Furiosa (May 24, 2024)

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I would have liked an artbook on the film but there won't be one from what I've read.
Welp, just watched it for the first time at home, (3rd time seeing it total)

I believe I am bumping it up a point to a 9/10.

Miller in his usual genius , cannot be fully comprehended with a viewing or two. Much like Fury Road, seeing this film multiple times give greater depth and story.

There are some serious layers here that are only becoming more apparent each watch....much of which is helped by the incredible behind the scenes footage.

Once again, a lot of what we THINK is CGI is not. And the story is only enhanced by looking for the little things. I highly recommend watching the behind the scenes and then going back for another viewing. There is a lot to be noticed that you just miss the first or even second go round.
Pay particular attention to the leather jacket Furiosa is wearing. Some weird stufff going on there with the missing sleeve...which end up being her missing arm ...

Max is also missing a sleeve , the opposite one, in Fury Road.

I can tell you this, I will NEVER hear Dementus voice the same again after hearing what Helmworth said was his inspiration......it's somehow adds to the character ina very weird way.

The CGI for all of the Bullet Farm sequence is still dodgy as hell, I mean totally unprofessional and wonky. But the story is such high stakes it's overlooked (for the most part)

But damn some of that sequence must have been a secondary unit or director, cause it terrible to witness at times....
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Watched it. Fell asleep. I gotta give it another go when not so tired. Family didn't care too much for it. From what I did see, it did feel Furiosa being a little kid was a tad long.

to me young furiosa part was the best part of the movie because the kid actress was in more dangerous situations than adult furiosa and I hate to say it but the young furiosa gave a better performance.
I'm not trying to be funny, she genuinely did better. Anya Taylor Joy didn't feel like she had as much energy as the younger version.

Anya was fine but she was trying to imitate Charlize and Charlize was soft spoken in fury road and tired. and that kind of hurt Anya for me.
but the young kid could just be herself, she was more interesting.
Anya has great action scenes. but she needed more energy.
Yeah, for some reason every time Dementus was onscreen I became less involved. I can't explain it. I was more invested when he wasn't around. He talks too much, I think. A bit kooky. I'm sure I'll come back around to him as a villain, just wasn't in the mood for him on this particular viewing.

It still bugs me that Furiosa runs away from the wives chamber and no one seems to care, no moment of 'search', nothing. Joe was so mesmerized by her, you'd think he'd check on her every visit... and then she's gone! He'd go ballistic.

But that's... another story...

the problem with Dementus is that in your head you are starting to think, "why does anyone follow this guy" ? how is he Alive? how is he a leader?
he's really dumb, he's really incompetent. yeah he's violent and brutal, but you start to think " this guy is so dumb, how did he survive for so long "
that was my problem.
yeah he's awesome and the performance is great and he's funny. he's charismatic, full of energy ( the opposite of Anya furiousa)

but when I watch this I think, how did dementus win so much for so long?
to me young furiosa part was the best part of the movie because the kid actress was in more dangerous situations than adult furiosa and I hate to say it but the young furiosa gave a better performance.
I'm not trying to be funny, she genuinely did better. Anya Taylor Joy didn't feel like she had as much energy as the younger version.

Anya was fine but she was trying to imitate Charlize and Charlize was soft spoken in fury road and tired. and that kind of hurt Anya for me.
but the young kid could just be herself, she was more interesting.
Anya has great action scenes. but she needed more energy.

the problem with Dementus is that in your head you are starting to think, "why does anyone follow this guy" ? how is he Alive? how is he a leader?
he's really dumb, he's really incompetent. yeah he's violent and brutal, but you start to think " this guy is so dumb, how did he survive for so long "
that was my problem.
yeah he's awesome and the performance is great and he's funny. he's charismatic, full of energy ( the opposite of Anya furiousa)

but when I watch this I think, how did dementus win so much for so long?
Are you trying to be funny or something!
Are you trying to be funny or something!

