He's actually been done since September (after 3+ years of painstaking work). He was going to just release it free on the internet ala Team Negative. However, some of the people who consulted on his project (including Harrison Ellenshaw, Lorne Peterson and others who actually worked on the film) suggested he first see if Disney/LFL/Fox might be interested in using his version for an official release. So that meeting & official presentation is actually happening sometime this year. Not sure when, though. But trust me it will be worth the wait. It's immaculate from first frame to the last. And it's in full 4K.
Fingers crossed the Disney/LFL/Fox agree to use his and release it officially to the world at some point. He's not even asking for any $, only that they let him and his consultants oversee the mastering of any official release.
Harmy and Team Negative will do in the meantime, though.