Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2015


For Mystery Box #5

What was your favorite childhood Halloween costume?

Contest ends at 11:30am Central Time today. One entry per person. Winner will be chosen by the wheel. If you've already won a mystery box you cannot win another, but feel free to join in with an answer.


Anyone that posts a picture of themselves in the costume gets entered into another contest. No restrictions for previous wins.

Sitting here thinking, I can't honestly remember anything I dressed up as when I was a kid... ? haha. I'll have to ask my mom for some pics to remember.
However, my favorite costume I've made over the years is my Axl Rose one I did about 8 years ago. Complete with drawn on tattoos and all.





Re: Freaktacular 2015

Wow, I have been off my game lately, congrats to recent winners!!!

Glad to see you got Snoopy, Snoopy. :lol :rotfl

If any entered the Scarring Contest, please do PM me the entries, I have missed far too much lol.

Scarring contest? Must have missed that... link?
Re: Freaktacular 2015



Alright, I am actually changing up my contest.

The contest is: make any artistic form that depict a movie, a scene, a character that scared and scarred you as young kid.

Since Punk and GB are doing artistic contest, feel free to even use the same thing for here.

It could be paint, sketch, or even a doodle on your cell phone! :rock

I actually have a prize, thanks to the generosity of mrdbios! The prize is TWO Fabrikations figures!

The entries are due by 11:59:59 p.m. on 10/31!

Anyone can enter! Contentinetal 48 can win the prize, international Freaks can still win a Funko fig (of your choice from me!)

Can't wait to see what people do! And let's keep rocking this Spook! :rock :rock :duff

Just spreading the word! :D
Re: Freaktacular 2015


For Mystery Box #5

What was your favorite childhood Halloween costume?

Contest ends at 11:30am Central Time today. One entry per person. Winner will be chosen by the wheel. If you've already won a mystery box you cannot win another, but feel free to join in with an answer.


Anyone that posts a picture of themselves in the costume gets entered into another contest. No restrictions for previous wins.

I don't have time to check if I'm late for this...I think I may be about 20 minutes late, as per usual! :lol My favourite as a kid was actually an IRS agent I came up with. I found an old briefcase in our house, and for some reason I just told my parents I wanted to dress up in a suit and put the letters IRS on the briefcase with paper. People thought it was really creative! The candy went into the briefcase...the only time anyone would be happy to see the IRS at their door. :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2015

OK, for the embarrassment of posting pics of yourself in costume--here is the prize for the secondary contest. A Mondo Night of the Living Deadpool print.

deadpool print.JPG

Congratulations, Vander! PM me your address!
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Wow, I just missed that one! Damn you and your early morning contests Zod! :lol They're my kryptonite lately! :lol

Congrats Nat and Vander!! :hi5::yess:
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I dressed up as Marty from 2015. Made the Pepsi Perfect bottle at work before the movie, so I could sneak in a drink without them noticing. :lol worked like a charm. There was a 1985 Marty and a 2015 Doc Brown there as well.


That's an awesome outfit!! Love the shoes too. Apparently the official versions are coming out in 2016...but who knows with Internet rumours these days. :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I'll do some later ones too. If I wasn't going out of town this morning I would have waited but I wanted to get them in before I left.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I'll do some later ones too. If I wasn't going out of town this morning I would have waited but I wanted to get them in before I left.

It's all good, I'm just playing. It's like Polkaroo with how my schedule is lately! :lol "I missed him again?" :lol Great to see so much participation heading into the final week of Spook! :yess:

And huzzah for comic conventions and Ant Man! I hope you're dressing up too!