Fozzie Bear Reaction GIF
to me young furiosa part was the best part of the movie because the kid actress was in more dangerous situations than adult furiosa and I hate to say it but the young furiosa gave a better performance.
I'm not trying to be funny, she genuinely did better. Anya Taylor Joy didn't feel like she had as much energy as the younger version.

Anya was fine but she was trying to imitate Charlize and Charlize was soft spoken in fury road and tired. and that kind of hurt Anya for me.
but the young kid could just be herself, she was more interesting.
Anya has great action scenes. but she needed more energy.

the problem with Dementus is that in your head you are starting to think, "why does anyone follow this guy" ? how is he Alive? how is he a leader?
he's really dumb, he's really incompetent. yeah he's violent and brutal, but you start to think " this guy is so dumb, how did he survive for so long "
that was my problem.
yeah he's awesome and the performance is great and he's funny. he's charismatic, full of energy ( the opposite of Anya furiousa)

but when I watch this I think, how did dementus win so much for so long?
I enjoy the movie, but agree with all of this.
I enjoy the movie, but agree with all of this.
I'm not hating on Anya ( I always love her) and I'm not hating on dementus. he was amazing. ( he really was awesome)
but after Anya shows up and After Dementus takes over the oil rig, the movie slows down and is not as interesting as with little furiosa.
even dementus himself is more interesting before he takes over the oil rig.
to me young furiosa part was the best part of the movie because the kid actress was in more dangerous situations than adult furiosa and I hate to say it but the young furiosa gave a better performance.
I'm not trying to be funny, she genuinely did better. Anya Taylor Joy didn't feel like she had as much energy as the younger version.

Anya was fine but she was trying to imitate Charlize and Charlize was soft spoken in fury road and tired. and that kind of hurt Anya for me.
but the young kid could just be herself, she was more interesting.
Anya has great action scenes. but she needed more energy.

the problem with Dementus is that in your head you are starting to think, "why does anyone follow this guy" ? how is he Alive? how is he a leader?
he's really dumb, he's really incompetent. yeah he's violent and brutal, but you start to think " this guy is so dumb, how did he survive for so long "
that was my problem.
yeah he's awesome and the performance is great and he's funny. he's charismatic, full of energy ( the opposite of Anya furiousa)

but when I watch this I think, how did dementus win so much for so long?
He was smart enough to invade gas town :) and he is also smart enough not to kill Furiosa directly because he knows that she knows the location of the green lands.

He is also brave and strong to dare to confront Immortan Joe face to face. He's like the cult leader and his men are quite stupid.

But he's not as smart as the Joker or immortan Joe, and I think he's less ruthless or sociopathic, after killing Praetorian Jack, and tying Furiosa up by one arm, when he sits on the hood of the monster trunck, he looks worn out, and he's starting to get tired of all that.

I think his family was really killed and he knows he has become trash himself.
He is mentally declining, but that's my opinion.It makes him a nuanced character that's more interesting than a pure villain.

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 16-38-00 Death of Praetorian Jack FURIOSA A MAD MAX SAGA - YouTube.png
He was smart enough to invade gas town :) and he is also smart enough not to kill Furiosa directly because he knows that she knows the location of the green lands.

He is also brave and strong to dare to confront Immortan Joe face to face. He's like the cult leader and his men are quite stupid.

But he's not as smart as the Joker or immortan Joe, and I think he's less ruthless or sociopathic, after killing Praetorian Jack, and tying Furiosa up by one arm, when he sits on the hood of the monster trunck, he looks worn out, and he's starting to get tired of all that.

I think his family was really killed and he knows he has become trash himself.
He is mentally declining, but that's my opinion.It makes him a nuanced character that's more interesting than a pure villain.

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but why did gas town fail
Dementus was an idiot. That's the point, it's the wasteland, some people are going to be clever survivors (Max), some are going to be fodder for capable dictators like Immortan Joe, and some are going to lucky strongmen like Dementus. He was a cruel idiot from the first start, stumbling from plans that worked to ones that don't.

Makes total sense a person like this would exist in George's world of Max.