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Warriors scored 116 freakin points. That is their average for the year, and much higher than the average of almost any other team in the league. It isn't like they weren't trying :lol But the Cavs figured out the secret to beating the Warriors--just score nearly 140!
I'm actually glad Cavs won. It shows the Warriors are not this big bad unstoppable juggernaut that no one can beat. If Lebron was the greatest, he should've and could've made this competitive from the start.
I'm actually glad Cavs won. It shows the Warriors are not this big bad unstoppable juggernaut that no one can beat.

Quite the opposite actually :lol

If Lebron was the greatest, he should've and could've made this competitive from the start.

Nah...nothing to do with Lebron's greatness....or any single player for that matter.

It took the Cavs scoring a record 86 points in the first half, 5 guys shooting over 50% from the field, 2 guys shooting over 60% , one guy 100%, Kevin Love shooting 75% from the 3 point line, and the Cavs shooting 53% from the 3 point line and the Warriors still scored 68 points in the first half and they weren't even shooting well with a 28% from the 3 point line. No way the Cavs or any team can shoot that well consistently.

The rest of the league is ****** :lol
Really? I wasn't aware of that.

Are you aware than it takes more than one great player though? :lol

If Lebron was the greatest, he should've and could've made this competitive from the start.

Apparently not... :lol

It'll take more than a single great player playing great in every game to win, which you seem to think that the Cavs losing the previous games has something to do with Lebron's lack of greatness....hence my original post. :wave
Are you aware than it takes more than one great player though? :lol

It'll take more than a single great player playing great in every game to win, which you seem to think that the Cavs losing the previous games has something to do with Lebron's lack of greatness

But they do have More than one great player. Can't use those excuses anymore. This ain't 2007.these players were handpicked by LeBron. And remember "LeBron makes everyone better on his team" so once again this all falls on can't have it both ways.

You can't say when LeBron wins it's because he's great and when he loses it's not his fault - it just doesn't work that way in sports.
And those players aren't always great. If they were, The Cavs would've been +18 points in the 43 minutes Lebron played and minus 12 points in the two minutes Lebron rested :lol

Numbers don't lie. :wave

You realize no matter what feats Lebron accomplishes some will always hate. Best to let them ramble......

I understood your post and it was valid. No team is invincible and it'll be difficult to win a series when the second best team in the league has to play lights out to get a victory. While the outcome will remain the same a Warriors championship, it was good to see the Cavs didn't roll over or quit like the western teams so they don't go undefeated
And those players aren't always great. If they were, The Cavs would've been +18 points in the 43 minutes Lebron played and minus 12 points in the two minutes Lebron rested :lol

Numbers don't lie. :wave

They were good enough to mow down the east to a 12-1 east playoff record. Good enough for him to win a title with the same group last year. Good enough to win game 4 with those incredible amazing once in a lifetime stats you just quoted me. But now they are no good. How Convenient. :lol
You realize no matter what feats Lebron accomplishes some will always hate. Best to let them ramble......

I understood your post and it was valid. No team is invincible and it'll be difficult to win a series when the second best team in the league has to play lights out to get a victory. While the outcome will remain the same a Warriors championship, it was good to see the Cavs didn't roll over or quit like the western teams so they don't go undefeated

Looks that way.

They were good enough to mow down the east to a 12-1 east playoff record. Good enough for him to win a title with the same group last year. Good enough to win game 4 with those incredible amazing once in a lifetime stats you just quoted me. But now they are no good. How Convenient. :lol

Yes, they're the best the EAST. ;)
Lebrons averaging 32/10.5/12 in this series and guarding the other teams best offensive player. What more is he supposed to do? Lebron is going to do his thing, but if the others don't show up and make plays and shots, it doesn't matter if he averages 40+ . The Cavs will lose because Smith, Thompson and the bench will not show up in Oakland.
Garbage's a guess will be a response. A true leader wills (a form of mind manipulation) other grown up professional athletes to perform better.....all the greats do it....duh.

you had a team with best single season win total in NBA history with a two time mvp add "arguably" the second best player in the league (also an MVP) to their roster shifting the balance of power significantly. Yet it's an excuse as the greats would of found a way to over come it.

Why do you guys ask questions to which you know,the answer. :lol