No you can't.
You constantly have to upgrade. Why do you think people instantly ask the question "can my pc run this" when a new game is announced?
I'm very well aware of that and I think you're missing my point.. If they put a generation old graphics card in there, won't console fans be even more worse off than if they put in present gen card?
My point is - they're not future proofing their system by putting a 6000 series graphics card in it. Yes I understand that it's going to be 6 times more powerful than their last console (360) But believe me, that aint saying or doing much for it. Making it only 6 times faster than the current system is not going to do much, especially when a years time passes and games have made that next leap forward. We will be stuck with same dumbed down graphics once again, if not right off the bat.
But now I know why they call it the next generation of "gaming consoles" and not the next generation in gaming. Lol.