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Nah we need Cleveland and GS to load up. Who doesn't want to watch 10+ all star games each season? Plus the pure domination by two teams. Sounds lovely
Nah we need Cleveland and GS to load up. Who doesn't want to watch 10+ all star games each season? Plus the pure domination by two teams. Sounds lovely
That's great, but you forgot one thing: the juggernaut known as the Pelicans! The other teams don't stand a chance.

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I hope Carmelo goes to Cleveland. And I hope Blake griffin goes to GS. Let's just have two teams in the league and let them play 82 times.

Blake Griffon to the Warriors? How is that going to work? They don't have any money to pay him.

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Byron Scott today on the Eastern Conference, "Well, the Eastern Conference is crap..."

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At the risk of sounding like a LeBron apologist, I can see where he's coming from. It's all how you interpret "super team".

KD joined a team that won 72 games the year before and lost the NBA Finals in seven games. They had a reigning two-time league MVP in Steph Curry, and three All Stars in Curry, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green, and the NBA Finals MVP the year before in Andre Iguodala. KD was the league MVP in 2013-2014, and is a four time scoring champion (Steph was also the scoring champion in 2015-2016).

LeBron joined a Miami Heat team that went 47-35 and lost in the first round the year before. Neither Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh have been league MVPs. Dwyane Wade was the Finals MVP back in 2006.

So, in summary, this year's Warriors team had the last two league MVPs, four all stars, three of the best shooters in the league in KD, Curry, and Klay Thompson, and former finals MVP in Iguodala.

It's subject to interpretation. OF course, I think the Miami Heat was a super team...but not to the level of the Golden State Warriors.

I said it once and I'll say it again. If leboner hadn't popularized the super team idea the league wouldn't be the mess it's in now, including seriously preventing him from winning another title the rest of his career. lbj has what 3-5 prime years left? If gsw stays in tact they'll run circles around that time line.

Basically lbj is the Marconi of his era-someone took his idea and ran with it and now he's dealing with the consequences.
I said it once and I'll say it again. If leboner hadn't popularized the super team idea the league wouldn't be the mess it's in now, including seriously preventing him from winning another title the rest of his career. lbj has what 3-5 prime years left? If gsw stays in tact they'll run circles around that time line.

Basically lbj is the Marconi of his era-someone took his idea and ran with it and now he's dealing with the consequences.

How is the league a mess when they have the most viewers during the finals in over twenty years? The last time the NBA had this many viewers, there was another "super team" rolling too. So evidently super teams are good for the NBA.

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How is the league a mess when they have the most viewers during the finals in over twenty years? The last time the NBA had this many viewers, there was another "super team" rolling too. So evidently super teams are good for the NBA.

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Because no one wants to see the same teams compete and/or win year after year after year. You think the league will get the same ratings cavs vs gsw part 8? And if you peel back the onion the regular season and playoff ratings were lackluster.

So yeah the finals were a nice cash grab this year but that was what 5 games? What about the other hundred games worth of lost revenue due to declining ratings? And the only reason this years finals were so high is because of the Durant novelty. That ish will wear out real fast. You can only see the same show so many times before the audience will tire from it. Even the league's own commisoner has said having super teams isnt good for the league.

Sorry to burst your blue and gold bubble.
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Because no one wants to see the same team win year after year after year. You think the league will get the same ratings cavs vs gsw part 8? And if you peel back the onion the regular season and playoff ratings were lackluster. So yeah the finals were a nice cash grab this year but that was what 5 games? What about the other hundred games worth of lost revenue due to decling ratings? And the only reason this years finals were so high is because of the Durant novelty. That ish will wear out real fast. You can only see the same show so many times before the audience will tire from it.

The last final with more people watching was the final title run of the Bulls. So, people back then were happy to watch the Bulls dominate and win year after year (6 titles in 8 years). So while I see lots of people complaining online, it looks like the public viewers seem to prefer to watch dominating teams winning year after year after year. I know I wasn't the biggest fan of the Bulls title runs, but the public seemed to like watching. The patterns seems to be holding true today.

I think the people complaining may be a small minority. Or maybe dominating teams just bring in more casual NBA viewers. There seems to be a definite statistical correlation between dominant teams and high viewership.

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The last final with more people watching was the final title run of the Bulls. So, people back then were happy to watch the Bulls dominate and win year after year (6 titles in 8 years). So while I see lots of people complaining online, it looks like the public viewers seem to prefer to watch dominating teams winning year after year after year. I know I wasn't the biggest fan of the Bulls title runs, but the public seemed to like watching. The patterns seems to be holding true today.

I think the people complaining may be a small minority. Or maybe dominating teams just bring in more casual NBA viewers. There seems to be a definite statistical correlation between dominant teams and high viewership.

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I guess there's just no getting through to you.
I guess there's just no getting through to you.

I hear you just fine. I'm just saying that the NBA isn't ruined according to the number of people viewing. It's booming. You may not be pleased with the product, but it's doing the best it has done in over twenty years.

Rachel Nichols did a nice talk about this today. She explained that people these days feel like they need to complain about anything. She questioned why fans wouldn't want to witness excellence. She went on to explain that while fans are complaining online, that the NBA today is the most popular it has been since MJ retired a 2nd time. She also said it would be very interesting to see what other teams do to try to match the Dubs in the upcoming years. I really agree with this. I love analyzing off season moves.

I ask you this - If the NBA is the most popular in 2017 since 1996, how can the NBA be ruined? Or is popularity not a factory for you?

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Well first off I would hardly call Rachel Nichols a reliable source. Second there is thing called a bubble. You can only push a sub-par product so long before fans will turn up their nose. Again you point to a 2-week Finals spike in viewership while completely ignoring the previous 6 month dip in viewership. Again I point to the commissioner himself saying what's happening to the NBA is not a good thing, though there isn't much he can do to stop with CBAs and owners potentially roadblocking any changes. Finally, ostensibly popularity isn't necessarily a telling sign that the product is quality. Name me the top selling music artists currently or in the past 15 years?. Whats the top grossing movie of all time? Would you say those answers are indicative of a quality product?

I know the Warriors are "your team" but let's take a step back and look at the health of the league for a moment? Are there any non-Warriors fans that really enjoyed this season?
It isn't about dominance so much as the lack of competition. If GS wins the next three so be it but the truth of the matter is only 2 big stretch saying 3 teams legitimately had a shot at the finals the last couple of years and the future looks even less interesting. At this point 2-3 true contenders in each conference would be welcome as it'd adds suspense to the game. Saying Boston, Toronto, Clippers, Spurs etc are true contenders at this point is laughable.....the league is Cle and GS which makes the regular season a yawner and the playoffs equally unappealing. That model isn't substanable and sweeps in the playoffs and finals doesn't bode well for TV deal thus Silver not enjoying what's happening either.
Blake Griffon to the Warriors? How is that going to work? They don't have any money to pay him.

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How are they going to afford Curry, KD, Iggy, Green, Thompson, etc? They all take pay cuts. That's exactly what they are doing now.

And using one factor to generate a summative outcome isn't accurate. Statistical variance of finals ratings is probably smaller than you think in terms of predicting true popularity scores (currently). Go back and look at the whole picture and patterns. Look at attendance numbers, revenue produced by advertisements, each teams jersey sales, ratings for TV matchups in prime time. All of those numbers are down over past 5 years. Trend continues.
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