Friday the 13th Part3 Premium Format Figure

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I missed out on the stinking exclusive! I went to go see a movie, gone all of 2-3 hours and came home to a waitlist. Signed up that day and just got served my waitlist cancellation papers last week!
Off topic, I was gonna watch Sgt. Kabukiman today on netflix but I fell asleep. I thought of you when I saw the title.

Off topic, when I am watching netflix I see you sign in and out like 10 times a day.

Also off topic, I have a sickening feeling I am gonna have to bump a certain thread soon :mad:

Off topic, :rotfl :rotfl :hi5:
Port-a-potty was delivered today with extra blue goodness. It's even used for smell-o-vision realism! Can't wait to get my Jason so I can soak him for about 2 days, pull him out, put the sporkchete in his hand and have my screen accurate VIII PF! :rock:rock:rock
I missed out on the stinking exclusive! I went to go see a movie, gone all of 2-3 hours and came home to a waitlist. Signed up that day and just got served my waitlist cancellation papers last week!

Even the exclusive didn't sale out until the day after it went up, so what are you talking about missing it because you were gone for a few hours at a movie? :dunno
Even the exclusive didn't sale out until the day after it went up, so what are you talking about missing it because you were gone for a few hours at a movie? :dunno

:cuckoo: Newb. Went up in the newsletter at 7pm and was waitlisted by 9:19pm despite SSC's website crashing. Irony is you posted just two after mine about being Waitlisted on the Exclusive. :lol

So I order after umpteen website errors (having PZ flashbacks) and it says Wait List but I got a T on my order. WTF?! :lol

Incidentally, while looking for it, I stumbled upon this bit of fail :lol:
I really don't think this is going to be as popular as those of us that have really been wanting it believe it will be. As long as I get one I'm good.
WRONG!!!! :moon :nana: :pfft:
WOW, I forgot how botched that ____ was. :lol

Got the regular, but got WLed on the EX!!! Damn thing kept giving me errors and warnings!! My time said 05:05:27. ____ers!!
Website still says this thing is available to order.
The website is really messed up. The product page doesn't show him as on waitlist status. I hope you guys got your orders through. Check your e-mail.
I think it is sold out cause some people reported getting WL.
Still says add to cart....:dunno
:rotfl It is kinda fun to go back and re-live that fateful night...

Not for me. If I wouldve missed this, Seth wouldve killed me. I kept trying to get it ordered and kept getting reset or "page wont load' and all other sorts of bullcrap. I finally got thru.

This was as terrifying for me as when SSC started making the Universal Monsters website exclusives with Mike Hill's Wolfman.

I hate that "nervous breakdown" garbage. Collecting this is supposed to be fun...not the cause of a mental disorder,lol.:lol:lecture:medic
Despite the chaos, I miss the anxiety from PPO's. This newsletter garbage is bull____ and just keeps causing crashes. Look what happened with the IM SDCC Ex and that "preorder." :(