(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

how does one get the trooper without paying ebay prices?

Hasbro usually puts their con Exclusives up on Hasbrotoyshop at some point after the convention. But the good ones always disappear super fast.

I'm sure this will go fast but I's just wait for the regular release.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Two in the pink, one in the sarlaac.
:lol Virtual repped!

I went once a few years ago. The crowds were unbearable. :gah:
I went from 1998 through 2011, skipping only 2002. It's amazing to see how much it has changed from when I started to when I stopped going. I could go anywhere and get into anything in the early years. The freebies were plentiful, and the panels were incredible, and I could get into every single one. But now, it just ain't worth it. I suppose you could camp out for Hall H, and spend the whole day in there. You'd still have a good time. But you'd get a helluva lot less accomplished nowadays. You're have to keep low expectations on getting or seeing anything in-particular.

You'd need a friend that's willing to stand in the hell line of doom to get it for you or refresh Hasbrotoyshop.com until they go live.
Yep, these are pretty much the only options...

Hasbro usually puts their con Exclusives up on Hasbrotoyshop at some point after the convention. But the good ones always disappear super fast.

I'm sure this will go fast but I's just wait for the regular release.
Super duper fast. I know I won't get it...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

New $20 coupon is DINO2015, in case you didn't notice already...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I have to say I have zero interest in every going to SDCC... I was interested a decade or so ago, but couldn't really justify the cost. But now that I could go I just have no desire to do it after hearing about the experiences people have.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah but I didnt wake up like that, I was out cold and woke up to it being over. Not one, not twice, three times all on flights. To be fair the last time was on a flight I wanted to sleep on so I was like what I can watch to put me to sleep.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I like those shirts. They're two mash ups that actually make sense to me.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It took me a while to realize what the spoiler was, but once I saw it I was like holy ****!!! :lol

I still don't quite get it :( I know it's that guy who pimps out his son or whatever but it's sounds like there's more to the post than just that...right? :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I still don't quite get it :( I know it's that guy who pimps out his son or whatever but it's sounds like there's more to the post than just that...right? :lol

Nah, just a garden variety cheap shot by me. :lol

So if anyone remembers my dead-beat bidder story on Ebay, I got another message from him that really escalates things to a level of weirdo I've never dealt with -

Dear audiobot,

It really has nothing to do with a paycheck...and I really don't need to explain it as last year I spent nearly $800,000 on Star Wars sketch cards alone...which is usually why things get hard to keep track of...but I am doing better. Sounds like you are the one that struggles financially if you were having such issues so quickly (which I can see why with the quality of art) Here are all of the ebay user names that I bid with so you can be sure to block them all, as I am sure after a few months I will forget about your username and might accidentally bid on one of your auctions...which I really don't want to...looking at the art its pretty subpar anyway. And I know that ebay doesn't allow for me to use other ebay names...so my sister who is a rep with them suggested I send you a list of all of the usernames for you to block. So please add all these usernames to your blocked list.


And I don't believe in leaving retaliatory negative comments, so no worries there. :)


- cleroyj
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It really has nothing to do with a paycheck...and I really don't need to explain
I hate when people say that, then do. Just stop there you dumb ****.

He shouldn't have to remember your name, he should just see your sub-par art and move along. That's what I do :dunno

$800,000 on Star Wars sketch cards alone? Ooookay :lol