GI JOE 30th Anniversary

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Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I really can't get enough of these! I'm anxious for wave 7, especilly the Viper. Gonna have to get a few of those. The best thing about about Joes is that the dio possibilities are endless!


Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I'll probably pick up this Duke. The art looks sweet and it depicts him from the opening of the animated movie. Duke grabbing the flag and flying up to the top of the Statue of Liberty as the theme song swells is the pinnacle scene of the 80's animated Joe IMO. Too bad they stuck a helmet on him but he still looks sweet.


V3 Snake Eyes looks badass too, this is actually my second favorite look for him:

Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I imagine the helmet on Duke is removable, the first one was afterall and I'm sure this is just a repaint with different accessories.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

That 89 SE looks pretty damn close to the original. I take it the chest blades are removable this time around?
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

yup. they said they are and if you look close you can see what apears to be a peg that they stick on.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I've seen Dorman's name mentioned in the context of GI Joe before. The "Complete Guide To GI Joe" implies that he drew concepts for some of the figures. Is that the extent of his involvement or is some of the card art actually his work as well?

If you ever see him in person ask him about the Night Viper art he did for Hasbro.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

well... with a little bit of looking, I've found out how hard Snake eyes with timber is to get.
Never had him as a kid, allways wanted that one....
So now my quest begins. Anyone willing to help me Get ahold of a visored snake eyes and his Wolf Timber?
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Lerath, try KB Toys if you got one around...some people never expect them to have 25th Anniversary.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

prolly gonna have to
been looking lately , got a bid in on one that ends in a few days, prolly gonna get outbid.
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Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

You could buy a loose one if you're going to open him anyways.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

i'd prefer him loose to be honest, makes me feel less bad about opening him.
But again, I've got to FIND him first :)
if you happen to have a sorce for one, I'd precieate it :)
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Went out a hunting today. Is stalker rare? He's the only one i was able to find besides serpentor ( HIs paint looked like balls, I'll wait for the one comming with his charriot, who knows, perhaps he'll be the retro design, but if not, I'd still rather have the sled) and LOADS of cobra troopers.
TBQH I don't even remember stalker from the TV show. I was more a child of the cartoon, so I'll be getting the ones i remember from the cartoon, an d the ones i had and loved as a kid.
Wish they would do more of the two-packs, And not just make them re-packs of existing figures, or re-paints. I'd not mind getting ahold of Doc.
Anywho, I got lucky, and found the Joe 5-pack launch set. gets me a comando snake-eyes, and a few others i watend ( Scarlet, Duke) So I'll keep looking for the visored version i guess.