(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Zod understands Darth Waller's frustration. Waller is old--like really, really old--and to Kneel Before Zod would cause his ancient knees great pain. However, to refuse to kneel means death. Waller does not wish to die, though he has lived for decades and decades and decades, but kneeling may also reduce his knees to dust. Zod is not without compassion toward his elders, so he has made these available

zod kneeling pads.jpg
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Zod would like to take a picture of Darth Waller kneeling but the flash from the camera would cause his old, dry body to spontaneously combust. Instead, Zod commissioned an artist to draw Waller while he Kneels Before Zod. As a result, Darth Waller's life has been spared and Zod has a very nice picture signed by Waller to put on his fridge.

kneeling drawing.jpg
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

General Zod - as powerful, as he is most gracious and most kind to those who submit to his will! Submit, Waller, and be honored with the Zod knee-pads!

Kneel, you peasants; kneel before the might of Zod!

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Last I checked, Zod couldn't even take a handshake from that son of Krypton you keep talking about. You should probably just leave.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Last I checked, Zod couldn't even take a handshake from that son of Krypton you keep talking about. You should probably just leave.

View attachment 180197


Zod explained in an earlier post that the ending of the documentary was false propaganda based on the views of House of El loyalists. Zod could never be defeated by the Son of Jor-El and will leave when he chooses--not at the behest of a mere human.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Well, what about when Supes snacked your neck like a twig. Face it, you're a washed up has-been.

You look pretty messed up here.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Well, what about when Supes snacked your neck like a twig. Face it, you're a washed up has-been.

You look pretty messed up here.
View attachment 180198

Zod is a perfect male specimen. Women want him, and men want to be him. The poor soul in your example is obviously an imposter. There is only one Zod.


Besides, if that man were a true Kryptonian, the energy from this planet's yellow sun would have healed his injury. You argue over that which you do not understand, as so many mortals often do. Your energy would be better served constructing temples in which you may pray to Zod for mercy or getting signatures for a petition requesting a Zod figure from Howard, House of Chan, with Zod's true likeness.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

puppies for zod

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

What the **** is wrong with you crows? :mad:

actually, a lot :duh

but, in my defense i merely found the gif, i was not involved in the making of the gif or even know the people behind it. (nor do i know the video where it came from)
if the gif bothered you i will replace it right away :) I was trying to get my lord zod to laugh. sorry. :wave
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Zod is a perfect male specimen. Women want him, and men want to be him. The poor soul in your example is obviously an imposter. There is only one Zod.


Besides, if that man were a true Kryptonian, the energy from this planet's yellow sun would have healed his injury. You argue over that which you do not understand, as so many mortals often do. Your energy would be better served constructing temples in which you may pray to Zod for mercy or getting signatures for a petition requesting a Zod figure from Howard, House of Chan, with Zod's true likeness.

actually, a lot :duh

but, in my defense i merely found the gif, i was not involved in the making of the gif or even know the people behind it. (nor do i know the video where it came from)
if the gif bothered you i will replace it right away :) I was trying to get my lord zod to laugh. sorry. :wave

Holy Bea Arthur's ****! GTFO you dweebs!!!!