(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Clock is fully functional

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

From Peter Jackson. :monkey2

It is with tremendous sadness that I learnt of the passing of Sir Christopher Lee. He was 93 years old, had not been in his usual good health for some time, but his spirit remained, as always, indomitable.

Christopher spoke seven languages; he was in every sense, a man of the world; well versed in art, politics, literature, history and science. He was scholar, a singer, an extraordinary raconteur and of course, a marvelous actor. One of my favourite things to do whenever I came to London would be to visit with Christopher and Gitte where he would regale me for hours with stories about his extraordinary life. I loved to listen to them and he loved to tell them - they were made all the more compelling because they were true - stories from his time with the SAS, through the Second World War, to the Hammer Horror years and later, his work with Tim Burton - of which he was enormously proud.

I was lucky enough to work with Chris on five films all told and it never ceased to be a thrill to see him on set. I remember him saying on my 40th Birthday (he was 80 at the time), “You’re half the man I am”. Being half the man Christopher Lee is, is more than I could ever hope for. He was a true gentleman, in an era that no longer values gentleman.

I grew up loving Christopher Lee movies. For most of my life I was enthralled by the great iconic roles he not only created - but continued to own decades later. But somewhere along the way Christopher Lee suddenly, and magically, dissolved away and he became my friend, Chris. And I loved Chris even more.

There will never be another Christopher Lee. He has a unique place in the history of cinema and in the hearts of millions of fans around the world.

The world will be a lesser place without him in it.

My deepest sympathies to Gitte and to his family and friends.

Rest in peace, Chris.

An icon of cinema has passed into legend.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I backed a kickstarted game by the guy that did Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Need more side scrolling adventures in my life.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Slow day at work, so I've been watching some Genesis.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Nah, just a garden variety cheap shot by me. :lol

So if anyone remembers my dead-beat bidder story on Ebay, I got another message from him that really escalates things to a level of weirdo I've never dealt with -

Dear audiobot,

It really has nothing to do with a paycheck...and I really don't need to explain it as last year I spent nearly $800,000 on Star Wars sketch cards alone...which is usually why things get hard to keep track of...but I am doing better. Sounds like you are the one that struggles financially if you were having such issues so quickly (which I can see why with the quality of art) Here are all of the ebay user names that I bid with so you can be sure to block them all, as I am sure after a few months I will forget about your username and might accidentally bid on one of your auctions...which I really don't want to...looking at the art its pretty subpar anyway. And I know that ebay doesn't allow for me to use other ebay names...so my sister who is a rep with them suggested I send you a list of all of the usernames for you to block. So please add all these usernames to your blocked list.


And I don't believe in leaving retaliatory negative comments, so no worries there. :)


- cleroyj

$800,000 on Star Wars sketch cards alone? Ooookay :lol
:lol I don't believe that for a second!

I just passed all of his pseudonyms along to Ebay reps for their consideration. I don't know what the point of having all those names is if you're not bidding up your own auctions.

Why the **** would someone need that many accounts? I love that you forwarded that information on to eBay. :lol
I would have done that, too. But I still doubt they are all his accounts. If he is lying, ebay could suspend him for his actions. He's hurting potential sales.

Whack job. But I wonder if he didn't just compile a bunch of other people's user names in a weirdo attempt at hurting your future sales...??
I thought this as well, but he can't see names of bidders, only sellers. They could be people who sell a lot of cards, and he's trying to screw you over by making you block them. I wouldn't do it. I doubt they are all him. Way too hard to have multiple accounts as it is. You can't link a Paypal account to more than one Ebay account.

I don't think there are actually enough sketch cards on ebay in one year to spend $800,000 on. He just sounds like a sad little Gollum boy, living in his mom's basement that he calls the Misty Mountains.

I wanted to see what he's bought in the past, but you can't anymore. You used to be able to see links to things they bought in their feedback. Stupid eBay. :mad:
You kinda can, if you want to spend the time. If he received feedback, you can see who he bought from, then search for their closed auctions. And then go through the bidders on the auctions, finding ones that match the 2 characters of the username which aren't hidden. Just call me an Ebay stalker...

5% being The Josh, or course. :lecture
Where is Josh? He hasn't been around lately! I hope he's doing OK...

Clock is fully functional
Did you say clock? :monkey3
I'm glad to hear it. YAY! :hi5:
You could put a dress on the other clock, and give Crumb a girlfriend! :lecture
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I thought you were joking about the "no gifs" comment.
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I kinda was joking about both the gif comment and the fascist thing. He posted this thread. Not 100% clear what falls under that. Some people post only gigs and it's annoying as hell, so I get that. Just don't know where the line is actually drawn on gif use.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I kinda was joking about both the gif comment and the fascist thing. He posted this thread. Not 100% clear what falls under that. Some people post only gigs and it's annoying as hell, so I get that. Just don't know where the line is actually drawn on gif use.

Hmmm... I never read announcements, so hadn't seen that.

Still works. Kenben had a gif fail.
I blame work. Image sites are blocked here, so I couldn't link to anything. I had to upload a gif, which apparently doesn't work.