GI JOE 30th Anniversary

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target had it on sale the other day and i still couldn't pull the trigger on it. kind of wish i had though. wish they would re-issue the rattler again. the front landing gear broke on my 25th version the other day.
Was sooo tempted to grab the Sky Striker at Zellers the other day but, i got no room for that sort of thing and well its $45.

You might regret that decision. I grabbed a couple because I missed out back in the day and didn't feel like paying ebaY prices when my son gets old enough to play with them and wants one. :lol
The F-14 is my all time fav jet design, yea i might go back and grab one. XD
Keep in mind though, that they've altered the cockpit design to a single seater. :(

Hmm, didn't the original cartoon sporadically change the seating configuration back and forth between one and two? Assuming I'm remembering that correctly it could be cool that this new version would match up with the single seat design.
target had it on sale the other day and i still couldn't pull the trigger on it. kind of wish i had though. wish they would re-issue the rattler again. the front landing gear broke on my 25th version the other day.

ooh bummer, that is going for a good amount now, I remember when they were in abundance.
Hmm, didn't the original cartoon sporadically change the seating configuration back and forth between one and two? Assuming I'm remembering that correctly it could be cool that this new version would match up with the single seat design.

I wasn't poking at accuracy, just pointing out that they've modified it from the original release.
Looks like there are Rattlers in the upcoming movie, so I'm sure it will reappear in some form (probably not in the classic Cobra Blue, though).

I had two stolen from my storage unit last year.
With a simple headswap, you can make awesome Zombie Troopers too!

zero, awesome pic!

made rthe rounds this morning but nothing new. just a ton of renegades fireflys, dukes and snake eyes.
Damn...I cant find those cobra troopers anywhere. My walmart never has anything...just a bunch of renegade snake eyes and CC.
I believe they were from the Renegades cartoon, Cobra experimented with their own troopers...I think, been awhile...I just remember those long arm thingys in the cartoon.
I believe they were from the Renegades cartoon, Cobra experimented with their own troopers...I think, been awhile...I just remember those long arm thingys in the cartoon.

Using "Viper" by itself threw us for a loop (we thought you meant regular Viper zombified). But you're right:

