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I already gave up on All-Star Saturdays a few years ago, now I'm done with the actual game. What a joke. Who considers every guy getting free drives to the lane and wide open 3's entertainment? I'm glad one of the announcers had the balls to call them out on it during the game too. They used to play D in the 4th, which was borderline acceptable cause if it was a blow out before that, it didn't mean much.
#fanofteam #notfanofgame

I'm a fan of both my team and the game. I lived through 30 years of the Warriors being an inept bottom dweller. Now they are finally good, I'm sure as hell going to enjoy it.

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The Pelicans just scored Demarcus Cousins to team up with Anthony Davis. Wow. Pelicans gave up a 1st and 2nd round pick, and a bunch of players, including Tyreke Evans...who left Sacramento a few years ago.

Looks like the trade was made right after the All Star Game.
don't want Evans back, and never heard of the other scraps they got. Kings management continues to blow hard. They should have either A, gotten a lower tier all star back or gotten a guaranteed top 10 pick for the best center in the league.
it also shows how much of a back stabber their GM is. Publicly said he wasn't gonna trade him and told him face to face he wasn't going to. I don't like Cousins, but have some integrity.
Cousins trade was shocking to me. How could SAC let him go and how could Boston not make a move on him. More so I'm shocked to think of Boogie and AD in the same starting lineup
Boston has nothing to offer, and apparently neither did NO looking at the garbage Sac got in return. Worst management in the NBA.....let Thomas and Cousins go for nothing.
All star game was awful. Thought the dunks were good. You could tell Leonard wanted to buckle down and play defense at first but they all just let players blow past them. But I get that they dont want to expend as much energy in this game due to long season.
Obviously it was a better trade for the Pelicans, and like Azurepred said, a crap deal for Sactown (ESPN reports that Detroit was offering Andre Drummond for Cousins), but does it make New Orleans a contender? On paper, a front court of Anthony Davis and Boogie Cousins is a MONSTER, but is it enough for the Pelicans to seriously challenge in the west? Sure, the Pelicans can beat anyone in one game, but over a playoff series, their lack of wing players will expose them. Maybe their best case scenario is having Boogie and Anthony Davis wreaking havoc in the post and fouling out the entire front court of the opposing team.

Having said that, it was a trade that New Orleans had to have made, since they got Cousins for peanuts. If it doesn't work out, New Orleans can flip him again next year.

Apparently, the best value Sac could have gotten was Andre Drummond from Detroit...but Sacramento declined.

EDIT: Just read that Sac threw in Omri Casspi, too, who, while not an all star caliber player, is a decent wing player and three point shooter. SMH.
while I think the new arena is pretty cool and I'm glad the Kings are still here, this owner/gm has ****ed up this team in any and every way absolutely possible. The owner knows nothing about basketball. He said this Hield guy has Curry potential? Give me a break. I would've taken Drummond in a heart beat.

It's obvious the Kings are tanking again and don't want to give Chicago the draft pick they would've owed them if they landed in that 8 seed of the playoffs. Free agents didn't want to come here to begin with, but when you show your a two face, who is going to come now?
it also shows how much of a back stabber their GM is. Publicly said he wasn't gonna trade him and told him face to face he wasn't going to. I don't like Cousins, but have some integrity.

The GM has to say that. If he says that his player is on the block it hurts team morale and lowers the trade value. That's why Phil Jackson looks so dumb with how he's handling the Melo situation.

The bigger issue is that the Kings basically traded a top ten talent for a bag of potato chips. It will be very interested to see how AD and Boogie play together. I'm not convinced it will be a great tandem (or not as good as it looks on paper), but the Pelicans made the right move to test it out. My main issue is I'm not sure there is anyone in the Pelicans organization who can keep Boogie focused and from his tantrums. I think he needs to be on a team with some solid vets or a team with a great leader like CP3 to keep him in check.

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I'm very surprised LAC didn't attempt to get Cousins. That team doesn't have enough to win, but isn't willing to break up that team at all. I also don't see it working out in NO for Cousins. Their coach is too lax and that team doesn't have a alpha male leader.
I'm very surprised LAC didn't attempt to get Cousins. That team doesn't have enough to win, but isn't willing to break up that team at all. I also don't see it working out in NO for Cousins. Their coach is too lax and that team doesn't have a alpha male leader.

Supposedly Vlade has said he turned down at least one better deal for Boogie. One would assume that was with a Western Conference contender they didn't want to face regularly.

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no I think that was the Drummond deal. We don't know if it was straight up or if Detroit was offering more, but Drummond was part of it. What a stupid thing to admit to your fan base by the way. These guys are laughing stocks around the league.
no I think that was the Drummond deal. We don't know if it was straight up or if Detroit was offering more, but Drummond was part of it. What a stupid thing to admit to your fan base by the way. These guys are laughing stocks around the league.

That doesn't make sense to me, but who knows. If Vlade got a better offer from an Eastern Conference team, it would be a no-brainer. You just avoid trading to a team in your conference or division.

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Supposedly Vlade has said he turned down at least one better deal for Boogie. One would assume that was with a Western Conference contender they didn't want to face regularly.

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admitting to your fan base you turned down a better offer regardless the team.....not like their close to competing for anything so you get the best deal. What morons....