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Same here. Me and a buddy would go out late at night when Wal-Mart would be stocking to get the more in demand stuff. I'd hate 2 think of the money I spent on those and how I'd like to have it back 2 spend on this stuff.

Heck, I'd happily take a fraction of what I have in the Hasbro SW stuff. In fact, I'm planning on having a "Star Wars Fire Sale" at the SW Fan Days Con in Dallas in October. Stuff for pennies on the dollar.
In the end I think many of you are saying "if you can't afford $70, don't buy them" and "SSC has a right to charge what they want" and "it's life" or "it's capitalism".

I actually agree that these things are all true!

That being said, you can't tell me that there is not a line out there in which lots of SSC collectors will bolt if crossed. Be it $75, $80 or $150.

When that line is crossed SSC can either become a MR type company with extremely low ES and high prices or they can stay to the middle more.

If people WANT SSC to become a MR type manufacturer then I refer back to my references of an elitist undertone. They can say "I don't mind being an elitist" but don't deny it.

Again, no one is asking SSC to become a Hasbro type massmarketer. However it is my belief that if SSC ever became a caterer to only the extremely well off then that hurts a lot of the community and maybe a lot of people here.

It works both ways, we can say "don't buy it if its not affordable" and we can say "don't buy it if its below your standards".

I'm just hoping SSC continues to reach to the people in the middle.
In the end I think many of you are saying "if you can't afford $70, don't buy them" and "SSC has a right to charge what they want" and "it's life" or "it's capitalism".

I actually agree that these things are all true!

That being said, you can't tell me that there is not a line out there in which lots of SSC collectors will bolt if crossed. Be it $75, $80 or $150.

When that line is crossed SSC can either become a MR type company with extremely low ES and high prices or they can stay to the middle more.

If people WANT SSC to become a MR type manufacturer then I refer back to my references of an elitist undertone. They can say "I don't mind being an elitist" but don't deny it.

Again, no one is asking SSC to become a Hasbro type massmarketer. However it is my belief that if SSC ever became a caterer to only the extremely well off then that hurts a lot of the community and maybe a lot of people here.

It works both ways, we can say "don't buy it if its not affordable" and we can say "don't buy it if its below your standards".

I'm just hoping SSC continues to reach to the people in the middle.

Since when has MR been about about low edition sizes. In the beginning maybe, but not anymore. The only reason anything from MR has a low es now is because the **** won't sell otherwise.
I am so glad I never collected that Hasbro stuff. Sadly the same cannot be said for sports cards. God I wish I hadn't wasted my time and money on that ****.

I know. I had so many sports cards. At one time I had like 1500-1600 different Michael Jordan cards. Plus tons of everyone else from all sports.

Heck, I'd happily take a fraction of what I have in the Hasbro SW stuff. In fact, I'm planning on having a "Star Wars Fire Sale" at the SW Fan Days Con in Dallas in October. Stuff for pennies on the dollar.

I was able to sell a lot of it but I've also given some to the son of a lady I work with at the school. He's 7 and big into SW so I know he'll enjoy them.
Since when has MR been about about low edition sizes. In the beginning maybe, but not anymore. The only reason anything from MR has a low es now is because the **** won't sell otherwise.

That and they won't have SW much longer. :lol
That being said, you can't tell me that there is not a line out there in which lots of SSC collectors will bolt if crossed. Be it $75, $80 or $150.

When that line is crossed SSC can either become a MR type company with extremely low ES and high prices or they can stay to the middle more.

If people WANT SSC to become a MR type manufacturer then I refer back to my references of an elitist undertone. They can say "I don't mind being an elitist" but don't deny it.

Actually, they would become more of a Hot Toys/Medicom type company, which is unfortunately where the increasingly niche 1/6 market is headed. These aren't toys anymore, the days of "affordable" 12" figures are gone.
IMO opinion your theory sounds like communism for collectors. :lol

Collectible communism would be if I said you had to pay $300 for the Hobbits but I can get them for $20.

