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Howard has been toxic to teams in the past. Sure, his physical qualities are undeniable, but I wouldn't bring him into a team that I wanted to have a real shot at winning the championship.
Howard, Williams..meh...Parsons blah....he could be a good fit if healthy but certain their all opting out hoping to be overpaid with the new tv revenue kicking in...none of them worthy of crazy dollars IMO.
Everyone's opting out since the salary cap is increasing.

Regarding Durant, in a funny way I think that GS losing the NBA Finals benefits them in their pitch. If they had won, I think the "joining the team he couldn't beat when he was up 3-1" argument would go against him too much. Now, GS can spin it and say that he's the piece they need to go over the top next year.

Dirk is staying with the Mavs. He already said last year, he'd like to play for 20 years with the same team.
I hope Dirk stays but if he wants to go chase a few more rings I would support him 100% in that journey. At some point we are going to have to start getting adjusted to life without Dirk and it's going to be ugly.
I hope Dirk stays but if he wants to go chase a few more rings I would support him 100% in that journey. At some point we are going to have to start getting adjusted to life without Dirk and it's going to be ugly.

I was listening to the radio and they spun Dirk taking a paycut last season to the Mavs basically taking 16 mil of Dirk's money and giving it to Wes Matthews which cracked me up. I guess Dirk was making 22 and the took a cut to 8 so the Mavs could sign other players and Wes was what they got. Poor Dirk :lol
I think some of that money was supposed to go to DeAndre Jordan, who then reneged on his verbal agreement.

Cleveland can always use another shooter, Dirk...:monkey1 :monkey3
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Yeah, after DeAndre showed his true colors Cuban went back and gave Wes more money for honoring his deal after Cuban told him they could rip it up if he wanted to.
Everything is pretty much closed

Smart Move .Companies and retailers would probably have no shows today. But your bars will probably cleanup big today and tonight :lol

Did the mayor proclaim this to be an official holiday for you guys