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Why would we not get any more LOTR announcements for 2008? Its only April and we still have the biggest show of the freaking year to come. I guarantee something @ SDCC.

I think they meant no more shipments in 2008 because Frodo and Sam are taking 9 months and being that we're in month 4 of 2008, 9 months would be in 2009.
I think they meant no more shipments in 2008 because Frodo and Sam are taking 9 months and being that we're in month 4 of 2008, 9 months would be in 2009.

I got ya. That makes a lot more sense to me.

hmmm interesting. what is this SDCC you speak of?

I'm going to assume you're just screwing with me. :lo

I'll post the link to the Official SDCC site
It could be we won't but I would just be so shocked beyond belief not to see anything @ SDCC. So I'm going to roll with you on it being no more shipping other than the hobbits and maybe GTG.
So 2008 is only going to deliver the Hobbits and GTG. Wow this line is painfully slow.

Maybe not even GTG possibly. Hobbits still aren't even seemingly upon us. I'd say if you averge Faramir from proto to in hand with the Hobbits proto to in hand, that'll rough GTG. He could be early 2009. Regardless, the good and bad of this line is it's pace, it's easy to be a completist because you only need so much $$ so often, but it's hard because you're not getting much to complete with. At this rate, it'll be 2010 before the Fellowship is complete in hand.
Yeah, now that we have Gandalf coming, Gimli is the one that I'm most looking forward to. I think it has the potential to be a really impressive figure, and the beard should hide any potential problems with the likeness.
Maybe not even GTG possibly. Hobbits still aren't even seemingly upon us. I'd say if you averge Faramir from proto to in hand with the Hobbits proto to in hand, that'll rough GTG. He could be early 2009. Regardless, the good and bad of this line is it's pace, it's easy to be a completist because you only need so much $$ so often, but it's hard because you're not getting much to complete with. At this rate, it'll be 2010 before the Fellowship is complete in hand.

That's pretty much what I was getting at. In 2007 what.. we recieved Faramir (and Boramir?) and ordered the Hobbits, right??

So this year we'll get the Hobbits and possibly GTG. And I hope we'll get a PO at SDCC.
Yeah, now that we have Gandalf coming, Gimli is the one that I'm most looking forward to. I think it has the potential to be a really impressive figure, and the beard should hide any potential problems with the likeness.

Gimli is next up on my hit list of most wanted for sure. His outfit alone and the way SS does that kind of thing could make it possibly one of the coolest figures in the entire line.
Gimli is next up on my hit list of most wanted for sure. His outfit alone and the way SS does that kind of thing could make it possibly one of the coolest figures in the entire line.
i just hope he has 2 heads. 1 with helmet and 1 without cuz i dont think they could make it look good as a removable piece. its a pretty tight helmet.
Bring on Gimli !


I understand everybody's desire for Gimli. He is part of the Fellowship... and he would go well with the already released Legolas.

However, he is not exactly my favorite character... not by a LONG shot. I would only get him just to support the line. However, I would MUCH prefer Sideshow to venture out of the Fellowship for the next release. Here's the characters I would like to see... in not particular order:

Bilbo Baggins
Smeagol (ROTK Prologue)
Moria Orc

But I know the desire to complete the Fellowship is strong amongst collectors... especially sdince there is a fear that the line will die before that happens. So... if the next figure HAD to be from the Fellowship, I would be more keen on seeing Merry or Pippin.