I ordered both Sam and Frodo yesterday, but I didn't even take a look at the exclusives. I was just too happy that I could finally order the hobbits.
I thought people who collected wanted the highest quality possible. If you can't afford the car don't buy it I guess. Hell I want a Porche but I don't complain to them about the prices. I don't buy many PF's just do to the price. Would I like to have some? Sure. But I won't complain about the price. If you can't afford it I am sorry. That truly sucks. But don't complain about a company charging a substantiated price for an item only because it is out of your reach. I don't think that is fair.
That's a fundemental philosophy that I absolutely will fight to the end. People who are getting priced out have a very valid complaint.
IMO, there is a balance that companies should strive for to not only make the best product they can, but to make it so that many people can/want to buy it.
Its in the best interest for companies to do that to. The core of the market want affordable value, not extravagant value.
There might be a niche market of people that would pay for a 14k white gold "mythril" vest for their new Frodo. Even if the vest is offered at a steal of a deal of say $500 based on gold costs, etc. Lets say 100 people are willing to pay that. Earning SSC $50,000.
Now lets say for the cost of $25 SSC can offer a cheaper metal vest and sells 2,000 of them also earning $50,000.
Of course, there is a 3rd option which is SSC could do both.
Maybe that is the solution? For SSC to offer a bare bones Sam and Frodo with much less accessories for less? I don't know.
But, IMO there is something intrinsicly good about offering something to more. Now, please don't take that to mean I want them at the quality of the old ToyBiz. I'm not arguing to get these down to $20. My argument is more of the rise between $60 to $70.
That's totally true Irish. Which IMO means these are already gonna be priced right out of the market on some people. As I've said it's a part of life.
You have to pick and choose what's in your budget.
Yup. I had to drop a couple lines to be able to keep up and I also needed to narrow my focus. It just a questions of defining what you like and what you don't like as much.
Yup. I had to drop a couple lines to be able to keep up and I also needed to narrow my focus. It just a questions of defining what you like and what you don't like as much.
if i knew that saying 70$$$??????????? for a half a 12 in fig would start all this arguing.....i would have said it at least 30 pages earlier:chew
if i knew that saying 70$$$??????????? for a half a 12 in fig would start all this arguing.....i would have said it at least 30 pages earlier:chew
I call BS on that Pix. You said you drive a Prism, so there is no way you dropped any lines for financial reasons.
Yeah. I'm glad I didn't mention that mine even has power windows!
Also, I used to collect things like the Hasbro "Star Wars" line. And let me tell you, at $6-7 a pop those little action figures really add up. Not to mention all the other stuff out there. So I quit collecting mass-market toys almost entirely and moved on to more "high-end" stuff and as a result I'm really not spending that much more money actually.
if i knew that saying 70$$$??????????? for a half a 12 in fig would start all this arguing.....i would have said it at least 30 pages earlier:chew
Same here. Me and a buddy would go out late at night when Wal-Mart would be stocking to get the more in demand stuff. I'd hate 2 think of the money I spent on those and how I'd like to have it back 2 spend on this stuff.
Read back a little further bub. I made my $70 comments first.
I take full credit. LOL!