all the stuff I have I wouldn't be to sad at all if I just woke up and it was all gone. I'd love to sell off at least 75% of my collection, but its a logistics nightmare. Like Titus said, I start one day and about two to three hours in I just throw up my hands and give up. Just so much **** thats not worth much and the stuff that is worth $$$ I fear selling and then somehow getting ****ed on ebay.

We are talking about moving in the next few years, so I know before then I am gonna HAVE to do something.

Yep, you're summed it up pretty well. I wish I had bought nothing, and had all that sweet cash right now. I know I wouldn't have met your guys then...
That's just an extra bonus. :monkey3
Seriously though, I wish I had never bought any Hasbro crap. My collection would be in manageable shape if I owned no Hasbro...

That's a cool looking old theater. I wish I could have seen Star Wars when it was originally in theaters, but it was before my birth. My first movie was Roger Rabbit.

Hookers and cocaine.
That would have been a better use of the money than Hasbro crap! :lecture

Got my first check for the new job today! $0.00! :lol

I have extra federal income tax taken from all my jobs, and I only went in for a one hour meeting last week. :rotfl
I'd frame it! That's awesome! And yet, you're still overpaid...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Rock on, Titus! :rock


That captures Titus to a T... if it didn't say his name and asked me who the character was I would know it was him. The hat, the posture, everything is perfect. :D
I should scan the TnC comic strip I am in and post it. It was exclusive to the Kickstarter year one book.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Thanks! I'm stoked. He told me I was going to be in it but didn't tell me what it was about:

I thought you were in another one as well before...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Well I finally opened the Black Series Han/Tauntaun and ****ing hate it. The Han figure is great, they totally nailed the likeness and the Tauntaun looks good but Han doesn't fit right on it. It reminds me of why I disliked the POTF version years ago. Looks like to eBay it goes.
Hmmmm, now you have me re-thinking getting it...

They have that at the Disney area outside the parks as well. I was toying around with them. They have little Indiana Jones hats and Mickey Ears for them too. LOL
And Yoda ears hat! :lecture That's the only one I bought. Green droid with Yoda hat...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

And that is why I sold mine very quickly, before people caught on. I should have canceled it like I was going to, and then I forgot. I made a very small profit on it ($19) but was just happy to get rid of it... I will never order without a coupon again, unless I'm using points. I'm not paying full price anymore, since their prices are too high. If it's something very limited which could sell out quickly, I will use points next time. I wish I had used points on Marty.

Seriously though, I wish I had never bought any Hasbro crap. My collection would be in manageable shape if I owned no Hasbro...

You know, that's a good point on Marty and any exclusives that come up.... If I'm worried about it selling out and there's an NRD I can just use a portion of my RP stock ($20 or so) per figure. And then on ones where there isn't an NRD I can pre-order and cancel later or just wait until it's card eligible for regular releases that won't sell out.

I have learned a new way to save money, and it is good :lecture
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That captures Titus to a T... if it didn't say his name and asked me who the character was I would know it was him. The hat, the posture, everything is perfect. :D
I should scan the TnC comic strip I am in and post it. It was exclusive to the Kickstarter year one book.

Ha! Thanks, that's awesome.

I'm going to frame this one. Ask Cory if he can get you the original rendering file. I've seen them before and it's a high quality image which would be perfect for printing.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Galactiboy sure has a lot of customs repainted by Galacticustoms. What are the odds? They sound so similar to his name. :monkey3
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That captures Titus to a T... if it didn't say his name and asked me who the character was I would know it was him. The hat, the posture, everything is perfect. :D
I should scan the TnC comic strip I am in and post it. It was exclusive to the Kickstarter year one book.

I think T needed to be in shorts. Just saying.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Galactiboy sure has a lot of customs repainted by Galacticustoms. What are the odds? They sound so similar to his name. :monkey3

That guy's a hack :lecture

Although it does sound weird... off to change it to painted by me :lol
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The trick is to go after the poop girl. She's gonna feel very vulnerable after something like that and if you can show her you still like her whether she had the d in the hot tub or not, she's gonna appreciate it. #benslovetips
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The trick is to go after the poop girl. She's gonna feel very vulnerable after something like that and if you can show her you still like her whether she had the d in the hot tub or not, she's gonna appreciate it. #benslovetips

You need help #settingthebartoolow