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I will be very surprised if we see Gandalf before 2009... it really seems about a year between start and finish. And with the extra complexity of the costume I could see him being a slow to production guy.
haha I know this sounds bad but I hope they DO take a year. These guys are gonna be one big hit and I'd like a better cash flow for when they do arrive.
A couple days ago I was hoping they would announce the Hobbits soon. But since I got fired yesterday I am kinda hoping they will wait till I get a new job. :D
haha I know this sounds bad but I hope they DO take a year. These guys are gonna be one big hit and I'd like a better cash flow for when they do arrive.

yeah since i have gandalf, obi and indy on pre-order, i'd actually be happy to see him shipped in 2009. that being said if they all ship in 2008 boi will be the first to get cut.
Cancelled Frodo and Sam.

Bought new furniture and since I've done without these 2 for so long, figured I can do without for another year or so.

Plus, the ex accessories aren't exactly "awesome".

Maybe once Gandalf is ready to ship I'll see if people are selling off Frodo and Sam.
Finding a job is a pain. I applied to 3 Wal-Mart's (with prior experience too), 5 Wal-Greens, several video stores, Dick's Sporting Goods and several Medical Offices... still not ONE SINGLE CALL.

Freakin Economy.:monkey2
Its a sad truth man, the economy is in the crapper... I'm glad I quit my job as it sucked, but I didn't figure it would be this much of a pain to get something else.
Come over to Belgium; lot's of work here, depending on what kind of job you want to do, but in many sectors we can't find enough people.

Like construction and IT ...

I myself recently switched jobs, about three weeks ago I sent out some applications, I had to cancel many, many interviews because there are too much companies that don't find people ...

So everybody's welcome !
Come over to Belgium; lot's of work here, depending on what kind of job you want to do, but in many sectors we can't find enough people.

Like construction and IT ...

I myself recently switched jobs, about three weeks ago I sent out some applications, I had to cancel many, many interviews because there are too much companies that don't find people ...

So everybody's welcome !

Yeah, Belgium rocks, man! :rock

(sorry for this entirely useless and off-topic post :monkey1)