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There are several reasons you see a chart like that. The first one is people turn on teams that win eventually. It happened to Chicago during the 90's. The other is the guys on the Spurs almost always act and play like guys with class. While very talented the guys in Miami have no done either of those a whole lot since coming together. Yes, I will give anyone that they've won a lot but if people can be honest they've not been terribly humble about anything. They've said multiple things that have just rubbed most people outside of Heat fans the wrong way. So people want to see them fail and rightly so. You can win, be hated, and still respected. Take the Yankees for example. A lot of people hate that team but respect the hell out of Rivera (retired) and Jeter. Why? Because they won with class and didn't shoot their mouths off. So all of that said is why you see charts like that.
There are several reasons you see a chart like that. The first one is people turn on teams that win eventually. It happened to Chicago during the 90's. The other is the guys on the Spurs almost always act and play like guys with class. While very talented the guys in Miami have no done either of those a whole lot since coming together. Yes, I will give anyone that they've won a lot but if people can be honest they've not been terribly humble about anything. They've said multiple things that have just rubbed most people outside of Heat fans the wrong way. So people want to see them fail and rightly so. You can win, be hated, and still respected. Take the Yankees for example. A lot of people hate that team but respect the hell out of Rivera (retired) and Jeter. Why? Because they won with class and didn't shoot their mouths off. So all of that said is why you see charts like that.

I don't think you've been watching many Heat games lately. The heat haven't said anything inflammatory since the first year they were together. Whenever Lebron is asked a question about his legacy the first words out of his mouth are always 'Im humbled.' They've been a selfless team… to the chagrin and criticism of others… not only in the economics. Wade has sacrificed a tone in stature and league wide respect, Bosh has too, and Lebron is the most willing passer since Magic. If you need further evidence of the Heat's 'class' look at (1) how they handled last years victory over the Spurs--by graciously hugging and congratulating the spurs team members and popavich and (2) how they handled the Pacers' constant trolling in the last series.

I'll give you that they rubbed a lot of people the wrong way in 2010. But they learned from their mistakes. They used to say that the USA was the land of second chances… somehow we can forgive Kobe Bryant for rape, Ray lewis for covering up an attempted murder and Michael Vick for savagely mistreating man's best friend… but we can't forgive Lebron for the decision?! Man… Thats colored by jealousy if you ask me. But thats easy for me to say… LeBron is member of my team. Anyway, I don't doubt Aaron Hernandez getting a pass before LBJ does.
Lebron showed his true colors with The Decision and tattooing 'Chosen 1' across his back before he won a damn thing. The 'Not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7' garbage was icing on the cake. He can say whatever he wants now that he's been coached by PR firms, the damage he did to his legacy with his own mouth is irreparable.
I don't think you've been watching many Heat games lately. The heat haven't said anything inflammatory since the first year they were together. Whenever Lebron is asked a question about his legacy the first words out of his mouth are always 'Im humbled.' They've been a selfless team… to the chagrin and criticism of others… not only in the economics. Wade has sacrificed a tone in stature and league wide respect, Bosh has too, and Lebron is the most willing passer since Magic. If you need further evidence of the Heat's 'class' look at (1) how they handled last years victory over the Spurs--by graciously hugging and congratulating the spurs team members and popavich and (2) how they handled the Pacers' constant trolling in the last series.

I'll give you that they rubbed a lot of people the wrong way in 2010. But they learned from their mistakes. They used to say that the USA was the land of second chances… somehow we can forgive Kobe Bryant for rape, Ray lewis for covering up an attempted murder and Michael Vick for savagely mistreating man's best friend… but we can't forgive Lebron for the decision?! Man… Thats colored by jealousy if you ask me. But thats easy for me to say… LeBron is member of my team. Anyway, I don't doubt Aaron Hernandez getting a pass before LBJ does.

I don't watch The Heat play unless it's against Chicago. I don't care to watch them play. I do watch and listen to sports stuff so I hear what they say and see how they act though. I expect you to say they're humble, classy, etc. I also expect you to try to spin it the way you do. I don't know how to say it but you're as out of touch with things as the guys that play on that team. So I expect what I said to go in one ear and out the other.
Lebron showed his true colors with The Decision and tattooing 'Chosen 1' across his back before he won a damn thing. The 'Not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7' garbage was icing on the cake. He can say whatever he wants now that he's been coached by PR firms, the damage he did to his legacy with his own mouth is irreparable.

