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As an outsider I'm more of a fan of Green than Westbrook. Green always comes off to me as a guy with a permanent chip on his shoulder that will get up in your face because he's not that talented, while Westbrook comes off like a class clown who is never able to maximize his potential.
I'm the opposite....Green is a loud mouth who got lucky with the right team / system. He is far from the best player on the team to be the biggest *********. Westbrook is a jerk but is the best player on the OKC with potential to be even more. The NBA has always been full of jerks (Garnett, Payton, Miller, Iverson etc.) but being the best player on their respective teams I felt the earned the right. Doesn't make it right but for me makes it more tolerable.
I'm the opposite....Green is a loud mouth who got lucky with the right team / system. He is far from the best player on the team to be the biggest *********. Westbrook is a jerk but is the best player on the OKC with potential to be even more. The NBA has always been full of jerks (Garnett, Payton, Miller, Iverson etc.) but being the best player on their respective teams I felt the earned the right. Doesn't make it right but for me makes it more tolerable.

Draymond is funny/goofy though. He is intense, but he's usually having fun. It really comes through on the local media. At times he's an ass, but most of the time he is just goofing. Russ seems upset and depressed all the time....and the bizarre fashion is just so odd to me.

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Westbrook's typically a jerk to media which I have zero issue........Green being a ****** when he is far less talented then toss in the dirty side leaves me less a fan of him then Russ. But both are rich and popular so my opinion matters not to either :)
When I listen to the questions that athletes are given by reporters I often wonder why they all don't get salty with the media. It's like sports journalism 101 says "form what you want your article to say and ask the questions in way that puts words in the players mouth".
To me it's part of the job. You are getting paid millions of dollars, so suck it up. [emoji12]

I know it's been said the OKC players are told that they don't really need to answer questions...or that what the ESPN pundits have said. OKC tries to insulate their players.

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Back to back games take their toll. OKC played the second of a back to back last night against GS, now GS has the second of their back to back against the Lakers tonight. Unless something dramatic happens in the last four minutes, GS will lose to the Lakers.

EDIT: Steve Kerr has pulled the starters, conceding the victory. Stephen Curry's consecutive game with a three pointer streak ends at 157 games.
Man the Warriors' interior D is soft as Charmin. But the young guns for the Lakers look really exciting!

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Back to back games take their toll. OKC played the second of a back to back last night against GS, now GS has the second of their back to back against the Lakers tonight. Unless something dramatic happens in the last four minutes, GS will lose to the Lakers.

EDIT: Steve Kerr has pulled the starters, conceding the victory. Stephen Curry's consecutive game with a three pointer streak ends at 157 games.

I don't think it has anything to do with back to back. GSW just hasn't played well yet this season. That's why I expected OKC to win last night. GSW have only been good in flashes. Otherwise they are playing like a 40 win team.

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Somebody better have Klay on suicide watch. I've never seen a player look that dejected during a meaningless game in my lifetime. I know he gets down when he's not hitting shots but I swear the man was about to start crying on the bench near the end of the game.
Somebody better have Klay on suicide watch. I've never seen a player look that dejected during a meaningless game in my lifetime. I know he gets down when he's not hitting shots but I swear the man was about to start crying on the bench near the end of the game.

That's just Klay. He's way too hard on himself and becomes a head case when he's in a slump. He was basically just like this through the first month or so last season. I wish he was a bit more strong minded and could just shake this off.

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Man the Warriors' interior D is soft as Charmin. But the young guns for the Lakers look really exciting!

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I've watched a couple of the Lakers games so far......typical young team play but their building a nice core. Tonight was fun for certain..
GS has no bench anymore and no interior defense. That was fun to watch. Did West even play last night? He was supposed to be a solid pick up for them. Livingston doesn't look as effective anymore for some reason.
GS has no bench anymore and no interior defense. That was fun to watch. Did West even play last night? He was supposed to be a solid pick up for them. Livingston doesn't look as effective anymore for some reason.

Their bench is pretty much Ian Clark, Livingston, David West, and Iggy....but the plan is to always keep one (or more) of Klay, Steph, or KD on the floor. So to me the bench is really solid offensively.

The team really only lacks one thing on paper, rim protection. But it should also be noted that Bogut was the quarterback of the defense...he was the defensive coach on the floor. He had great communication and was a defensive leader. So, they are going to miss Bogut a lot, especially early in the season. I'm hoping that maybe Draymond can take over that role as the defensive leader.

Unless David West really steps up (or some of the young players), the Warriors are going to be lacking size. I haven't seen much from West so far. If he's able to match his Spurs numbers, then that would REALLY help the bench.

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That was craaazy! :lol But you just had to know that Curry was looking to redeem himself after the atrocious shooting performance from the game before. Boy did he ever. Just hopes this means that he'll start being more assertive with his game and stop deferring to KD as often, at least from the games that I've managed to see so far.

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Some perspective on Russell. Long story short, the media was pretty brutal towards Russ in his career. We all thought Kevin was the more mature guy and always compared Russ to KD. Russ is erratic with the ball at times. The local press has published a few stories that criticized RW's character which led to Russ being more chippy with SOME media here. He had a big fallout with local guy, Berry Trammel here a few years back. Berry wrote a demeaning article and Russ flat out told him that he didn't like him (to Berry's face). Russ is not a talking type of guy. He doesn't BS or anything much. The media generally asks him the same questions about KD and his relationship with KD (started years ago and was a topic each season).

Russ is a good guy but he's more of a now nonsense guy. My biggest criticism of Russ is that he used to (and still does) complain about not getting fouled on numerous plays. He doesn't have time to do that now since he's the go-to guy. I think you can somewhat compare D. Green to RW in the intensity sense. But Greene is really a punk guy who will literally try to hurt other players for gain. Dude also shows his **** to the work on social media, gets some guy beaten up at Michigan State, and the list goes on. RW is not that type of guy.
Watched the end of the third quarter/half of the fourth quarter in the Rockets/Spurs game last night. They don't play defense worth a damn, but Harden is incredible in D'Antoni's system.