(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I heard Punky Brewster had gigantomastia and her ****s were so big that she couldn't get around like a normal person, so she had plastic surgery to make them smaller when she was fifteen or sixteen.

This is true. She was on a kids game show back in the early 90s and they were MASSIVE. It was beautiful.
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I heard Punky Brewster had gigantomastia and her ****s were so big that she couldn't get around like a normal person, so she had plastic surgery to make them smaller when she was fifteen or sixteen.

This is true. She was on a kids game show back in the early 90s and they were MASSIVE. It was beautiful.

Ummm... ???


But gorgeous nonetheless. I cannot argue with her decision:

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

So I just got a message from the toolbag who won two of my return cards then disappeared for days, ignored my messages and then suddenly paid after I had sold the cards to other people. The Ebay rep told me to message him when I refunded his payment and tell him I had sold the cards, which I did. Here is his totally not-defensive and obviously very comfortable-with-himself response to that message -

"I am really curious what you expect ebay reps to do? I am not breaking any rules by not paying right away, and most people I buy from are used to that. I will be interested to see what they think of you charging $7.00 for economy shipping though...as that is clearly in excess of what USPS would charge, and they have been cracking down on that a lot more lately. Good luck in all of your selling. I am probably the largest buyer of Star Wars cards online...so you will always get less without me bidding. :) Thanks...have a great night."
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The joys of Ebay sales. Sounds like a real basement dweller to me.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I can respect a man that tells me I am a piece of ****, charge too much for shipping and without his bids I will die poor in a ditch somewhere, but those passive aggressive twats are the worst.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I couldn't resist responding.

Ebay reps recommended I send that last message to you. They informed me that my communication would assure that any retaliation negatives I received would be quickly removed. Maybe you should just respond to messages instead of bidding on things you can't pay for until, what? Next paycheck?

Congratulations on buying lots of cards - that's quite an accomplishment. The Bidder who won my other card (and then paid for it) declined my offer to refund any difference in shipping, since you seem so interested in that.

I'd also like to thank you for this chance to get to know you a little better. I'm even more pleased that I sold my cards to other people. I'm not too worried about losing your business as both you and your other ID have been added to my block list.

And I had a GREAT night! Thanks!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Why would eBay care what you charge for shipping now? Don't they get there % of the total including shipping? So they are making more money if you charge more for shipping.

I don't get the whole thing of not paying. I have only had one time where I couldn't pay within a day. And that was due to PayPal locking my account when trying to access it from a foreign country so I couldn't pay until I got back after a 2 week trip.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I can argue it all day long...


argue ? I was confused and admiring ... :dunno

So I just got a message from the toolbag who won two of my return cards then disappeared for days, ignored my messages and then suddenly paid after I had sold the cards to other people. The Ebay rep told me to message him when I refunded his payment and tell him I had sold the cards, which I did. Here is his totally not-defensive and obviously very comfortable-with-himself response to that message -

"I am really curious what you expect ebay reps to do? I am not breaking any rules by not paying right away, and most people I buy from are used to that. I will be interested to see what they think of you charging $7.00 for economy shipping though...as that is clearly in excess of what USPS would charge, and they have been cracking down on that a lot more lately. Good luck in all of your selling. I am probably the largest buyer of Star Wars cards online...so you will always get less without me bidding. :) Thanks...have a great night."

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I couldn't resist responding.

Ebay reps recommended I send that last message to you. They informed me that my communication would assure that any retaliation negatives I received would be quickly removed. Maybe you should just respond to messages instead of bidding on things you can't pay for until, what? Next paycheck?

Congratulations on buying lots of cards - that's quite an accomplishment. The Bidder who won my other card (and then paid for it) declined my offer to refund any difference in shipping, since you seem so interested in that.

I'd also like to thank you for this chance to get to know you a little better. I'm even more pleased that I sold my cards to other people. I'm not too worried about losing your business as both you and your other ID have been added to my block list.

And I had a GREAT night! Thanks!

Perfect! :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I have so little interest in Ebay these days I don't even care if this guy negs me and they don't remove it. I just have no patience for a-holes.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Called today and asked about the new job Im hoping to get.

They havent made a decision yet but Im still very much in the running to get it and he liked that I showed interest by calling. :)
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Keep at them ! Showing interest is a good thing !
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I took the Sideshow dinosaur quiz, but I missed one.
I didn't know there was a quiz. :dunno

Lightspeed? It's a Westin.

