Lucas should have stuck to owning Lucasfilm.Lucas should have stuck to producing.
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I f'd up this year. I'm in PG, but I've missed every exclusive I wanted so far. I did order the Jumbo Kenner Lukes, but they canceled my order. I guess they oversold it. On the bright side, they gave me a $80 gift card to ease the blow of canceling my order... So my PG cost was basically free this year... Do they have any good SDCC pre-orders which haven't gone up yet?The Premium Guild is a no brainer. For me anyway. I never understand those that don't join it. Every year someone is frantically trying to get an exclusive, and usually end up paying twice as much for it in the end... when they could've used that money to buy a membership and had no problem getting the exclusive.
Membership is $80. You get a free $80 exclusive bust or jumbo figure. So if you have any interest in any of the items it's basically free. And even if you don't you can flip the gift for what you paid, if not more. Plus, you get a $30 coupon to use, a $10 coupon, and 10% off non exclusives.
I remember being in line at CVII to get a Ralph McQ bust and the guy in front of me flipping out on the GG workers there cause they had just sold out of the C-3PO jumbo figure...and how he wanted it and the McQ bust... he was spouting off about how much he buys from them and how long he's been a customer and yada yada how they should treat their fans better and how long he waited in line and how he demands they let him have one and that they do nothing for their loyal customers to help them get these exclusives... and then I cut him off and asked if he was a member of the Premium Guild... to which he said, well no. I then explained to him if he was such a loyal customer he could've joined and pre-ordered the figure and bust and had no issues getting them, and that the PG was set up for fans so they would have direct access to exclusives before they go on sale and how great it is that GG does that for us. The worker just grinned at me with a 'thank you' smile. The guy still was wanting special treatment and demanded to talk to someone else... so, while he chose to continue to complain, I walked to the next register and proceeded to buy the very last Ralph McQ bust they had.I had to laugh when the guy finally said "fine! I'll just take the bust then!" and the cashier told him they were now sold out of it as well.
I was only in line cause I wasn't sure if I wanted the Ralph McQ bust when it went up for preorder and didn't order it online. By the time I decided it was sold out online. Funny thing is, they had more for sale that were left over after the con.
So yeah, I think the PG is a no brainer. I've had no issues getting any exclusive I've wanted the past 5+ years.
Dammit! I really hate Hallmark sometimes... And they have NO limited SW ornament on premiere weekend this year...SDCC exclusive. **** you, Hallmark!
Beginnings: Boba FettTM – Inspired by the work of renowned conceptual designer Ralph McQuarrie, this Keepsake Ornament two-pack features the fan-favorite bounty hunter who first appeared in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. One ornament details Boba Fett’s helmet as originally sketched while the other depicts an all-white full-costume concept.
I've been sick as a dog for the last two weeks. I'm finally starting to feel better, but my ears are still clogged. Flying on Monday may not be fun... I'm actually not excited about Celebration yet at all... I'm sure it's just because I'm still under the weather... I hope...