(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

No crap.... I heard they're doing a panel at SDCC.... Kinda pisses me off.

I bet those a-holes get a full trailer. :mad:

The real fans go to SDCC. :lecture

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Nien Nunb better be in this new movie.
I wish!

Dracula/Saruman/Count Dooku is dead. RIP, Christopher Lee.
So sad... He kept making movies up til the bitter end... Amazing that he made it through all of the LOTR movies... They really gambled when they cast him.

Man, 93 years Old! I knee he was Old but that is impressive. RIP.
Road trip time :) tomorrow evening its time for my 300k bike race. A bit nervous since I havent trained properly. Oh well. My late grandfather managed this race 6 times before in the bike, so I cant blame the bike either... :)
Good luck!

i didn't even know he was in the Hobbit!! Shows you how much I paid attention! :lol
Kenbenobi :thwak UTtoyfan

Same here I guess that was during the part I was asleep.
Kenbenobi :thwak mfoga
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

No, not Hasbro, just a big movie panel.... I'm just being a little girl because I know SDCC will get more than we did a month and a half ago. It makes sense, but I'm still jealous.

Ohh well that does kind of suck. I wouldn't want to even try to get into that panel though.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Hasbro exclusive at SDCC. Not that I would've bought it, but why the **** wasn't this available at Celebration? :slap

Plus, they have ANOTHER exclusive! A big Jabbas Palace set. Not that I care about that one, but why does SDCC have TWO Hasbro SW exclusives, and Celebration had ZERO? Celebration should have had that trooper...

I bet those a-holes get a full trailer. :mad:
I bet they will, too. Pretty much guaranteed.

No, not Hasbro, just a big movie panel.... I'm just being a little girl because I know SDCC will get more than we did a month and a half ago. It makes sense, but I'm still jealous.
Yep, I agree.

The real fans go to SDCC. :lecture

Kenbenobi :thwak YoNoSe
(even though I know you're joking, you still deserve a thwaking)
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Maybe that fancy lightsaber handle is for The Shocker?

Two in the pink, one in the sarlaac.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Sad about Lee. He was even spectacular in the otherwise craptacular Hobbit films. Even on blue screen from the other side of the world, he ran circles around the rest of the actors...

IronFingaz :hi5: furystorm

i didn't even know he was in the Hobbit!! Shows you how much I paid attention! :lol


Same here I guess that was during the part I was asleep.



So the New Order's symbol is a butthole?

Reminds me of the flag from Community.

View attachment 190201

Two in the pink, one in the sarlaac.

:lol :lol :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

WTF! ?! Just read Dusty Rhodes died. What a $ hitty day :(

RIP Dream. You were one of the greats :clap