Hilton uses OnQ. A few independents I've worked for used a DOS system called Fidelio.
I've heard of OnQ. I do know Fidelio. I actually worked for Fidelio, as one of their Installation Trainers. I learned their DOS system and Windows system, but quit before they released Opera. I hated them. I technically was a consultant who worked for a company called Cyntergy, and was assigned to the Fidelio project. When I turned in my notice, I told Cyntergy that I could not work for those losers anymore, and would rather quit the company. They didn't want me to leave, so they reassigned me to another project. Normally they won't let anyone just quit a project, since people would want to do it all the time. I was fortunate, and MUCH happier with my new assignment.

So this black girl comes down to the desk to ask for forks, wearing a sun dress that just barely covers her ass, and all I can smell now is the cloud of ***** that she left in her wake.

I'm in love.
Did you fork her? :monkey1

I'm sure she gets them maintained regularly so she doesn't end up looking like Bruce Jenner.

I heard Scarlett Johanssen got rid of hers.
Hers were fake? Aw, man!!!

This is true. She was on a kids game show back in the early 90s and they were MASSIVE. It was beautiful.

Ummm... ???


But gorgeous nonetheless. I cannot argue with her decision:
Now that's what I call a Photoshop BUST! Good investigative work... I like how they made the pic B&W too, to cover up the Photoshopping...

So I just got a message from the toolbag who won two of my return cards then disappeared for days, ignored my messages and then suddenly paid after I had sold the cards to other people. The Ebay rep told me to message him when I refunded his payment and tell him I had sold the cards, which I did. Here is his totally not-defensive and obviously very comfortable-with-himself response to that message -

"I am really curious what you expect ebay reps to do? I am not breaking any rules by not paying right away, and most people I buy from are used to that. I will be interested to see what they think of you charging $7.00 for economy shipping though...as that is clearly in excess of what USPS would charge, and they have been cracking down on that a lot more lately. Good luck in all of your selling. I am probably the largest buyer of Star Wars cards online...so you will always get less without me bidding. :) Thanks...have a great night."

I couldn't resist responding.

Ebay reps recommended I send that last message to you. They informed me that my communication would assure that any retaliation negatives I received would be quickly removed. Maybe you should just respond to messages instead of bidding on things you can't pay for until, what? Next paycheck?

Congratulations on buying lots of cards - that's quite an accomplishment. The Bidder who won my other card (and then paid for it) declined my offer to refund any difference in shipping, since you seem so interested in that.

I'd also like to thank you for this chance to get to know you a little better. I'm even more pleased that I sold my cards to other people. I'm not too worried about losing your business as both you and your other ID have been added to my block list.

And I had a GREAT night! Thanks!

Why would eBay care what you charge for shipping now? Don't they get there % of the total including shipping? So they are making more money if you charge more for shipping.

I don't get the whole thing of not paying. I have only had one time where I couldn't pay within a day. And that was due to PayPal locking my account when trying to access it from a foreign country so I couldn't pay until I got back after a 2 week trip.
Not only would they not care, they'd probably prefer it! Coupons don't work on shipping, and neither does Ebay bucks! So if you sold an item for $100 with free shipping, someone could potentially use a coupon and/or earn Ebay bucks. If you sold an item for $1 with $99 for shipping, Ebay would still take fees off of $100, but the Ebay bucks and coupons would go off of the $1 price only.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ichabod is cool too. It's just a shame that we'll never get a Headless Horseman. I used to have the whole line of McFarlane Sleepy Hollow figures back in the day.

Yeah, while I still probably wouldn't buy an Ichabod... I'd be all over a Headless Horsemen. And they could make him like the McFarlane version and come with both the Hessian and skull head :rock :rock :rock

I couldn't resist responding.

Ebay reps recommended I send that last message to you. They informed me that my communication would assure that any retaliation negatives I received would be quickly removed. Maybe you should just respond to messages instead of bidding on things you can't pay for until, what? Next paycheck?

Congratulations on buying lots of cards - that's quite an accomplishment. The Bidder who won my other card (and then paid for it) declined my offer to refund any difference in shipping, since you seem so interested in that.

I'd also like to thank you for this chance to get to know you a little better. I'm even more pleased that I sold my cards to other people. I'm not too worried about losing your business as both you and your other ID have been added to my block list.

And I had a GREAT night! Thanks!

Well done :clap What a ****ing ass :lecture

I have so little interest in Ebay these days I don't even care if this guy negs me and they don't remove it. I just have no patience for a-holes.

Meh, and even if it does stand negs drop off after a year.

Now that's what I call a Photoshop BUST! Good investigative work... I like how they made the pic B&W too, to cover up the Photoshopping...

And they removed the necklace... I guess it would have been too difficult to get it to lay properly on those ginormous cans.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

And they removed the necklace... I guess it would have been too difficult to get it to lay properly on those ginormous cans.
I noticed that too, and thought the exact same thing...

And with this post, I am now binary...