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I'm just glad Cle won. GS needed a huge serving of humble pie. They are young and cocky. I honestly think this is the beginning of GS starting to fall. They will lose certain players, will have to cut some salary, injuries will occur, etc.

They peaked this year. They will be good as long as Curry and Thompson toss up no-look 3-pointers. Yet, I think with Curry being 28 next year, he will start aging out faster due to his size than Thompson. Curry too short to move to another position. He'll still make 3s but will lose his step a little (just like Kevin Durant has).

I think GS, Spurs, and OKC challenge again next year. But I don't see GS breaking their own record any time soon. They will win about 60 next year.
Love has been a bit maligned, but he was a key part of last night's win. Rebounding was huge, and he made some key shots. There were a funny few possessions where everytime Cleveland would get the ball, Lebron kept feeding to Love, who didn't seem to want the ball. But they would get down there, and Lebron would feed it to him again and again until he actually attempted, and made a few shots. That was a subtle kind of thing, but I think spoke well for Lebron's leadership.

If Varajao gets a ring, that would make me feel a little better honestly. That dude stuck it out with CLE FOR REALS:lol
Well based on the way he played last night, I think he should get a ring for being an honorary Cavalier in game 7 :lol He surely wasn't doing anything to help his own team.

Hail the king!

Right when I start gaining some new respect for the guy, you have to come in and remind me why I can't stand the son of a ***** :lol

Holy crap what a game...I haven't gone back to read the banter but I will throughout the day. That block...WOW! Totally came off the couch at that point and I didn't even care who won the game.
Yeah, that was unbelievable. Play of the night in my opinion.
I wonder if EB will make a new Lebron figure wearing the black jersey, t-shirt, hat and of course two trophies with a smiling sculpt
Black unis were year they'll have advertisements splashed upon them....oh boy.

I honestly thought they were the ugliest uniforms to ever hoist the trophy, lol. Sleeves are way worse than advertisements in my book, but to each his own.
Re: NBA 2012-2013

As a warrior fan very happy we are moving on but we haven't won a game in San Antonio since the 1990s over a decade ago. They have something like 29 straight wins against the dubs on their home court

I guess you are just like Klay Thompson... you talk and talk and talk... now your feelings got hurt and you are nowhere to be found.

Isn't it sad all the analysts are saying the 73 win GS season is useless because of the GM7 loss. Even the players said " Means Nothing " :slap