Maybe I am just being the ******* Warriors fans
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I'd buy that excuse

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Maybe I am just being the ******* Warriors fans
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I'm the opposite....Green is a loud mouth who got lucky with the right team / system. He is far from the best player on the team to be the biggest *********. Westbrook is a jerk but is the best player on the OKC with potential to be even more. The NBA has always been full of jerks (Garnett, Payton, Miller, Iverson etc.) but being the best player on their respective teams I felt the earned the right. Doesn't make it right but for me makes it more tolerable.
Back to back games take their toll. OKC played the second of a back to back last night against GS, now GS has the second of their back to back against the Lakers tonight. Unless something dramatic happens in the last four minutes, GS will lose to the Lakers.
EDIT: Steve Kerr has pulled the starters, conceding the victory. Stephen Curry's consecutive game with a three pointer streak ends at 157 games.
Somebody better have Klay on suicide watch. I've never seen a player look that dejected during a meaningless game in my lifetime. I know he gets down when he's not hitting shots but I swear the man was about to start crying on the bench near the end of the game.
Man the Warriors' interior D is soft as Charmin. But the young guns for the Lakers look really exciting!
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GS has no bench anymore and no interior defense. That was fun to watch. Did West even play last night? He was supposed to be a solid pick up for them. Livingston doesn't look as effective anymore for some reason.