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Is grimlock on SUI watch? Lol jk

I'm like Steph, I'm a front runner and don't come on here when my team sucks balls. [emoji12]

Just kidding, I was asleep during the game because I had to get up super early (2am), and I doubt I will watch the recording. I'm not shocked they lost, but I'm disappointed. I spent the day at a car show, so that distracted me. I wish they were playing again tomorrow (Sunday).

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Totally off topic, but I took pictures of only one car today since it was in a good spot for pictures. I figure some of you guys might be "car guys" like me. The legendary Porsche 959, possibly the first hypercar. There were six 959s there today. If you have $2M to spend, it could be yours....and the crazy thing is this would be one of the more affordable cars at this shop.



Here's a crazy picture from a year or so back at the same shop. Probably half a billion dollars in cars in one picture. The light blue 917 is for sale for $30M alone. [emoji15]


If you live anywhere in the NorCal area, make the trip to Canepa during their monthly Cars and Coffee. It's mind blowing crazy what they have there. Get there super early if you want to display your car.

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I'm like Steph, I'm a front runner and don't come on here when my team sucks balls. [emoji12]

Not sure who Steph is but honest to goodness, I've never seen you in this thread prior to 2015 and you've been a member since 2008, same as me. Now all of a sudden, every post you're like "I've been a GSW fan before California was admitted as a State blah blah blah" like you're trying really hard to convince us (and maybe yourself?) that you're not a front runner. You're more like that Wake goober who was only here during the fat years with the Heat and then when times got lean, he was a ghost.

Maybe your statement was a Freudian slip.
Not sure who Steph is but honest to goodness, I've never seen you in this thread prior to 2015 and you've been a member since 2008, same as me. Now all of a sudden, every post you're like "I've been a GSW fan before California was admitted as a State blah blah blah" like you're trying really hard to convince us (and maybe yourself?) that you're not a front runner. You're more like that Wake goober who was only here during the fat years with the Heat and then when times got lean, he was a ghost.

Maybe your statement was a Freudian slip.

I never really knew there was a NBA discussion on a toy website, so maybe that's why I never posted prior to 2015.

I'm pretty old compared to most of you I expect, and I've been a Warriors fan since the 1980's. It's been mostly depressing being a Warriors fan for the last 30 years, with a few brief cool moments. I'd like to enjoy them now, even if I'm still disappointed in their current play. I don't think they are playing nearly as well as they should and could be playing.

I wasn't even that excited about the title two years ago because I was really annoyed with how poorly I thought they played in the playoffs. After a 30 year buildup, I expected to be more happy with the title.

I guess I really want something closer to perfection from them, and I'm not going to get it. Sweeping the Cavs might have been close.

Not really sure why I am explaining my world view on basketball, but there you go. I have really high expectations in life and in basketball, for better or worse.

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It just come off as entitled sometimes. Regardless of age, I don't know how you couldn't even be proud of the team. It's hard to fathom not being happy with the current GS team.
Post in other threads threads too rather than only posting here or in for sale thread. People might be a little more open with you on some things.
It just come off as entitled sometimes. Regardless of age, I don't know how you couldn't even be proud of the team. It's hard to fathom not being happy with the current GS team.
Post in other threads threads too rather than only posting here or in for sale thread. People might be a little more open with you on some things.

I post sometimes in other discussions, but I'm mostly just read on the Hot Toys figures I collect. I spend most of my online time discussing cars elsewhere...and I only spend so much time discussing stuff on the internet.

I don't really care if people don't agree with me on my feelings. They are my feelings for a reason. I'm into perfection. I'm the type of guy who replays a video game for 1,000 hours until I get it just right. I know I am definitely odd with my views of the Warriors and not being satisfied, but that's how I am. I've seen the Warriors at their best, and they haven't played close to that in the finals.

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And I really don't get the entitled thing. I suffered as a Warriors fan for 30+ years. The Warriors were horrible for decades. I've gone to 20+ Warriors games in my life (none in the last five years), and I am not exaggerating when I say they lost every single game. That's what it was like being a fan for the team that was a laughing stock of the league for decades.

I'm am a Warriors fan for life, for better or worse. [emoji53]

We've had three good runs in my life- Run TMC, We Believe, and today.

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Sounds like I picked the right game in the series to watch (4). I didn't expect this one would be worth watching yawn.

Cavs are shooting incredibly at the half. I have less faith in the Warriors closing out than you guys....

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Cavs are shooting incredibly at the half. I have less faith in the Warriors closing out than you guys....

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Dunno.....I'm not watching. I check score now n then but knew what this was gonna be before series started. I am glad Cle is getting scrappy and not quitting like teams in the west comf did not that it matters.

Set the bar next year for teams to bust em in the chops and maybe Durant and Curry won't make it a season if teams come at them like. Maybe then next year won't be a waste like this season.
Pretty easily ...... I enjoy the game more than a player or team. I root for Cle as they are somewhat local but I don't live and die by their success or failure. While I can appreciate what the Warriors are building, it doesn't mean that I like it for the game because there is zero competition which is what makes games exciting. I've posted regularly this season my lack of interest in the the same next year if nothing changes. Not gonna support something I don't like....
Why the hell is Lue playing Deron Williams in the fourth...especially when JR Smith has gone 5 for 5 from three?