CONTEST - Create a new Horror Movie Icon
In a time where Hollywood lacks ideas and imagination your task is to create a new horror movie icon. Your antagonist can be human/alien/robot/monster/whatever you would like it to be.
Your idea will be judged in the following areas:
1. Character name
2. Origin
3. Appearance
(This requires a brief sketch minimum however it will be judged on concept and originality. It’s not a drawing contest however please feel free to be as creative and artistic as you like).
4. Weapon
5. The victims
6. The name of the movie your character would star in
Each area will be marked out of 10 and the scores will be added up to give an overall mark out of 60. The person with the highest score wins. The prize will be an amazon email voucher.
-All entries must be PM’d to me however please share your ideas in the thread too.
-Only one entry per member.
The closing date is at 14:00 GMT Sunday 25th October.
Good luck!