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Whatever your thoughts are about KD is pretty much moot at this point. I think we can all agree that LeBron single-handly ruined the NBA when he decided to create a super team (the first time. I'd like to clarify this since now he's on super team #2). The NBA as we use to know it is now dead. Now almost all superstars are going to be forced to colluding in order to create super teams since they know good and well they will not be able to compete with the rich. Single or tandem stars will no longer be the norm and will now require AT LEAST a trio of all-stars if not a quadruple all-star team (see: GSW). Thanks to LeBron, the NBA has now become MLB where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Also, according to Bleacher Report, Durant left the Thunder because of Russ not sharing the ball enough and Durant was tired anytime he did get the ball he had contested shots. This didn't change with the new coach and Durant thought he and Russ reached a point where they peaked.

I'd like to know how truthful this info is. I don't think Durant and Russ peaked, I would have picked them over the Cavs to win the title after the moves they made. I'm also not sure why Durant thinks he will get more touches with the Warriors. That is Curry's team, whether Curry says he cares about it being his team or not. Look in the final minute if game 7, Curry took the shots.
Whatever your thoughts are about KD is pretty much moot at this point. I think we can all agree that LeBron single-handly ruined the NBA when he decided to create a super team (the first time. I'd like to clarify this since now he's on super team #2). The NBA as we use to know it is now dead. Now almost all superstars are going to be forced to colluding in order to create super teams since they know good and well they will not be able to compete with the rich. Single or tandem stars will no longer be the norm and will now require AT LEAST a trio of all-stars if not a quadruple all-star team (see: GSW). Thanks to LeBron, the NBA has now become MLB where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

LeBron is 3-3 on super teams. They don't mean instant success and doesn't have much to do with Durant joining the Warriors. He made that decision and LeBron had no effect on it. If anything, Durant put the nail in the coffin. I put more blame on him than LeBron.
David West is signing with GS for the veterans' minimum. As a bunch of us discussed after GS lost Game 7, that's the low post scoring they needed when their legs were fatigued and their jump shots weren't falling.
It would work! Durant turns heel, only to turn face again! :lol

"colluded and bought for." Your hate blinds you. Jordan's rings were colluded as well then since it was in the league's best interest the most popular player won rings. See, I can be like you :)

He did stick around.... for two more years. He got nowhere. He and he alone led that team to the finals. He had no "talent."

2007 Cavs Roster: Shannon Brown, Daniel Gibson, Drew Gooden, Larry Hughes, Ilgauskas, Damon Jones, Dwyane Jones, Donyell Marshall, Ira Newble, Sash Pavolic, Scot Pollard, Eric Snow, Andy V, David Weasley.

How many starters do you see on that list? How many of those guys are still in the league? Aside from Andy V... they were all average or below average bench riders.

No, we didn't.

I really hope you are talking about the 2016 Cavs and not the 2007-2009 Cavs.

Yeah, and they all had another hall of famer or two besides them. That is why they "learned" to win, because there organizations were competent and drafted good.

I think he is lying.

Dude, at this point you just crack me up. Again, I NEVER mention MJ but his greatness is just embedded into your subconscious so deeply that you can't stay away from talking about the GOAT. I guess 6 rings, 6 times Finals MVP, and being the greatest player of all time left a permanent scar on you. :lol
Okay, I'm predicting it.

Wade to Cavs.

Three possible options...
1. LeBron takes a pay cut
2. Wade takes a pay cut to make Riley mad
3. Cavs trade Shump, Frye, Mo and no one takes a pay cut
...left a permanent scar on you. :lol

Whatever your thoughts are about KD is pretty much moot at this point. I think we can all agree that LeBron single-handly ruined the NBA when he decided to create a super team (the first time. I'd like to clarify this since now he's on super team #2). The NBA as we use to know it is now dead. Now almost all superstars are going to be forced to colluding in order to create super teams since they know good and well they will not be able to compete with the rich. Single or tandem stars will no longer be the norm and will now require AT LEAST a trio of all-stars if not a quadruple all-star team (see: GSW). Thanks to LeBron, the NBA has now become MLB where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
The only difference is that at least in MLB the richest teams don't always win and small markets can win. But it takes a lot of players to win the MLB where the NBA you need three and some role players. Last year the top 5 teams in wins were all in or just outside the bottom half of the payroll.
Whatever your thoughts are about KD is pretty much moot at this point. I think we can all agree that LeBron single-handly ruined the NBA when he decided to create a super team (the first time. I'd like to clarify this since now he's on super team #2).

So, I guess Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, given the epithet "The Big Three," isn't a super team and wasn't formed before LeBron went to Miami?

Your larger point about super teams is valid, but your hatred for LeBron is transparent and clouds your judgment.

Also, what a joke that basketball has a salary cap that you're allowed to break.
Okay, I'm predicting it.
Wade to Cavs.

I mentioned that a few pages'll be the Cavs counter measure.:lol

Regards KD while I may be disappointed in the super friends trend....I'd prefer living in San Fran over Oklahoma City just like Miami over Cle. Add too it having some of the best talent in your profession....may not be my approach but I get it. New generation, new mind set etc.
So, I guess Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, given the epithet "The Big Three," isn't a super team and wasn't formed before LeBron went to Miami?

Your larger point about super teams is valid, but your hatred for LeBron is transparent and clouds your judgment.

Also, what a joke that basketball has a salary cap that you're allowed to break.
They came together in a different manner. Pierce was there and Allen signed on but Garnett was traded there. So there was a big 2 who on their own came together to the Celtics but KG didn't have a choice and really was the biggest piece of that puzzle. LeBron was the first to actively go out an build a super team by getting multiple max contract level players to go to a single team for less money. Like it or not he was the one who started this idea of getting max players to take less in order to play with other max players.
I have to admit my hatred for Lebron on the Heat is more like a dislike for him as a Cav. Still not a fan but he went up a notch in my book these past finals. And I wouldn't call this CLE team a super team. Yes they got Love but Kyrie wasn't a superstar by any means. And Love has been pretty damn average. If they get Wade they are the favorites to repeat next year IMO.