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Cavs played with no heart and no fire on either end of the court. They played like they had a game to give away. Big mistake, the series is ova. I don't see Cle winning another game with the pathetic effort they showed tonight.
Not surprised with this game but def surprised it took this long for Kerr to switch up the Warriors lineup. It will be interesting if Blatt or Lebron changes it up next game.
I don't know what else Cle can do unless they try to match the small line up. They don't have enough bodies and GS got tons of wide open shots. I didn't see the desire to win. That is what won them the last 2 games. Shumpert, Smith, Jones didn't even show up. Has Cle even scored a basket when Lebron tries to get rest in any game? smh at that.
Cavs played with no heart and no fire on either end of the court. They played like they had a game to give away. Big mistake, the series is ova. I don't see Cle winning another game with the pathetic effort they showed tonight.

They don't have enough bodies and GS got tons of wide open shots. I didn't see the desire to win. That is what won them the last 2 games. Shumpert, Smith, Jones didn't even show up. Has Cle even scored a basket when Lebron tries to get rest in any game? smh at that.

Agreed. While I missed the first half ( taking care of business in Chicago) the second half was unacceptable. No wonder fans were leaving, the team brought zero tonight...I turned off the tube with 2:00 mins left because it was obvious they'd given up and I had work to do. A failure from all aspects : coach, super star to team...the series is over you awoke the sleeping giant and you made zero effort to subdue it
I don't know what else Cle can do unless they try to match the small line up. They don't have enough bodies and GS got tons of wide open shots. I didn't see the desire to win. That is what won them the last 2 games. Shumpert, Smith, Jones didn't even show up. Has Cle even scored a basket when Lebron tries to get rest in any game? smh at that.

1. Play there game. Slow down the clock and let Lebron do the work.
2. Make shots. Delly was 3-14, JR 2-12, Shump 2-9, the others were 0-5. Thats 7-40 from seven players. Not gonna happen again.
3. Play man to man defense, dont bring help into the paint, trust your defense. I am so sick and tired of Warriors kicking it outside to the corner for a wide open three. Know your role, cover your man, and trust your teammates will do the same.
4. The desire, the girt, the physical play hopefully will be back. Delly was in the hospital and cramped up, Lebron had a unlucky fall that shook him up and I think affected his game (terrible free throws, no points in fourth) I think he was hurting more than he was letting on.

I think the Cavs with the lineup of Delly, Shump, Lebron, Thompson, Mozgov, with valuable minutes from Miller, Jones, Perkins could work.

JR Smith needs to ride the bench the rest of this series, split his time with Miller and Jones. JR had a +/- of -27, shot like crap, does not contribute anything else but taking threes and missing.

A rested Cavs team, man to man defense, playing there game can win.
1. Play there game. Slow down the clock and let Lebron do the work.
2. Make shots. Delly was 3-14, JR 2-12, Shump 2-9, the others were 0-5. Thats 7-40 from seven players. Not gonna happen again.
3. Play man to man defense, dont bring help into the paint, trust your defense. I am so sick and tired of Warriors kicking it outside to the corner for a wide open three. Know your role, cover your man, and trust your teammates will do the same.
4. The desire, the girt, the physical play hopefully will be back. Delly was in the hospital and cramped up, Lebron had a unlucky fall that shook him up and I think affected his game (terrible free throws, no points in fourth) I think he was hurting more than he was letting on.

I think the Cavs with the lineup of Delly, Shump, Lebron, Thompson, Mozgov, with valuable minutes from Miller, Jones, Perkins could work.

JR Smith needs to ride the bench the rest of this series, split his time with Miller and Jones. JR had a +/- of -27, shot like crap, does not contribute anything else but taking threes and missing.

A rested Cavs team, man to man, playing there game can win.

It doesn't matter who starts / finishes the game.... They play with zero heart, passion and a desire to win and they continue getting zero offensive production from folks who need to deliver their done. They can bring the heart and soul next game but no one outside of Masgov has produced consistently and I doubt that changes going forward.
JR Smith is shooting 28% taking garbage threes and then missing the wide open ones.

Lebron is shooting 39% which is not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Let Lebron shoot more and bench JR.
It doesn't matter who starts / finishes the game.... They play with zero heart, passion and a desire to win and they continue getting zero offensive production from folks who need to deliver their done. They can bring the heart and soul next game but no one outside of Masgov has produced consistently and I doubt that changes going forward.

Well, there is a reason its a seven game series. Delly had a huge game 3, Mozgov did tonight, someone will have to rise to the occassion and I fully expect someone to in game 5.

I dont think this series is over yet, not by a longshot. How many called game during Game 6 against the Spurs?

Three days rest up to game time. Fix the defensive issues, get some confidence back, heal up, and step up for an all in three game series.

I have Cavs still in 6.

Gotta have hope.
I agree about James %.....he isn't a true volume scorer like Kobe, Jordan etc. he has become one to give his team a chance to win so I don't expect those nbr said to be fantastic
Well, there is a reason its a seven game series. Delly had a huge game 3, Mozgov did tonight, someone will have to rise to the occassion and I fully expect someone to in game 5.

I dont think this series is over yet, not by a longshot. How many called game during Game 6 against the Spurs?

Three days rest up to game time. Fix the defensive issues, get some confidence back, heal up, and step up for an all in three game series.

I have Cavs still in 6.

Gotta have hope.

