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Incredible work by Cleveland when all seemed over but the crying 3 games back. And James did carry the team on his shoulders. I've honestly been a detractor of his since way on back. He still rubs me the wrong way, and he still isn't in Jordan territory. BUT, he went up a few notches in my book after this one. And I fault Golden State for lacking the killer instinct as much as anything else (they hardly scored in the last 5 minutes, and Curry was a non-factor most of the game, apart from drawing the attention of some defenders and thus leaving other guys more open). But James did what needed to be done here. He's earned that championship. And I'm happy for the fans in Cleveland.

Most baffling decision of the night was Kerr keeping Varejao in as long as he did. He was committing fouls left and right, couldn't catch a rebound to save his life, and looked like he was just bumbling around in general to the team's detriment. I was screaming at the TV for Kerr to take his ass out!
Don't forget Barnes taking shots. I was like please stop.
I wonder if the Cavs will give Verajao a ring for everything he did for the franchise. He played most of the regular season games in Cle technically.
Kevin Love played like his Cavs career was on the line (because it was :lol) and he stepped up big time. His effort on the boards was a huge boost. Kyrie had me cussing at the TV for some of the shots he took to screaming my head off when he made that three. RJ with some huge defensive plays and rebounds, Tristan hitting his free throws was huge as well.

Cavs will keep Love and I think LeBron returns. I also think some vets will take a pay cut to finally earn a ring. Cleveland is no longer an ugly destination.... Cavs will get some good free agents and repeat as champs.

Also... funny that Wade was on the court tonight.... guess he just wants to say LeBron can't win without me on the court :lol
I wonder if the Cavs will give Verajao a ring for everything he did for the franchise. He played most of the regular season games in Cle technically.

I think he will get a ring, at least if the NBA works the way MLB and NFL do. Blatt probably will, too.
we will see how close he is to Westbrook cause they should have been in the finals. He has a good team over there, just missing one piece.

don't waste your time with the haters man. Too much hate in this world to begin with, forget em :peace

You're right. Cheers.
I think he will get a ring, at least if the NBA works the way MLB and NFL do. Blatt probably will, too.

Sounds good. If anyone missed it, RJ announced his retirement. He played one hell of a playoff series for the team. Seems like a good guy, well deserved.
If Varajao gets a ring, that would make me feel a little better honestly. That dude stuck it out with CLE FOR REALS:lol Hats off to Lebron and Kyrie for proving me wrong...both stepped up and earned this title. Love is still meh in my mind and should be swapped out with role players that actually fit with Lebron.
Someone please name me a defensive play that was more important or greater than LeBron James full court run down block from behind to save a easy layup and ultimately was the game saving play of Game 7 of the NBA Finals.

Someone please name me a player who had a better finals than LeBron James offensively and defensively.

Someone please name me a greater comeback in NBA history than the Cavs.
See any you like jstep?







Someone please name me a defensive play that was more important or greater than LeBron James full court run down block from behind to save a easy layup and ultimately was the game saving play of Game 7 of the NBA Finals.

Someone please name me a player who had a better finals than LeBron James offensively and defensively.

Someone please name me a greater comeback in NBA history than the Cavs.

Not gonna waste my time
Holy crap what a game...I haven't gone back to read the banter but I will throughout the day. That block...WOW! Totally came off the couch at that point and I didn't even care who won the game. I will just say this about the Jordan/Lebron debate...I don't care who is better. I am just thankful that I was around to see both players at their peak. What a joy as a basketball fan.
I will just say this about the Jordan/Lebron debate...I don't care who is better. I am just thankful that I was around to see both players at their peak. What a joy as a basketball fan.

I can relate...saw tail end of Bird and Magic but too young to really appreciate.....just a pleasure watching these guys play without "picking the one" but enjoying them all.
For all those who talked about a * next to last years championship we out one there again this year too right?
Man, sports superstitions are crazy. Had a hard time getting my one year old to go to sleep again last night, much like Game 5. I ended up missing the second half, just like I did in Game 5. And the Cavs won.

Holy crap what a game...I haven't gone back to read the banter but I will throughout the day. That block...WOW! Totally came off the couch at that point and I didn't even care who won the game. I will just say this about the Jordan/Lebron debate...I don't care who is better. I am just thankful that I was around to see both players at their peak. What a joy as a basketball fan.

:clap :lecture :goodpost: :exactly:

I don't want to rehash the ongoing debate, but I think MJ is better...having said that, I'll come out and say that as a 41 year old man who started watching the NBA in the mid 80's, LeBron is probably my favorite player ever, warts and all. People can scoff at that all they want.

RE Kevin Love, I think he is underappreciated. I can't remember the stat right know, but when LeBron, Kyrie, and Kevin Love are on the floor together, the outscore their opponents by a large amount per 100 possessions. He didn't need to score this series, just rebound, and he picked up the slack for Tristan Thompson. He's just a bad match up for the Cavs when they play against the Warriors, and that's magnified during the Finals.