No. I'm asking SSC to charge the same to everyone, I'm just asking that they make these product to the level at which they are still competitive price wise with other forms of entertainment.

I'm not poor, but if prices go above a certain point I'll shift my money somewhere else and if there are a lot of people like me then it'll leave the hobby high and dry and a lot of people will lose out.

I'm surprised you guys don't see that.

Don't you guys agree with "the more the merrier". Don't you wish more people could share this hobby?
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...Don't you guys agree with "the more the merrier". Don't you wish more people could share this hobby?

I think most of us agree with that. Where the difference in thinking lies is whether or not the hobbits are worth $70. Alot of us here think they are.
Collectible communism would be if I said you had to pay $300 for the Hobbits but I can get them for $20.

No. I'm asking SSC to charge the same to everyone, I'm just asking that they make these product to the level at which they are still competitive price wise with other forms of entertainment.

I'm not poor, but if prices go above a certain point I'll shift my money somewhere else and if there are a lot of people like me then it'll leave the hobby high and dry and a lot of people will lose out.

I'm surprised you guys don't see that.

Don't you guys agree with "the more the merrier". Don't you wish more people could share this hobby?

No personaly I like being a part of an elite group known as the freaks. So the more the merrier doesn't work for me. I want great quality and if I have to pay for it so be it. When I can't afford it anymore I will stop buying. I am not there yet. If you are worried about Sideshow and their business tactics I would say to let them handle it. So far they seem to be doing a pretty good job with the exception of their paint apps. But, I can overlook that for the most part. I also like knowing I have a piece that is limited. The less people that own it is better for me anyways. Plus it is nicer to show family and friends that you have an item of only 500 in existence rather than a few thousand.
I want more people to want to enjoy this hobby but not be able to so that I can look down on them from my throne made of empty HT , Medi and Enterbay boxes and laugh maniacally as they fight over the Hasbro scraps I discard before my feet.:monkey3
I want more people to want to enjoy this hobby but not be able to so that I can look down on them from my throne made of empty HT , Medi and Enterbay boxes and laugh maniacally as they fight over the Hasbro scraps I discard before my feet.:monkey3

What's goin on? Why aren't these exclusives sold out?

Just my 2 cents, 70 is a bit high compared to the others... I thought they were gonna be 50 each, maybe that's why they're still around?
I think most of us agree with that. Where the difference in thinking lies is whether or not the hobbits are worth $70. Alot of us here think they are.

I think they're worth it as much as I think Boromir was worth his price. I own the whole line of SW and LOTR figures. The Hobbits themselves look like a step up actually.

What has my eyebrows raised the most however is the complacency with the trend of rising prices. $50 to $55 to $60 to $70.

Within 2 years the prices have basically gone up 40%. I grant that quality is up...but the trend is alittle like a thunderstorm coming my way. :lightnin
I agree that it would be great if more people could participate in the hobby. But I would never want to see SSC cutting out details in order to make a cheaper product. We've seen what ToyBiz and DiD can deliver and they weren't adequate.
I agree that it would be great if more people could participate in the hobby. But I would never want to see SSC cutting out details in order to make a cheaper product. We've seen what ToyBiz and DiD can deliver and they weren't adequate.

I can agree with that.
I completely agree with Dave, from an idealistic point of view.

Problem is, if we don't get more support, and what interest there is starts to wane, this line might disappear like so many others... and then what good is the expensive details? (note: for me, these are not particularly expensive but many here think they are for what they are.)

I could suffer with maybe a few less 'extras' -- no pots and pans and lame-asss bread -- so that these figures could fall into the $54.99 category and get more people back into this line. There's plenty of 1/6th extras to be found elsewhere if you want to load these guys up with goodies. Then again, I like to customize and I know a lot of people here do not so that might not be a solution.
I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't believe a new body type warrants a price increase.

The price has been increasing anyway at least with the Star Wars line simply by the passage of time