Super Freak
this will be my first cinemaquette. let's hope it comes in good condition.
me too....this will be my first cinemaquette. let's hope it comes in good condition.
I hope it does come in good condition for you man, because I know I hate it when things come broken and they were really nice.
me too....
yeah, thats a bummer. i wonder how well CM handles this problem?
I'm sure that they're great with it because their ^^^^ i EXPENSIVE!
I heard differently, seems that you have to put ALLOT of efford into getting a replacement. That's what i heard atleast.
oh ok...thats good news. i have to own this Predator. i think i'm gonna have him right in the window to deter thieves.
but thats when the real life German Shepherd gets in the action. followed by Smith and Wesson to pick up the leftovers...
Damn, and I thought that I could steal it from you without you retaliating.
Those German Shepherds will most definately scare me away.
yeah the Fedex guy calls her the "devil dog" she goes nuts when someone uses the doorbell.
What's the regular Sideshow Predator Maquette worth these days?
Sadly the Predator CM has not dropped in price yet whatsoever. lol at all those fools dropping $2000+ when something better is just down the road...