Blue Flame of the West/Mod
This is going to go on all day, isn't it?
I think so, too.
It's too bad they didn't give the PG members an advance window of opportunity to cut down on the crowd.
This is going to go on all day, isn't it?
Either they've reconfigured something or many have given up already because I can refresh quickly now...
No, we can't...Some of us can't sit here all day and refresh.
My email goes to my home address and I have a rule setup to forward it to my work address, so the extra time is going to kill me! Especially with only 75 Glori's being up for pre-order, so if the email comes in, somebody PM the links... please... pretty please!
I will try but I have a feeling with 75 of them in the time it takes me to get you the links they will be gone.