Gamorrean Guard 12"

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Cheaper? Was Jabba? Good chance it will be more pricey because it's so unique.
I don't think you can compare Jabba, since he's many times larger than a normal figure. But for his size, I think Jabba was actually quite cheap.

I don't buy the "he's so unique so he'll be more expensive" idea. Lots of companies put out whole lines that are full-body sculpts, and they manage to do it for $20 or $30. I'm certainly not expecting that, but the fact of the matter is that this kind of figure should be cheaper than one with a lot of tailoring.
Do you have a link to the spook video you are talking about?

Based on what is shown complete in the video, any guess on today's preorder?
I don't think you can compare Jabba, since he's many times larger than a normal figure. But for his size, I think Jabba was actually quite cheap.

I don't buy the "he's so unique so he'll be more expensive" idea. Lots of companies put out whole lines that are full-body sculpts, and they manage to do it for $20 or $30. I'm certainly not expecting that, but the fact of the matter is that this kind of figure should be cheaper than one with a lot of tailoring.

But they can't really amortize their costs across a spectrum of other figures. I think Gammy will be over $100. The troopers already are. That puts gammy close to the Jabba price, size or not.

If you think this guy will be $89.99 or something, you're gonna be disappointed.

Pix: $75? Only $5 more than Lando? You will be disappointed too.
Roto-casting is pretty cheap. Definitely cheaper to produce than 1:6 base bodies. The price should depend on size and the details of the tailoring and accessories. But, then, this is Sideshow...
It's entirely possible that it'll be $120 (I can't imagine it being more). I just personally feel that if they go that high they're doing so mostly because they can, and not because of something about the figure that requires it to be that price. I imagine that tooling costs will be a lot higher when you're only making 5000 of them (tops), so you can't compare this directly to something like the rotocast figures you see at Toys R Us. But other companies do manage to do similar things -- even in limited quantities -- for considerably less.
I just don't trust Sideshow with passing the savings on to us. Just as they don't want to do a standalone Yoda PF(as to not alter perception of value) they may think that $75 is off-limits for a 1/6 figure today.
If they really end up being $80, then I'd seriously consider getting two. But I just doubt SS will price them there. I'm thinking at best they will be at Stormtrooper prices: $109.99. At best.
It's entirely possible that it'll be $120 (I can't imagine it being more).

But that would make it the same price as Jabba himself. And while I know Jabba has no fabrics on him, that would be pretty "whack". If they go that high it needs a low ES.
I think this will be a low ES figure simply because it's greatest value is in enhancing the Jabba setup, without Jabba himself, there isn't a great selection of Jabba related figures to drive wanting something as big and pricey as a Gamorrean added into the mix, with Jabba it's an enhanced managerie, but not many people have Jabba so unless the ES is low on the Gammy, I can imagine it not selling out like Jabba himself.
If it's over $100, I probably won't even place a pre-order. Every single SSC figure that has come out, that I want, I have been able to snag it for half price mint in box.
he isn;t really much smaller than Jabba and Jabba was sold back in the good ol days when Sideshow actually was affordable. this guy with his accessories and cloth outfit will be $130 easy.
I'm guessing $120ish... sure its what Jabba cost; but it will be more individual pieces (2 part torso, arms, legs, feet, head and hands) not to mention the soft goods and accessories.

I do think the proto has better proportions than the Hasbro piece... so I'll likely get one, but still keep my repainted figure. Don't think all the Gammys need to look the same to hang out.
its times like these that I ask "why can't Sideshow and Hasbro work together".

Hasbro leases the license out to Sideshow, can't SSC approach Hasbro for help? Hasbro was able to produce the Guard and sell it for like $30 back in the day. The materials used were adequate, all that was missing was the original sculpt and the paint. So SSC sculpts and designs it, ships it to Hasbro to mold and cast, then Hasbro ships it back to SSC to paint.

Same philosophy for Tauntauns and other big items.