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Wade to the

As great as Pat Riley has been at wheeling and dealing, the Godfather has definitely burned bridges at times. The way he left the Knicks, faxing them his resignation was messy. LeBron won't name any names, but I'm pretty certain it was Riley who told LeBron he "was making the biggest mistake of his professional life" when LeBron decided to return to Cleveland. Look, I understand that Riley wanted some cap flexibility, but with KD out of the picture and no other big name free agents that are game changers being available in the next few years that can turn you into a championship contender right away(maybe Westbrook, but the jury's still out), just pay DWade his money, take the cap hit, and let him retire.

Wade coming to Chicago would have been glorious if it happened 4 or 5 years ago.

Dwayne Wade will go down in NBA history as the third best shooting guard ever behind Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, but you're absolutely right. His best days are behind him. So do they move Jimmy Butler to small forward and have DWade start at the two guard?

Plus you now have the unintentional comedy of Rondo and DWade in the same back court. Wonder if Rondo is still pissed at the arm bar wrestling move DWade put on him a few years back that ended his postseason with the Celtics.

Dunleavy to the Cavs :lol

Ugh...good shooter, but soft. Would have rather resigned Mike Miller. You probably get only 10-15 games out of him, LOL, but he's a better rebounder.
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I've been a Heat fan for 13 years because of Wade. This news is hard to stomach. I'm still in a funk over this and it won't truly settle in until the season starts. Not good times.
Miami is a question mark coming into the season. They have Dragic, Justice Winslow, and Whiteside, who are all players, but have lost DWade, Luol Deng, and Joe Johnson. Factor in the uncertainty over Chris Bosh, and the future is uncertain.

And while Wade didn't come to Cleveland, Cleveland did assist Wade by taking Dunleavy so Chicago could have the necessary cap room.
Wade has been with the Heat so long, it would just feel better if he stayed there for his whole career, like a Stockton/Malone Jazz situation, Bird with the Celtics, or Magic with the Lakers, etc. But from what I gather he's making more money now (more than he deserves IMO), and he's going back where he originally came from. So, it's understandable. I feel for Heat fans, though. I remember the gut punch when Chris Paul left New Orleans for California.
Although I didn't agree with it at the time, the big payout for Kobe Bryant in his last two years was essentially a thank you for services rendered. I was incredulous that the contract would essentially hamstring the Lakers' financial flexibility, but out of it they got three top three picks in Joseph Randle, D'Angelo Russell, and Brandon Ingram.

Dwayne Wade has NEVER been the highest paid player during his entire Heat tenure., so I guess he felt he was due for what he was owed. Two years ago, Chris Bosh was about to bolt for Houston after LeBron returned to Cleveland, but Miami managed to hold on to him ONLY by offering him a max deal, money that could have otherwise been given to Dwayne Wade. I would have preferred to see him finish his career in Miami as well, but it is what it is. For all his wheeling and dealing and machinations, Riley can be a stubborn man.
Yeah, it does make more sense now knowing what was going on behind the scenes in Miami and that Chicago is his hometown. Too bad he has zero chance of winning another title.
Wade has been with the Heat so long, it would just feel better if he stayed there for his whole career, like a Stockton/Malone Jazz situation, Bird with the Celtics, or Magic with the Lakers, etc. But from what I gather he's making more money now (more than he deserves IMO), and he's going back where he originally came from. So, it's understandable. I feel for Heat fans, though. I remember the gut punch when Chris Paul left New Orleans for California.

Malone actually went to the Lakers at the end of his career. I think with Wade it was a case of him not seeing eye to eye with Riley and there being some obvious friction between them. Hey, he had options on the table and he picked the one that worked best for him. He got another $7 million from the Bulls over the same 2 years the Heat offered him and he's coming back to his hometown. It worked out for D Wade.
Yeah, it does make more sense now knowing what was going on behind the scenes in Miami and that Chicago is his hometown. Too bad he has zero chance of winning another title.

This is true. He'll never be a part of another title contender if he remains with the Bulls. Not to mention he's 34 so father time is not on his side. I don't know if that matters to him anymore though. He has 3 rings and is considered one of the best guards of his era. He's set. I think he just wants to play ball for a few more years, keep cashing some fat checks, and play in a place he's comfortable at. That's all good. He's earned that.
Malone actually went to the Lakers at the end of his career. I think with Wade it was a case of him not seeing eye to eye with Riley and there being some obvious friction between them. Hey, he had options on the table and he picked the one that worked best for him. He got another $7 million from the Bulls over the same 2 years the Heat offered him and he's coming back to his hometown. It worked out for D Wade.
That's true about Malone (Gary Peyton also went that year), but it was his very last gasp, and he just wanted to get a ring out of it. I don't feel like Wade is at that point in his career just yet, and the motivations are obviously very different. Having said that, you kind of make a good point about it, in that no one really thinks about Malone as a Laker, or Jordan as a Wizard in the final analysis. Maybe folks won't really think much about Wade as a Bull when all is said and done. Unlike guys like Barkley, Kevin Garnett, Lebron, etc. who will never be fully associated with one team in hindsight.
It's being reported that Miami's final offer was $41.5 million, while Chicago gave Wade $47 million...what looks like a difference of $5.5 million. But with Florida's lack of state income tax, the difference is much less than that. It boils down to Dwayne Wade feeling that he was disrespected by Pat Riley.
That's true about Malone (Gary Peyton also went that year), but it was his very last gasp, and he just wanted to get a ring out of it. I don't feel like Wade is at that point in his career just yet, and the motivations are obviously very different. Having said that, you kind of make a good point about it, in that no one really thinks about Malone as a Laker, or Jordan as a Wizard in the final analysis. Maybe folks won't really think much about Wade as a Bull when all is said and done. Unlike guys like Barkley, Kevin Garnett, Lebron, etc. who will never be fully associated with one team in hindsight.

Pretty much spot on with your observations. Wade will always be remembered for what he did in a Heat uniform. I know he may have a few years of decent ball left in him but with his age and recent injury issues, his best days are behind him. His lasting legacy will always be with Miami.
It's being reported that Miami's final offer was $41.5 million, while Chicago gave Wade $47 million...what looks like a difference of $5.5 million. But with Florida's lack of state income tax, the difference is much less than that. It boils down to Dwayne Wade feeling that he was disrespected by Pat Riley.

Yeah, Wade had to feel there was no appreciation for what he gave to the Heat organization. That's the only real reason for him to just jump ship.
On paper, I'm not sure if any team current or past could beat this GS team.All that talent and the finals mvp still comes off the bench for them....smh.Only chance is to destroy them in the paint and get them in foul trouble.