GI JOE 30th Anniversary

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Same here walmart has 3 pegs and its loaded with Renegades Cobra Commander. I already have one and Im at the point I see it so much I might buy another one just for the hell of it. Waiting on seeing some of the newer guys...
My little nephews and niece are nutty about the Angry Birds dolls for Christmas. I couldn't believe they were so into them. Them and something called "Annoying Orange" which was, indeed, annoying as ____.
The Joe sections around here are barren. My local walmart did away with the 3 Joe pegs we had this past season and replaced it with a 4 ft Angry Birds section :cuckoo: :monkey2

Well consider one peg a blessing. I have yet to stumble upon a Wal Mart carrying any joes. All lame transformers or SW and the only spot carrying anything Joe related is Zellers (like a Target). And they havent even began on the 30th anniversary waves. They do have a ton of overpriced Skystrikers which will never sell.
Well consider one peg a blessing. I have yet to stumble upon a Wal Mart carrying any joes. All lame transformers or SW and the only spot carrying anything Joe related is Zellers (like a Target). And they havent even began on the 30th anniversary waves. They do have a ton of overpriced Skystrikers which will never sell.

:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly: I'm wondering if it's some anti-military BS. :monkey1

I have to got to Target as well and it's usually Frosty Destro or sunburned Zartan, though Renegades CC is making a push for lead pegwarmer. :lol
Well consider one peg a blessing. I have yet to stumble upon a Wal Mart carrying any joes. All lame transformers or SW and the only spot carrying anything Joe related is Zellers (like a Target). And they havent even began on the 30th anniversary waves. They do have a ton of overpriced Skystrikers which will never sell.

LOL at anti-military..thats rubbish.

I found lots of joes at Walmart last year and just the other day i noticed Super Walmart near me stalked the Jungle BAT wave and they used to have lots of the new HISS tanks and Snow Cats, stocked atleast two to three pegs of 25th ani and got most waves.

Actually, Walmart Missisauga had a load of SkyStrikers going for $20 and i'm sure they are gone now so, i guess select locations did get them.
LOL at anti-military..thats rubbish.

I found lots of joes at Walmart last year and just the other day i noticed Super Walmart near me stalked the Jungle BAT wave and they used to have lots of the new HISS tanks and Snow Cats, stocked atleast two to three pegs of 25th ani and got most waves.

Actually, Walmart Missisauga had a load of SkyStrikers going for $20 and i'm sure they are gone now so, i guess select locations did get them.

Are you saying your Walmart actually got the Jungle BAT wave back in?!?! :horror I never found these at a store and I need about four-five of these figures. If so, this is good news...maybe other Walmarts will be putting these out as well.
LOL at anti-military..thats rubbish.

I found lots of joes at Walmart last year and just the other day i noticed Super Walmart near me stalked the Jungle BAT wave and they used to have lots of the new HISS tanks and Snow Cats, stocked atleast two to three pegs of 25th ani and got most waves.

Actually, Walmart Missisauga had a load of SkyStrikers going for $20 and i'm sure they are gone now so, i guess select locations did get them.

Different countries, bud. Different countries = different politics. Hell, here different states = different politics. I've been border to border in CA and hit as many of the Wallyworlds as I can looking for Joes and the Walmarts are empty (the ones I've visited).
Actually, Walmart Missisauga had a load of SkyStrikers going for $20 and i'm sure they are gone now so, i guess select locations did get them.

Weird. Skystrikers here are $44.99 :lol Needless to say they've been making the shelf look full since November.
Mine is still carrying the Jungle BAT wave. About 4 CC on the peg (Ive already bought 2) 3 Blowtorches a couple Hawks, and they regularly restock the Cobra Scout vehicle and the cycle armour..which my collection is full of now.

The kids here just dont seem to appreciate an awesome toy line when they see one I guess...
Th only Joe stuff in Zellers in my city are the Hasbro 12" stuff. Can't find Joes anywhere else, though I may try to hit up the local Toys "R" Us. Haven't been able to get out there yet.
Th only Joe stuff in Zellers in my city are the Hasbro 12" stuff. Can't find Joes anywhere else, though I may try to hit up the local Toys "R" Us. Haven't been able to get out there yet.

I wouldn't make a special trip for it. They have very little in the way of Joes too (atleast from my experience). Check out if only in the neighbourhood. I've had better luck with their online store.
Weird. Skystrikers here are $44.99 :lol Needless to say they've been making the shelf look full since November.
Mine is still carrying the Jungle BAT wave. About 4 CC on the peg (Ive already bought 2) 3 Blowtorches a couple Hawks, and they regularly restock the Cobra Scout vehicle and the cycle armour..which my collection is full of now.

The kids here just dont seem to appreciate an awesome toy line when they see one I guess...

Jungle BATs and Cobra Scout vehicles in abundance? Any chance I can hassle you to pick me up some? :D
So I picked up a Hazard Viper yesterday because, well, there was nothing else to buy... Kinda shocked, it's a pretty damn cool figure. I know it's just a repaint for some ROC crap, but still a pretty cool for 7 bucks.
I was at the Mart yesterday and still nothing...a few pegs of Joes and its all renegade CC's and and some renegade snake eyes. I might pick up another hazard viper for the hell of it.
If anyone needs a Steel Brigade figure, I got an extra one with my case I got my BBTS today (sure beats seeing if Wally will ever get these in). Also have an extra renegades Scarlett and Ripcord.

Zombie Vipers = :drool
Renegades Storm Shadow...

What's his story...and why are all the kids going bonkers and price gouging him?

Is he really worthy of all the hype?
I don't think he is in many cases, he wasn't in mine I got from BBTS. He would have been a smarter choice than the Steel Brigade buy at least that helped Nam out :D