Friday the 13th Part3 Premium Format Figure

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Let me reply. I ordered it and im getting it. What i decide to do with it is totally up to me. Second about your scar predator, you bought it for that then stripped the parts off you wanted and it was broke and you sell it for the same price you bought it for. Shouldnt you have sold it for less?
Finally, to show i have more guts then you (person who called me out) Whoever in this thread got there jason cancelled and posted about it above i will sell you mine at cost plus shipping to you plus paypal fees. If it is barb or zombie you have to show me proof that sideshow will not honor your order.
Flip that lol

Thats very nice of you, I'm sure one of those individuals will be very happy.

Very nice. Since Barbarian posted first, I will defer to him .. If his doesn't pan out, then he should get first dibs. If his does though - and mine doesn't - I'll take him :)
So what time were you born last night? :nana::rotfl

Yes he does, in fact he sent me this really nice PM not to long ago. Here is what he wrote...

I saw your post in the jason thread about my ebay auction. I find it funny after looking at a couple of your for sale threads that your gonna call me out on selling the jason pf for more. You sold a broken scar predator for more then double retail. Just to let you know i was thinking about selling it at cost to one of the two people in thethread that missed out, but after your post i have decided not to. Way to go newb. Lol
Take care and maybe next time you should check the registry before you call someone out.


Heres the e-bay auction in case any of you missed it:

Yeah, I almost believe he was going to sell it too someone here for cost. I was born at night, but not last night.

Well at least now we all know Jim (jaakub) on here is one of the ******* flippers on E-bay who overprices his stuff to make a 300% profit.

Way to go bud... :clap

And btw, I sold a Scar for $360.00...which is what I payed for it...and I was trying to sell a Subject 05 for $120.00...which is what I payed for this as well.
I learned a long time ago, concerning flippers, if you can't beat them, join them. Nothing someone said here would stop me from making a 300% profit. I've had to pay exorbitant prices for some of the pieces I desired in my collection and what I do with my pre-orders or pieces that have been in my collection for years is strictly mine and the buyers business. I keep the same user name on eBay as I do here, and nobody would intimidate me into removing an auction. I'm a collector, but I have to realize that if selling one item for double or triple will allow me to secure the funds for another higher ticket item I'm after, you better believe I'm going to do it.

I've been gouged and have gouged. ;)

But I must add, as someone who has missed out on other pieces in the past and been gutted, that is a very nice gesture of you jaakub. Very Buddhist of you.
I totally agree with this. Thanks for the compliment at the end. My rule of thumb on most items i put on ebay is fifty over what i paid so i can at least get my money back. Rarer items i go for market value. With this piece i had no clue.
Friday the 13th is one of my favorite series but i enjoy my mask collection more then the pf. I followed this thread from the beginning and once i saw what sideshow did with this payment being one shot or cancelled really got me mad. That is one reason i dont order much from sideshow lately. It was wrong what they did. The one other thing i think they did wrong is the portrait should have been the exclusive not the machette too. When i think of jason even though he has used more than one weapon i think the machette is more iconic then the axe. Also im more of a part 4 and part 6 jason.
Can someone that knows barbarian drop him a line since im waiting to hear back from him.

I learned a long time ago, concerning flippers, if you can't beat them, join them. Nothing someone said here would stop me from making a 300% profit. I've had to pay exorbitant prices for some of the pieces I desired in my collection and what I do with my pre-orders or pieces that have been in my collection for years is strictly mine and the buyers business. I keep the same user name on eBay as I do here, and nobody would intimidate me into removing an auction. I'm a collector, but I have to realize that if selling one item for double or triple will allow me to secure the funds for another higher ticket item I'm after, you better believe I'm going to do it.

I've been gouged and have gouged. ;)

But I must add, as someone who has missed out on other pieces in the past and been gutted, that is a very nice gesture of you jaakub. Very Buddhist of you.
This thread = :cuckoo:

If Sideshow does indeed screw Barb and Zombie, and one of them gets taken care of by a flipper at cost, then I will have seen everything.

