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Apparently Klay Thompson came out and said Mozgov's pick was a "dirty play".

Looked clean to me, and I thought it should have been a no call. Looked like he was already set. It also might have more to do with fact that Klay is 6'7" and Timofey Mozgov is 7'1"...

I read that....Warriors crying foul of dirty play reminds me of something like kettle, pot and black :rotfl
Except he didn't say whet you said. He said it seemed kinda dirty. There is a difference.
Except he didn't say whet you said. He said it seemed kinda dirty. There is a difference.

Sure, the EXACT quote was "It seemed kind of dirty to me" and 10 minutes ago he clarified that he didn't think that Mozgov "meant to do it maliciously".

The bigger point I was trying to make is that at 7'1", Mozgov's knee is going to connect with the 6'7" Klay Thompson's thigh when they ran into each other.
Sure, the EXACT quote was "It seemed kind of dirty to me" and 10 minutes ago he clarified that he didn't think that Mozgov "meant to do it maliciously".

The bigger point I was trying to make is that at 7'1", Mozgov's knee is going to connect with the 6'7" Klay Thompson's thigh when they ran into each other.

How can it go from kinda dirty (implying improper intent) to not maliciously..... be a grown up and say what you mean...then when he knocks you on your ass next time deal with it.
Kareem is the GOAT. Better than Jordan in almost every aspect.

No need to be sorry.....I find these discussion interesting how folks find reasons to support their ideas thus the reason I find the concept silly. Jordan doesn't own most dominate team or most rings...well cause the league looked different for the team / person who does or others weren't proclaimed alphas on said team. Jordan doesn't own most points well IF he didn't retire....yada, yada, yada....

As I said...concept is fan driven so it'll be what it is just not going to convince me there is one single GOAT.

Isn't everything fan driven? GOAT, fav movie, musician, food, porn star etc etc...Isn't everything opinion based? If 9 out of 10 people say MJ is GOAT, then you're odd man out. Like I said, there's still loonies who believe the Earth is flat and the space landing was faked...can't argue with crazy...

Good tactic .... Besides Airplane and fighting Bruce Lee is far cooler then Space Jam, Spike Lee, McDonalds, Haines and Gatorade :dunno

Can't argue there...:hi5:
Really, the argument we are making isn't that WE think MJ is GOAT (even though we do think he's GOAT). The real point is that the MAJORITY of people feel he is GOAT. The minority of people thinking otherwise doesn't really matter. With pretty much ANYTHING, you have a mean average and then extremes on both ends of the spectrum. In this case, the mean is that MJ is GOAT. And there really is no arguing that.
Isn't everything fan driven? GOAT, fav movie, musician, food, porn star etc etc...Isn't everything opinion based? If 9 out of 10 people say MJ is GOAT, then you're odd man out. Like I said, there's still loonies who believe the Earth is flat and the space landing was faked...can't argue with crazy...

Can't argue there...:hi5:

Well not everything is fan driven but I get your point. I enjoy rattling cages when folks post "it's fact" versus "opinion" which seems to get lost in the equation. 9of 10 opinions doesn't make it fact but least we agree Jabbar has the better tv / film career :)
Kareem won 6 rings. One on HIS '71 Bucks team. He gets traded to the Lakers and from '75 to '79, doesn't win a championship. Along comes a rookie, and this rookie not only helps Jabbar and the Lakers win a Championship, but is also named MVP of the '80s Finals. This kid by the name of Magic goes on to lead HIS Lakers team to 4 more championships and along the way is named Finals MVP 2 more times and is named League MVP 3 times. During the Lakers title runs, Magic was their best player and leader. That was NEVER the case with MJ. Jabbar was a GREAT player. He played a long time and amassed plenty of records and points along with 6 titles. Not to mention, Jabbar played with 6 other HOFers (not including Magic) during his tenure with the Lakers. MJ won 6 titles with only 2 players of note. HOFers Pip and Rodman. No other Bulls player won Finals MVP during their 6 championships. No other Bulls player won League MVP during Jordan's run with the Bulls. MJ was the unquestioned leader and driving force of HIS Bulls team. Highest average of points scored during the regular season in League history...MJ. Highest average of points scored in the playoffs in League history...MJ. Highest average of points scored in NBA Finals history...MJ. 6 Finals appearances, 6 victories. 6 Finals appearances, 6 Finals MVP. Highest PER of any player in the history of the League...MJ.

As jstep so beautifully put
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Jedi getting owned in MJ vs Bron Bron debate, now moves on to KAJ :lol

Never said LeBron is better than Jordan, said this countless times. Maybe you have memory problems?

Alpha player on just about every title & scored more points, final appearances, NCAA titles, rebounds, blocks, all star games, all nba teams, all defensive teams than MJ... and thanks to MJ's gambling addiction...MJ takes a back seat to GOAT Kareem!