I have hope which is why I am disappoint in last nights effort. I am also realistic.....way outmanned, longer the series goes it favors the Warriors due to lack of Cavs depth, Cavs thru 4 games haven't solved their offensive woes, they looked exhausted last night and played with zero heart. The momentum of the series switched to GS last night, they regained their confidence which they lost thru the first three games. It'll be a tall order but until the fat lady sings I'll still have hope.
While it was a disheartening loss for the Cavs last night, I wouldn’t say the Cavs didn’t play with heart…they did end the third quarter on a run to cut it to a five point deficit. The problem is that the game quickly got away from them in the beginning moments of the fourth quarter with LeBron on the bench. They need to rest him sometime and taking him out at the end of a quarter is ideal, as the television timeout adds to his rest. The entire team just ran out of gas, and they look to LeBron to lead them; with him out, it was ugly.

The minutes finally took its toll on LeBron. A 20 point, 12 rebound, 8 assist game is a FANTASTIC line (shooting inefficiency not withstanding), but unfortunately, this Cavs team minus Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love needs LeBron to be superhuman, as he was in games 1 through 3.

Having said all that, and despite a 21 point loss, both teams are where they expect to be: tied 2 – 2. Cleveland stole home court, and Golden State stole it back; now it’s down to a best of three series.

GS will continue to go small, and there’s really nothing Blatt can do to counter it. Minus Irving and Love, he doesn’t have the bench. They one move he could possibly make (and seems counter intuitive) is to start JR Smith instead of Iman Shumpert. Smith’s shooting has been horrendous, but we know he’s a streaky shooter. I would consider starting him and running some set plays for him just so he can see his shot fall and regain some confidence. Playing with the starters and LeBron will make it easier for him.

Best case scenario for NBA fans is for both teams to hold serve, with a winner take all game 7, with GS up a point or two and the ball in LeBron’s hands for the last shot. That’s high drama at its finest right there.

I have no dog in this fight. I have no ties to Cleveland or Golden State. But as a sports fan in general, I’m rooting for LeBron to win the championship for his home town. If he doesn’t, his naysayers will point to his 2 for 6 record in the NBA Finals. But no NBA superstar has done more with less.
I only caught the second half minus a flurry in the third, I'll stick with lackluster heart. What I saw in the forth was inexperience desperate plays made by tired outperformed players that didn't work then they began to give up around 7 min mark...they have a couple days to recoup and regroup but the double, triple Lebron strategy is scary to us Cav fans. Cavs then left to their role players to win it instead of having Irving and Love . The past two games a role player performed well but overall as a group not so much.. As you said, James has to be superhuman for all seven games which is a lot to ask for them to have a chance.

That said, I am all in regardless the outcome. thru four games overall happy with the effort.....even if the games been ugly to watch. Doing what they have to for a shot. I cannot fault for that, I really felt we needed the sweep at home for the best shot. They lace them up for a reason but it'll be a tough road to a championship.
Lebron doesn't even have to be super human to win, I think they will play similar type of defense in game 5 and make Iggy continue to hit outside shots. Only thing I am sure will change is switching on screens with curry and cleaning up the pick and roll. Cleveland just needs a boost offensively from smith and shumpert. Theres no doubt fatigue was a huge part of game 4 and it may continue to be a factor but warriors playing small or big won't have much of an effect. The cavs can't win when only 3-4 players show up to produce.
well Shumpert and Smith have been putting up pedestrian numbers all series, so I don't see them all of a sudden coming alive. I give Shumpert more of a pass cause he is playing really good D. I disagree about the switches on Curry. Those fools have been switching a big on to him for 4 games now and still haven't learned. Anything less than 35 from Lebron leaves them with 0 chance from what I've seen. I'm not sure how I stand on letting the "others" get off for GS. Cle has to run those guys off the 3pt line.
These days everyone seeks a max deal lol.. When he can score and hit free throws then we can talk. But he and his agent know that there a dumb teams out there willing to give him max so they are forcing the Cavs into a tough decision.

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Big night, let's go Cavs!

On side note, I been reading Thompson is seeking max deal....seriously?

so will Green on GS and he ain't worth that much either from what I've seen from him in the finals. If the Cavs lose, it will drop Thompsons stock. You need to have the full package to get max money. Thompson is a below average offensive player and a bad free throw shooter on top of that.
so will Green on GS and he ain't worth that much either from what I've seen from him in the finals. If the Cavs lose, it will drop Thompsons stock. You need to have the full package to get max money. Thompson is a below average offensive player and a bad free throw shooter on top of that.

I forgot what it is officially called, but there is an advanced stat out there that says Draymond is more valuable to his team than Lebron is, offers more of an impact and more wins and is ranked as a top ten player overall.

As for Thompson, I can see him getting a max deal. With the new tv money deal everyone will be handed max contracts that probably dont deserve them.

But.... I think the Cavs should keep Thompson, let Love walk, lock up Mozgov, and bring in Jimmy Butler. Sign some role players, Mo Williams could return, Tayshaun Prince, James Jones, maybe Iman and another quality big.

PG: Kyrie, Delly
SG: Butler, Mo/Iman
SF: Lebron, Prince
PF: Thompson, quality big
C: Mozgov, Andy V

Reserves. James Jones, two more vets.

After watching these finals Kevin Love is unneeded. Thompson and Mozgov, to me, proved they are starter worthy. Cavs could benefit more with Jimmy Butler, than Love. Now of course the chances the Cavs get Butler or if Butler would even consider signing in Cle is small, I think thats the Cavs best possible lineup.