The decision?! LOL Oh you mean that show that had all proceeds go to charity where he announced his preference for where he wanted to play? Yeah deplorable and despicable. And pretty much every NBA player has some audacious tattoo on his body… hell Jason Terry tattooed the Larry Obrien Trophy on his bicep before he'd even been back to the finals.

The Not 1, not 2, not 3 things was hubris and being caught up in the moment and surely intended for the fans of the Heat and not everywhere else and they have all admitted to wishing they'd done things differently if they'd had the chance. But if they win this year…. it stops being a joke and starts feeling a little prophetical don't it?

Ultimately you wanna hate on Lebron and the Heat out of spite or because its easy to… but its not as substantiated as you say it is. I bet your favorite teams have had moments just as questionable… especially if your forum name is an indication of your MLB allegiance.
I don't watch The Heat play unless it's against Chicago. I don't care to watch them play. I do watch and listen to sports stuff so I hear what they say and see how they act though. I expect you to say they're humble, classy, etc. I also expect you to try to spin it the way you do. I don't know how to say it but you're as out of touch with things as the guys that play on that team. So I expect what I said to go in one ear and out the other.

Josh i respect your thoughts but I couldn't disagree with you more. Seems I'm more informed by your own admission. I would think as a fan of the bulls and Joakim Noah that you would understand seeing as how many times he's been at the center of inflammatory statements…. Having said that, my arguments was based on empirical facts. Go to and watch James talk about his legacy in response to Frank Vogel calling him the 'Lebron of our era' so you can see James' humility. Listen to James' comments made just yesterday about being back in the NBA finals… you can find those on

There needs to be a level of forgiveness that is troubling in its absence. Sports are religious though… so I imagine we will never agree.
The decision?! LOL Oh you mean that show that had all proceeds go to charity where he announced his preference for where he wanted to play? Yeah deplorable and despicable. And pretty much every NBA player has some audacious tattoo on his body… hell Jason Terry tattooed the Larry Obrien Trophy on his bicep before he'd even been back to the finals.

No one cares about the proceeds - cool deflection though. That selfish show was a complete power play where he simultaneously embarrassed Cleveland (where he vowed to bring them a championship) and cowardly became Wade's Robin by joining his team who already won a title without him.

In the season after The Decision, LeBron plummeted from 15.6 percent of respondents calling him their favorite player to 10.4 percent.

The embarrassing NBA Finals loss to Dallas in 2011 didn't help matters, as he dropped to 9.4 percent in the following season.

The Not 1, not 2, not 3 things was hubris and being caught up in the moment and surely intended for the fans of the Heat and not everywhere else and they have all admitted to wishing they'd done things differently if they'd had the chance.

'Caught up in the moment'? :lol

It's amazing how far the Lebron slurpers will go to make excuses for everything he does. You're just as bad as Yankee fans who defend A-Rod, embarrassing. I bet Aaron Hernandez was caught up in the moment too, or a few moments...

But if they win this year…. it stops being a joke and starts feeling a little prophetical don't it?

No, it's always a joke - a joke on them.

Ultimately you wanna hate on Lebron and the Heat out of spite or because its easy to… but its not as substantiated as you say it is. I bet your favorite teams have had moments just as questionable… especially if your forum name is an indication of your MLB allegiance.

Ultimately I have no reason to cheer for Lebron, his own blown ego and actions made him easy to despise.

And it is very substantiated and has been documented as seen below, less and less people of all races like the guy. But hey, you're well known for ignoring the facts so don't let this get in your way of the love fest.




Noah has been a ****** at times. I love the way he plays but not how he acts at times. Truth be told I didn't like the pick when the Bulls took him because of how he acted at Florida. I don't always like the guys on my teams. I can't stand Kapernick of the 49ers. I think he holds us back but that is for a different thread. As far as Lebron I've seen some of those comments. I do agree with the poster before in that he's got a good PR firm helping him because we've seen what happens when he doesn't.

