Furiosa (May 24, 2024)

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How did you get back?! :lol I take it you're the OG crows - aka blackmask?... :panic:
Honestly even if he did his laugh from what i’ve seen of the movie it looks really bad and he comes off so timid now with no zest to his walk.

Also just to let crows know…

1. Welcome back very cool seeing your name pop up.

2. It took a while but I have warmed up tremendously to Fury Road and i’m happy that Furiosa was very different, a great prequel.
I am just a simple and humble crow, wanting to talk about movies. any resemblance to other birds is merely coincidence.

so did furiosa made you appreciate fury road more? it did for me. I already loved fury road but furiosa made me love it so much more.
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Is it Charlize... or AI?

Apparently it's unused footage from Fury Road:

There are going to be people at some point who are going to watch Furiosa without having seen Fury Road. This is a minor spoiler, but during the credits, you show footage from Fury Road. How much did you debate including that footage and not including the footage for the people who maybe would watch Furiosa not having seen Fury Road?

MILLER: A lot. The thing is, what you're getting at the end credits on Furiosa is you're getting a sample of what happens. So if you haven't seen Fury Road, you're not getting the experience of Fury Road, you're getting, like, a little mini trailer of it. So, it's quite a different experience. One is hopefully an immersive experience and the other is a kind of a little taste of it. It's like if you're listening to some sort of extended piece of music, a symphony or a rock opera or something, and you just play a few sample bars of it at the end. So, these were all things I thought about. But I thought because it feels — I'm sure there are other examples but I can't think of any — like there's a direct flow from the end of one story into another one, I felt it was worth doing. And if you haven't seen Fury Road, it really won't make very much difference at all.

Ah, well that's quite cool then.

She really grows between the time she brings in that fruit and then exits with the girls.

I amended the post to quote the source with Miller's answer.

I assumed it was unused footage, but they refer to it as "footage from Fury Road", and Miller doesn't correct them or describe them as deleted scenes.
Ah, well that's quite cool then.

She really grows between the time she brings in that fruit and then exits with the girls.
I had mentioned that showing those scenes at the end of Furiosa "spoils" the reveal that the wives are hiding in the War Rig but now that I think of it pretty much all the original trailers for FR showed the women on the rig so I guess nothing changes, lol.
Ah, well that's quite cool then.

She really grows between the time she brings in that fruit and then exits with the girls.
Since the seed that she planted came from the fruit that was plucked from the Green Place at the beginning of the movie does that mean that every tree in the Green Place is growing out of...people? :horror
Um, you know that the Interceptor was completely destroyed in The Road Warrior right? Miller said in 2015 that FR doesn't fit perfectly with the Mel movies.

The bumper was missing in Fury Road and the car was badly damaged. It looked pretty good in Furiosa.

Anyway, I looked into it. According to the comics, Max rebuilds the Interceptor sometime after Beyond ThunderDome.

So how about this timeline

Mad Max - Furiosa (car still looks good) - The Road Warrior (loses bumper and blows up) -Thunderdome - Video

Game (rebuilds Interceptor) - Fury Road (badly damaged Interceptor 2.0)

That works.
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The bumper was missing in Fury Road and the car was badly damaged. It looked pretty good in Furiosa.

Anyway, I looked into it. According to the comics, Max rebuilds the Interceptor sometime after Beyond ThunderDome.

So how about this timeline

Mad Max - Furiosa (car still looks good) - The Road Warrior (loses bumper and blows up) - Thunderdome - Video

game (rebuilds Interceptor) - Fury Road (badly damaged Interceptor 2.0)

That works.

I looked at the comics after your initial post about the bumper, and saved the pages from Max Part One that recounted his history movie by movie up until him going to Gas Town.

Decided against posting them then as I didn't think they helped. It's strange to see Tom Hardy's image retconned over Mel's.

Mad Max - Fury Road (2015)-084.jpg
Mad Max - Fury Road (2015)-085.jpg
Mad Max - Fury Road (2015)-086.jpg
Mad Max - Fury Road (2015)-087.jpg
Since the seed that she planted came from the fruit that was plucked from the Green Place at the beginning of the movie does that mean that every tree in the Green Place is growing out of...people? :horror

like a form of Soylent green
No not multiverses silly. Two different film universes like Connery Bond versus Moore and Brosnan Bond and so on.

I know, I'm kidding.

But I would say its more compartmentalizing. Connery Bond and Moore Bond are supposed to be the same guy on a continuum... but it's much closer to "eras"... the Connery Era, the Moore Era... because its not just the actor that changes but it is also time