Good on ya, jaakub. Jason brings out the best in all of us! :grouphug
Details sent back to you barbarian on this. It is yours as soon as payment is sent. It is scheduled to arrive here to me on Thursday the 4th and I'll send it right back out if I get it in time that day but friday for sure. Sorry Zombie, hopefully someone else will hook you up with one.
Let me reply. I ordered it and im getting it. What i decide to do with it is totally up to me. Second about your scar predator, you bought it for that then stripped the parts off you wanted and it was broke and you sell it for the same price you bought it for. Shouldnt you have sold it for less?
Finally, to show i have more guts then you (person who called me out) Whoever in this thread got there jason cancelled and posted about it above i will sell you mine at cost plus shipping to you plus paypal fees. If it is barb or zombie you have to show me proof that sideshow will not honor your order.
Flip that lol

[ame=""]‪Just Friends--OH MY GOD!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

So what time were you born last night? :nana::rotfl


I learned a long time ago, concerning flippers, if you can't beat them, join them. Nothing someone said here would stop me from making a 300% profit. I've had to pay exorbitant prices for some of the pieces I desired in my collection and what I do with my pre-orders or pieces that have been in my collection for years is strictly mine and the buyers business. I keep the same user name on eBay as I do here, and nobody would intimidate me into removing an auction. I'm a collector, but I have to realize that if selling one item for double or triple will allow me to secure the funds for another higher ticket item I'm after, you better believe I'm going to do it.

I've been gouged and have gouged. ;)

But I must add, as someone who has missed out on other pieces in the past and been gutted, that is a very nice gesture of you jaakub. Very Buddhist of you.

Meh, I'm still teasing you about the SSE dios after all the "I'M SO SAD I'M SELLING ALL MY STUFF!" drama posts. :pfft:
Through 2 & 3, into 4 now. Walking the dogs was not fun tonight, they gave me little comfort...

Watching 5 now. Haven't seen it since I went to the movies to see it in 85'. Underated IMO, I like it and appreciate that the flashbacks have Jason!
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Let me reply. I ordered it and im getting it. What i decide to do with it is totally up to me. Second about your scar predator, you bought it for that then stripped the parts off you wanted and it was broke and you sell it for the same price you bought it for. Shouldnt you have sold it for less?
Finally, to show i have more guts then you (person who called me out) Whoever in this thread got there jason cancelled and posted about it above i will sell you mine at cost plus shipping to you plus paypal fees. If it is barb or zombie you have to show me proof that sideshow will not honor your order.
Flip that lol

Very Honorable ... :clap

I've had to pay exorbitant prices for some of the pieces I desired in my collection and what I do with my pre-orders or pieces that have been in my collection for years is strictly mine and the buyers business.

Agreed , the world is crazy that way. You are always going to get guys who buy for profit and guys who buy for pure enthusiasm. Its just the world we live in. And I believe and hope more pure passionate collectors get there chance first.

as if this thread wasn't epic enough......:lol

Got to love this board. I have laughed, got angry, been scared and have had a tear or two regarding some of us collectors who lost this. And thank the heavens that there are guys like jaakub who will help out a fellow passionate collector. Cheers to you jaakub :rock2

:lol Yes he is! I am your man, brother! Thanks so friggin' much! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your generosity. PM sent!

keeping the hope brother ... :yess:
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My deepest thanks to jaakub. I'm honestly touched by the righteousness of this community. Yesterday was my birthday, and although I had a great day, there was this looming dark cloud over the whole day. Today, that cloud has been lifted by a person's generosity in righting a wrong, instead of cashing in on such a glorious and rare statue.

As companies seems to get more and more greedy, forgetting that they are dealing with people, not numbers, it is the people that can help each other. jaakub has proven this and his actions are a symbol of what we can do to assist one another. It's all about community and many companies have proven through their actions that they are not a part of this.

I had to tell my woman about this and when I did, she actually cried tears of joy. She knew exactly how this whole fiasco has affected me and knows now that the world isn't always such a greedy place. There are folks like jaakub here that can act as a great and positive influence that others can strive to be like. Thanks again, Jim!!! A million THANKS!!! :) :1-1: :hi5: :yess:

PS: Thank you very much, ZombieReign for being such a righteous individual. I greatly appreciate your words and actions.