All he did for me was cause me to lose a lot of respect for him as a person. As a player I think he's got some amazing skills, which are aided by the era he plays in. That's not his fault though. He isn't a murderer like Hernandez or Lewis so he isn't on that scale and people shouldn't dislike him to that level. He has shown though he has some personality traits that aren't very endearing either. In the end it is what is. The Heat have done well and they should. I hope this finals trip turns out differently for the Spurs because I really think that how they play and act is how it's supposed to be done.
Noah has been a ****** at times. I love the way he plays but not how he acts at times. Truth be told I didn't like the pick when the Bulls took him because of how he acted at Florida. I don't always like the guys on my teams. I can't stand Kapernick of the 49ers. I think he holds us back but that is for a different thread. As far as Lebron I've seen some of those comments. I do agree with the poster before in that he's got a good PR firm helping him because we've seen what happens when he doesn't.

All he did for me was cause me to lose a lot of respect for him as a person. As a player I think he's got some amazing skills, which are aided by the era he plays in. That's not his fault though. He isn't a murderer like Hernandez or Lewis so he isn't on that scale and people shouldn't dislike him to that level. He has shown though he has some personality traits that aren't very endearing either. In the end it is what is. The Heat have done well and they should. I hope this finals trip turns out differently for the Spurs because I really think that how they play and act is how it's supposed to be done.
:goodpost: :exactly: :lecture

Considering all the hate…. more than 1/5th of NBA fandom says Miami is their favorite team.


  • nba_Slide401jr_576x432.jpg
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Kobe is 20x the jerk that LeBron is but even when on trial for rape he never faced this level of ridicule. Even after throwing teammates under the bus. There is some truth the the belief that Lebron gets unfairly judged based on only a handful of incidents that were really not that bad.
For the record… Ive been very civil in my arguments. I've been docked points and reprimanded (by Josh himself) for comments lesser than 'Lebron Slurper' Just saying.
Kobe is 20x the jerk that LeBron is but even when on trial for rape he never faced this level of ridicule. Even after throwing teammates under the bus. There is some truth the the belief that Lebron gets unfairly judged based on only a handful of incidents that were really not that bad.

This is true. If Lebron goes on to win 5 championships (like Kobe did) I think you will see his popularity climb to Jordan levels.
Kobe is 20x the jerk that LeBron is but even when on trial for rape he never faced this level of ridicule. Even after throwing teammates under the bus. There is some truth the the belief that Lebron gets unfairly judged based on only a handful of incidents that were really not that bad.
Can't stand Kobe either :lol
For the record… Ive been very civil in my arguments. I've been docked points and reprimanded (by Josh himself) for comments lesser than 'Lebron Slurper' Just saying.
I've been civil as well. You call me 'hater' I call you 'slurper' :huh
Kobe is 20x the jerk that LeBron is but even when on trial for rape he never faced this level of ridicule. Even after throwing teammates under the bus. There is some truth the the belief that Lebron gets unfairly judged based on only a handful of incidents that were really not that bad.

Kobe is a ****. I feel the same way about him as a person and on the court as I do Lebron.

For the record… Ive been very civil in my arguments. I've been docked points and reprimanded (by Josh himself) for comments lesser than 'Lebron Slurper' Just saying.

Pretty sure there is some stretching of the truth here. :lol
I don't think my "hate" for Lebron is stronger than it was after the decision. I don't care what good he has done vs bad..he's still the best player on the planet. I do think I would find him more likable had he joined a team with an in tact roster and won titles instead of planning it out with 2 other superstars to create a super team. If he had gone to Chicago and teamed up with Noah and Rose to win titles I would be much less inclined to hate on him. At this point, I'm just bored of the heat winning titles. Must be great for Miami fans though!
Unrelated to the finals and hating Lebron, but NBA news...

-Houston won't excersise their team option and will let Chandler Parsons become an restricted free agent.

-Flip Saunders is coaching the TWolves again.
Good win for the Spurs but I think you can chalk this up to Lebron getting hurt down the stretch. Spurs are gonna have to do better than 23 turnovers if they want to win past tonight.